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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 525
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Hearing Tang Jing's framing put Ouyang Qing in a much better mood.

“If he says that he can't accept me, then you should leave it at that. Don't give him cause to look down on me!

Never mind that Nan Chen doesn't think well enough of me, you can't allow Nan Xing to do that as well,” Ouyang

Qing said.

“Rest assured that no one would be looking down upon you with you being the young heiress that you are,” Tang

Jing replied comfortingly.

“Then when will you go and see Nan Xing?”

“Obviously, the sooner the better. However, I don't have any means of reaching him. Could you try extending an

invitation on your end? Then, I'd go meet with him to try and sound him out.”

Tang Jing was somewhat reluctant to meet Ouyang Qing's gaze when she said this because she was worried that

the latter might catch on to the fact that she was merely using her to get close to Nan Xing.

Truth be told, Tang Jing was merely pricked by her own guilty conscience. With Ouyang Qing's emotions all over the

place, she was really in no state of mind to over-analyze anything.

“I could, but what if he declines to meet?” Ouyang Qing was still a little worried.

“My guess is that he'd agree. Tell you what. Why don't you pass me his contact straight and let me give that a shot

instead,” a cautious Tang Jing proposed.

Initially, she thought that Ouyang Qing would require some time to consider, but instead, the latter assented to it

quite readily.

“Okay, you go ahead and ask him out. At least that way, I won't come away embarrassed should he refuse,”

Ouyang Qing stated.

Pride could very often prove the downfall of many, even with someone as sharp as Ouyang Qing. For the sake of

her own dignity, she had even managed to overlook Tang Jing's obvious designs.

“Okay, then I shall go meet with this Nan Xing on your behalf.” Tang Jing was positively thrilled.

The next day, Tang Jing and Nan Xing convened as scheduled.

It was not like Nan Xing was obliging to just anyone, for he had women in Flower City who were interested in dating

him lining up from end to end. His willingness to meet with Tang Jing stemmed from his understanding that the

latter was the one who drove to lure the paparazzi away from Ouyang Qing.

Nan Xing had seen the photo featuring Tang Jing leaning against the luxury car and found that to be quite intriguing.

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Pretty women were not an uncommon sight to Nan Xing, who had mostly grown weary or even sickened by those

heavily made-up aesthetics popularized by online influencers.

In contrast, a well-read and intelligent beauty like Tang Jing came across to him as much more palatable and


Of course, that sentiment was merely an absence of dislike and a far cry from any degree of fondness.

His agreeing to meet was chiefly rooted in an interest in listening to what she had to say.

On her part, Tang Jing did make a concerted effort to doll up.

She knew she was no breath-stealing beauty, but she understood that her own charisma was where her strength


Hence, she opted to put on glasses in a shade of pale blue, and with her hair bundled up. Decked out in a suit, she

looked less like someone from the entertainment circle and more like a white-collar.

That effectively alleviated Nan Xing's sense of fatigue in his appreciation for beauty—a most astute move from a

doubtlessly smart woman.

“Hi, Mr. Xing. I'm Tang Jing.” The woman took the initiative to greet him. “We've met before, but I'm sure you've

come across too many beautiful women to find me memorable.”

That yielded a positive chuckle from Nan Xing. “I certainly do remember you, Ms. Tang, as you're quite the beauty


“I'm flattered. Thank you for this, Mr. Xing.”

Addressing Nan Xing as “Mr. Xing” was also a groundbreaking move on her part, for most others would generally

address him as either “Master Xing” or “Mr. Nan.”

Although respectful, those were lacking in ty, because being hailed as a “young master” was something that

came to Nan Xing through his familial connections. Literally, any son of the Nan family could be addressed as such.

Along the same lines, “Mr. Nan” was even more commonplace since any male individual with a corresponding

surname could be hailed in this manner.

However, “Mr. Xing” was something else. This was not reflective of a hereditary status and was, in itself, an

affirmation of Nan Xing's stature within the group.

