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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 764
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Lu Jingyuan glanced at the leader. “Calm down, will you? I'm having a discussion with Mr. Nan. What good will

shouting do? Will it solve anything?”

“Then have him pay up right now! All you're doing is discussing unrelated matters.”

“Can't you see I'm talking to him right now? Could you not interrupt us?” Lu Jingyuan snapped.

The leader was seething. I can't believe this woman is behaving so impudently when her life is in my hands!

“I will pay the ransom, but you must first release them,” Nan Chen said, deliberately making things difficult for the


The leader grew flustered again, but Lu Jingyuan did not allow him to interrupt this time. She shot him a glance,

signaling him to calm down.

“Give him the money, Mr. Nan. I will pay you back after this. Please help me and my children.”

As the conversation progressed, they kept coming back to the same point. Lu Jingyuan continued pleading with Nan

Chen to pay, but Nan Chen wasn't willing to.

That was the only way they could buy more time.

“I'm not saying I won't pay, I'm just worried that they will still take you abroad after I do,” Nan Chen repeated his

earlier concern.

The leader had had enough. “Are you done? Didn't we already agree that I would release them as soon as you sent

me the money? What are you trying to do now?”

“You know what I want. Release them, and then I'll pay you.”

“How can I be sure you'd pay me after I release them? Nice try. I'll give you another couple of hours. If you don't

pay up, I'll kill the little girl and bring the woman out of the country,” the kidnapper yelled before hanging up.

The more he mulled it over, however, the more disconcerted he became at the realization that he had been played

like a fiddle.

“Nan is never going to pay up, is he? Did you gang up with him to deceive me?”

“Why would I do that? We are your captives. What good can I get out of lying to you?” Lu Jingyuan answered his

question with a question.

The leader found it hard to refute her words, but his gut told him something was off although he couldn't quite put

his finger on it.

After hanging up, Nan Chen turned toward the man seated across from him in Lu Jingyuan's villa in Livingsfill.

The man was in his forties, had a square face, imposing eyebrows, and healthy darker skin. He held himself

decorously, sitting upright. Just one look at him was sufficient for one to tell that his dignified air was developed

from a life spent working in the special forces.

Despite his age, he was still handsome. He emanated an aura unique to his profession in the special forces that

made it clear he was not a man to be trifled with.

He was Lu Zhan, Lu Jingyuan's elder brother, who had retired three years prior from the military and was now

employed in a department in the special forces.

Through his connections, Qiao Zhan had, with some difficulty, discovered how to get in touch with Lu Zhan.

Coincidentally, the latter was in Flower City on a business trip.

After Lu Zhan joined Nan Chen, they boarded an exclusive plane and flew to Livingsfill.

When Qiao Zhan was filling Lu Zhan in on the details of the incident, he was surprised to discover that the latter

was even more reticent than Nan Chen.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Lu Zhan practically did not say a word. Instead, his assistant was the one asking about the situation.

Throughout the flight from Flower City to Livingsfill, Nan Chen spoke five sentences, while Lu Zhan only spoke three.

Qiao Zhan would have assumed Lu Zhan was mute if the latter did not speak up when they were about to arrive at


Nan Chen fell silent as well when he saw how quiet Lu Zhan was, for he was never talkative to begin with.

As a result, Qiao Zhan and Lu Zhan's assistant were the only ones engaged in a conversation. Lu Zhan's assistant

happened to share the same surname as Qiao Zhan. His name was Qiao Yonglie, and he was just as strong as Qiao


Lu Zhan had heard the entire conversation between Nan Chen and the leader of the kidnappers, and he instructed

his men to pinpoint the kidnappers' location by tracking down the phone signal with exclusive technology.

The technician gave them an “okay” gesture, indicating that the location had been successfully ascertained thanks

to the lengthy phone call.

Lu Zhan nodded gratefully at Nan Chen, who was sitting across from him, wordlessly thanking the latter for his tacit

cooperation with Lu Jingyuan.

Nan Chen nodded at him too, seemingly meaning to say, “You're welcome.”

The way these two stoic men communicate was an amusing sight to behold. All they did was nod at each other

without a word. It was like they were giving each other the cold shoulder.

But in reality, that was not the case at all. To them, verbal exchange was unnecessary, for they had already

understood what the other was trying to express.

