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Bogus Billionaire by Shining Riviera

Chapter 94
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Chapter 94

Raising an eyebrow, Sean stared at her and waited, but she faltered and didn’t continue. Soon, the

waiter came with their food, so Sean

said, “Let’s eat.”

After finishing their meal, Sean and Caroline said their goodbyes. He watched her as she left before he

took his phone out to call Kirk.” Where are you?”

“At the company.”

Kirk had rented a place for his company in a small business district east of town. It wasn’t exactly huge,

so he’d asked Eddy to have the 88th floor emptied so that it could be turned into a leisure area for him

to work out.

When Kirk said that he was at the company, Sean instantly knew what he meant. “I saw your wife


Kirk had been listening to Sean without much interest, but now he froze. His fingers halted, and the pen

in his grasp stopped moving. His expression turned grim.

“We even had something to eat.”

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“Sean!” Kirk warned.

Sean started chuckling. “It was a coincidence. She was here to fix her laptop, and I recommended you.

“What do you think? I’m so helpful, aren’t I? As long as you help her fix it, she’ll start admiring you and

thinking better of you. Your relationship will improve tremendously then.”

Kirk massaged his temples; his face was taut with tension. The scenes from last night replayed

themselves in his mind.

Caroline taking the initiative had ignited the passion in him, but her tears had quenched the fire in him.

She hadn’t been doing it out of her

own will.

“Why aren’t you talking?” Kirk was so quiet that Sean became cautious about how silent it became.

Only then did Kirk slowly say, “It isn’t that simple between us.” Caroline had loved Eddy for eight years,

so how could she let go of him so


Sean laughed inwardly. How were things even complicated between them? He didn’t say it aloud but

instead asked, “Are you sure you

don’t care?”

Just as Sean finished voicing his question, a knock came from the door, and Kirk raised his eyes and

said, “Come in.”

His secretary, Charles, entered the room. Noticing that Kirk was talking on the phone, he stood aside

quietly and waited.

“Speak,” Kirk told him.

Only then did Charles speak. “Mr. Kirk, the registration for the design contest will close soon. Those

brands that we have bought will declare their merger with us on the day that the selection results are


“These are the drafts that they will release to the public on the day of the official announcement.”

He handed Kirk the documents and added, “If there’s nothing wrong with them, I’ll tell them that they’re

good to go.”

After taking the documents from Charles, Kirk’s workaholic mode Immediately switched on. It was as

though he’d totally forgotten Sean’s existence. Sean was used to this, so he simply waited silently for

him to go through the documents.

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However, the longer he went through those papers, the deeper the frown on Kirk’s lace was. Noticing

this, Charles hesitated a little before asking. “Perhaps we should have them redo It?”

Kirk raised his eyes to meet Charles‘. He said, “Delay the registration deadline for the contest by a


“Huh?” Charles was caught by surprise by Kirk’s reply.

“These are fine. You can leave.”

Charles started to say something but noticed that Kirk was already immersed in his work with his head

bowed low. In the end, Charles decided it was best to leave.

“Did something happen?” one of them asked.

The merging of brands was significant, and the dates of all events and activities were decided upon

after thorough discussion.

They had worked their asses off for the past six months or so. Why was the final date for registration

pushed back all of a sudden?

“Mr. Charles, you’re the person who knows Mr. Kirk best. Do you know the reason for this?”

Charles himself was puzzled. After working for Kirk for so many years, he knew one thing for sure–Kirk

never went back on his words. Besides, the merger was particularly significant.

“Everyone, Charles called out, “Mr. Kirk must have his reasons for this. We just need to do what he

says and postpone the deadline for registration.