People around Nan Chen hailed the former as “Mr. Chen.” Addressing Nan Xing as “Mr. Xing” was a subtle way of

expressing her regard for him as an equal to Nan Chen per se.

This was, as a matter of fact, keenly sensible. Some things need not be explicitly stated, and subtlety might, at

times, be even more effective in communicating one's own sentiments.

It was like praising one for his good looks; a direct approach would seem extremely lame, insincere, and smacks of


However, if that opinion was to be conveyed tactfully through the use of language that the intended recipient was

able to grasp, then the result could be spectacular.

Anyone would be delighted at being able to decipher the intentions of another. The added perk of receiving a veiled

compliment in the process would naturally increase one's sense of affinity for another as well.

As things stood, Nan Xing's fondness for Tang Jing had been enhanced in no small measure.

“Have a seat, Ms. Tang.” Nan Xing motioned to Tang Jing.

“Thank you, Mr. Xing. Order whatever you like to drink, it's my treat,” said Tang Jing, smilingly.

“I'd usually drink coffee with men, and alcohol with women, so I'm going to opt for alcohol,” Nan Xing informed with

a laugh.

“A pity that this is a café. Alcohol isn't on the menu.” Tang Jing chuckled as well.

“That makes this place unsuitable for conversation then. How about I treat you to lunch?” Nan Xing extended an


“Won't that take up your time?” Tang Jing was pleasantly ecstatic.

“Isn't that precisely what you're here to do?” Nan Xing laughed.

Even though Tang Jing was good at concealing her intentions, Nan Xing was equal to the task of sussing them out.

The eyes were said to be the windows to the soul. No matter how good one's acting was, the eyes would often

divulge the truth.

Nan Xing decided he would give this woman a chance, just to see how far she would go to keep up this charade.

Besides, he was firm in his belief that the purpose of Tang Jing's overture must have had something to do with

Ouyang Qing.

“I'm definitely honored since you are so obliging, Mr. Xing. Being able to dine with you must be the best thing to

happen to me all year,” Tang Jing remarked cheerfully.

That was met by Nan Xing's boisterous hoot. “Well, after you then.”

There was a very decent Japanese restaurant just a stone's throw away from the café, with a pleasant atmosphere

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and fresh offerings.

As Japanese cuisine was lighter on the palate, the requirements for its ingredients were comparatively more


Much unlike spicy hotpot, where the degree of freshness for anything would be rendered indistinguishable once it

had been stirred into the stock.

It was a phenomenon comparable to the internet celebrities these days who would, regardless of the physical

attributes they were born with, turn out more or less the same coming out from the other side of plastic surgery.

However, Nan Xing was not that enamored with these sorts of milder flavors. He primarily chose this joint because

he had thought rather favorably of the sake they served.

Nan Xing was not joking when he claimed to only drink coffee in the company of men and alcohol in the presence

of women.

With men, he needed to be rational, so coffee made sense.

Conversely, he could not afford to be too rational with women. As more impulse and excitement were in order, he

had to imbibe.

Tang Jing, too, was excited for sake.

She was not exactly a habitual drinker because she had to be mindful of the highly educated vibes she was

designated to project as an artist.

In view of that, she could not possibly allow herself to be caught walking out of a nightclub looking drunk and stupid.

Were that to be documented even once, the image she had spent years meticulously cultivating would easily

crumble to bits.

However, it was Nan Xing that she would be facing this day, and to her, he was someone worth getting drunk for.

In any case, being an infrequent drinker did not necessarily mean she was not capable of holding her own.

The only reason she had almost never gotten drunk before was that she did not find many men who were worthy

for her to get drunk alongside.

This man before her, though, was deserving. Regardless of looks or background, he was practically someone who

had previously been beyond her reach.

Not just beyond her reach, but also beyond that of her wildest dreams. Yet today, she could dream and perhaps

with a little luck, go even further than that.