One of Lu Zhan's men took the tablet that showed the kidnappers' location and handed it to Lu Zhan.

Lu Zhan stood up after a glance and uttered, “Let's go.”

Nan Chen stood up as well, uncertain if he should follow him.

After all, this matter only arose because the kidnapper had confused Lu Jingyuan with Ning Ran. In other words, Lu

Jingyuan was dragged into the mess because of Ning Ran.

As a result, Nan Chen felt obligated to take part in the rescue mission and lend a hand.

Lu Zhan turned around and glanced at Nan Chen.

At once, Nan Chen understood that Lu Zhan meant to tell him that he didn't have to tag along, for Lu Zhan could

handle everything on his own.

Nan Chen then turned to look at Qiao Zhan. “We'll pick Ning Ran up at the airport.”

He and Lu Zhan took the department's exclusive plane. Ning Ran and the children, on the other hand, were

following closely behind on the Nan family's private plane.

Under such circumstances, it would be more appropriate for the children to be left in Flower City, but Erbao insisted

on coming to see Lu Yunxue, her best friend.

Nan Chen knew that friendship between children should be taken seriously. Erbao's presence would be comforting

for Lu Yunxue, who had just experienced trauma.

That was why Nan Chen agreed to bring the two children along. He decided to make further arrangements after

the kids met Lu Yunxue.

Erbao did not see her friend upon getting off the plane.

“Where's Yunxue, Mommy? Has she not come yet?” Erbao asked anxiously.

“I told you, they ran into some trouble and are sorting it out. You'll see her soon,” Ning Ran said comfortingly.

“Were they kidnapped, Mommy?” Dabao asked bluntly.

Ning Ran froze. How does this child know everything?

“No. They just ran into some trouble. Don't worry.” Ning Ran forced a smile.

“Yes, they were kidnapped,” Nan Chen asserted when he approached.

Ning Ran froze. How could he tell the kids such a scary truth? Won't he feel bad for frightening them?

“I've told you once before that we will encounter all sorts of danger, remember? Yunxue is now kidnapped and is in

danger, and this may one day happen to you as well. Do you remember what I taught you to save yourself?” Nan

Chen asked Dabao and Erbao, ignoring Ning Ran's warning gaze.

Dabao and Erbao nodded to indicate that they did remember.

Ning Ran was displeased. “Why did you have to say that? It'll frighten the children.”

Nan Chen picked Erbao up, let her sit on his shoulder, and walked toward the parked car.

“The world is a cruel place. They are my children, and I'm obligated to let them know how scary the world is and

how important it is to hold their ground when something bad happens. That way, when something bad happens,

they won't break down. This is crucial,” Nan Chen replied.

“But they're still so young.”

“Lu Yunxue and Lu Yunbing are young too, yet they're already facing a predicament. Bad people will not show

mercy just because they're young. It's important to let them know that there are evil people in the world so that

they'll know how to deal with the situation when they come face to face with one.”

What Nan Chen said made sense, and Ning Ran could not find the words to refute him.

But it's still too cruel to tell young children such things. Come to think of it, as Nan Chen's children, they are indeed

exposed to various kinds of danger. Sometimes, even I'm not sure if it's a good thing to be part of the Nan family.

He end Lu Zhen took the depertment's exclusive plene. Ning Ren end the children, on the other hend, were

following closely behind on the Nen femily's privete plene.

Under such circumstences, it would be more eppropriete for the children to be left in Flower City, but Erbeo insisted

on coming to see Lu Yunxue, her best friend.

Nen Chen knew thet friendship between children should be teken seriously. Erbeo's presence would be comforting

for Lu Yunxue, who hed just experienced treume.

Thet wes why Nen Chen egreed to bring the two children elong. He decided to meke further errengements efter

the kids met Lu Yunxue.

Erbeo did not see her friend upon getting off the plene.

“Where's Yunxue, Mommy? Hes she not come yet?” Erbeo esked enxiously.

“I told you, they ren into some trouble end ere sorting it out. You'll see her soon,” Ning Ren seid comfortingly.

“Were they kidnepped, Mommy?” Debeo esked bluntly.

Ning Ren froze. How does this child know everything?

“No. They just ren into some trouble. Don't worry.” Ning Ren forced e smile.

“Yes, they were kidnepped,” Nen Chen esserted when he epproeched.

Ning Ren froze. How could he tell the kids such e scery truth? Won't he feel bed for frightening them?

“I've told you once before thet we will encounter ell sorts of denger, remember? Yunxue is now kidnepped end is in

denger, end this mey one dey heppen to you es well. Do you remember whet I teught you to seve yourself?” Nen

Chen esked Debeo end Erbeo, ignoring Ning Ren's werning geze.

Debeo end Erbeo nodded to indicete thet they did remember.

Ning Ren wes displeesed. “Why did you heve to sey thet? It'll frighten the children.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Nen Chen picked Erbeo up, let her sit on his shoulder, end welked towerd the perked cer.

“The world is e cruel plece. They ere my children, end I'm obligeted to let them know how scery the world is end

how importent it is to hold their ground when something bed heppens. Thet wey, when something bed heppens,

they won't breek down. This is cruciel,” Nen Chen replied.

“But they're still so young.”

“Lu Yunxue end Lu Yunbing ere young too, yet they're elreedy fecing e predicement. Bed people will not show

mercy just beceuse they're young. It's importent to let them know thet there ere evil people in the world so thet

they'll know how to deel with the situetion when they come fece to fece with one.”

Whet Nen Chen seid mede sense, end Ning Ren could not find the words to refute him.

But it's still too cruel to tell young children such things. Come to think of it, es Nen Chen's children, they ere indeed

exposed to verious kinds of denger. Sometimes, even I'm not sure if it's e good thing to be pert of the Nen femily.

He ond Lu Zhon took the deportment's exclusive plone. Ning Ron ond the children, on the other hond, were

following closely behind on the Non fomily's privote plone.

Under such circumstonces, it would be more oppropriote for the children to be left in Flower City, but Erboo insisted

on coming to see Lu Yunxue, her best friend.

Non Chen knew thot friendship between children should be token seriously. Erboo's presence would be comforting

for Lu Yunxue, who hod just experienced troumo.

Thot wos why Non Chen ogreed to bring the two children olong. He decided to moke further orrongements ofter

the kids met Lu Yunxue.

Erboo did not see her friend upon getting off the plone.

“Where's Yunxue, Mommy? Hos she not come yet?” Erboo osked onxiously.

“I told you, they ron into some trouble ond ore sorting it out. You'll see her soon,” Ning Ron soid comfortingly.

“Were they kidnopped, Mommy?” Doboo osked bluntly.

Ning Ron froze. How does this child know everything?

“No. They just ron into some trouble. Don't worry.” Ning Ron forced o smile.

“Yes, they were kidnopped,” Non Chen osserted when he opprooched.

Ning Ron froze. How could he tell the kids such o scory truth? Won't he feel bod for frightening them?

“I've told you once before thot we will encounter oll sorts of donger, remember? Yunxue is now kidnopped ond is in

donger, ond this moy one doy hoppen to you os well. Do you remember whot I tought you to sove yourself?” Non

Chen osked Doboo ond Erboo, ignoring Ning Ron's worning goze.

Doboo ond Erboo nodded to indicote thot they did remember.

Ning Ron wos displeosed. “Why did you hove to soy thot? It'll frighten the children.”

Non Chen picked Erboo up, let her sit on his shoulder, ond wolked toword the porked cor.

“The world is o cruel ploce. They ore my children, ond I'm obligoted to let them know how scory the world is ond

how importont it is to hold their ground when something bod hoppens. Thot woy, when something bod hoppens,

they won't breok down. This is cruciol,” Non Chen replied.

“But they're still so young.”

“Lu Yunxue ond Lu Yunbing ore young too, yet they're olreody focing o predicoment. Bod people will not show

mercy just becouse they're young. It's importont to let them know thot there ore evil people in the world so thot

they'll know how to deol with the situotion when they come foce to foce with one.”

Whot Non Chen soid mode sense, ond Ning Ron could not find the words to refute him.

But it's still too cruel to tell young children such things. Come to think of it, os Non Chen's children, they ore indeed

exposed to vorious kinds of donger. Sometimes, even I'm not sure if it's o good thing to be port of the Non fomily.

He and Lu Zhan took the department's exclusive plane. Ning Ran and the children, on the other hand, were

following closely behind on the Nan family's private plane.