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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 70
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#70 “It wasn’t a Date.”
Sophia and Evelyn had managed to find a quiet spot on one of the terraces, away from the bustling crowd of the event. Evelyn
leaned against the balcony, her expression sullen, as she sipped her wine in silence.
“Come on, tell me what’s bothering you,” Sophia encouraged, her eyes filled with understanding, aware that Evelyn wanted to
discuss Alexander once again.
Evelyn sighed, finally breaking her silence. “I just can’t wrap my head around why Megan keeps clinging to Alexander. You told
me about your date at the carnival, and...”
“It wasn’t a date,” Sophia interjected with a wry smile, her voice soft but firm.
Evelyn scoffed lightly, taking another sip of her wine. “Yeah, yeah, I know you like to downplay things but come on, it was a date,
Sophia. Bumper cars, beer, and candy? That’s like a classic date scenario. Plus, he confessed his feelings to you, not to her.”
Sophia sighed and decided to set the record straight. “Evelyn, they used to be a couple. Maybe he still has some lingering
feelings for her.”
Evelyn shot Sophia a knowing look, determined not to let the matter slide. Nonsense. He explained that he loves you, protects
you, and helps YOU. And she appears out of nowhere and clings to him like a leech. Did you see how uncomfortable he was
with her behavior?”
Sophia tried to defend her perspective. “I disagree, Evelyn. Alexander is cold- hearted, and if he didn’t like her he wouldn’t be
with her at the auction, nor would he be walking with her tonight. He’s trying on me because after our divorce he found out I’m
Sophia Johnson, the lawyer, not the girl who wants his money from the province.”
Evelyn burst into laughter and shook her head. “Seriously, Sophia? Seriously? You think Alexander, the richest man in the world,
needs your money?” Evelyn says, still laughing. “Girl, that’s bullshit.”
“Maybe not the money, but the status to be with a successful woman, or at least to be sure that I’m not using him for the money.”
Evelein looked at Sophia in astonishment. “Sophie dear, for such a smart woman sometimes the basics get away from you.”
Sophia arched an eyebrow, curious about what Evelyn meant. “What are you getting at?”

Evelyn gave her a playful smile. “Who told you that Alexander thought you were using him for his money? Did he personally say
Sophia paused, reflecting on the past. 11 It was Emily. She answered the phone when I tried to contact him after he served me
the divorce papers.”

Evelyn couldn’t help but grin mischievously. “Ah, that Emily who had me kidnapped, created a whole mess for you, and even
conspired with Alexander’s ex just to keep him with her? Is that the Emily you’re talking about?”
Sophia nodded reluctantly. “Yes, that Emily.”
Evelyn leaned in, her tone laced with sarcasm, “And did it ever cross your brilliant mind that she might have lied to you because
she loved Alexander and didn’t want you in the picture?”
“No...” Sophia replied lost in thought. At that moment, Oliver, the conductor, and Maestro Paus, the renowned musician, entered
the grand hall.
Caroline gracefully stepped forward to greet the two esteemed performers, a warm smile gracing her features. The crowd joined
in, exchanging pleasantries and welcoming the celebrated musicians.
Sophia, however, chose to hang back, giving others the opportunity to pay their respects before she approached. She had every
intention of greeting Maestro Paus once the initial fervor had subsided. As she observed the bustling scene, she noticed that the
two main performers, Oliver and Maestro Paus, were actively searching the room, their eyes scanning for someone.
That someone was none other than Sophia, and when their gazes met hers, their faces lit up with delight. It seemed they were
genuinely thrilled to see her among the guests.
They invited her to join them and she couldn’t refuse them. Everyone in the crowd made room for Sophia to move up to the
stage to greet them.
Sophia finally moved closer to Caroline to greet her as well, offering a warm handshake. As they exchanged pleasantries,
Caroline’s eyes fell on the watch Sophia was wearing, and her expression turned somewhat strained.
She clearly recognized the watch, and it appeared to unsettle her. Caroline, however, didn’t say anything about the watch at that

Amidst the musical chatter and celebratory ambiance, Maestro Paus couldn’t help but express his delight at being part of this
exceptional evening.
“I must admit, Caroline,” he began, his eyes twinkling with excitement, “I accepted your invitation not only because I cherish our
longstanding friendship but also because I heard a particular someone, someone very dear to me, would be gracing this concert
with her presence – Sophia.”
The mention of Sophia’s participation in the concert piqued her curiosity even more. How did Maestro Paus know she would be
here? Had there been undisclosed arrangements? Sophia tried her best to maintain a composed facade, but her mind was
working overtime to decipher the puzzle.
Caroline gestured grandly, capturing the attention of the room. “Ladies and gentlemen,” she announced with a radiant smile, “I

have the distinct honor of introducing someone truly special tonight. Our dear Sophia, a remarkable woman whose passion for
music has brought us all together.”
The crowd’s murmurs transformed into an anticipatory hush, and all eyes focused on Sophia. Maestro Paus and Oliver shared
an intrigued glance, clearly captivated by the enigma that Sophia had become.
Sophia found herself at the heart of this unusual evening, and the mysteries surrounding her presence continued to deepen. She
did not expect at all that she would be called to the stage, much less introduced to all the guests.
Sophia smiled brightly and saw Evelyn in the crowd, who had given two thumbs up in support. This made Sophia laugh, but she
still didn’t understand exactly what was going on. She greeted the musicians once more and got off to go back to her friend.
“What the hell was that?” Sophia whispered to Evelyn.
“I have no idea, but your ex-mother-in -law looks very happy to see you,” Evelyn laughs. Sophia and Evelyn were on the verge of
taking their seats at the table when Alexander ascended the stage.
He addressed his mother with an unexpected display of warmth on her birthday, catching Sophia off guard. She rarely witnessed
such kind words from Alexander. He went on to express his desire to present her with a gift.
Alexander received the gift from his assistant, and Sophia immediately recognized it. It was the same violin he had acquired from
her at the charity auction.

“Mother, I know how integral music is to your life, yet you rarely find time to indulge in it. My gift to you is this violin, and I hope it
will not only bring you joy but also the opportunity to savor music once more,” Alexander announced.
Caroline received the instrument with great care, her fingers tenderly caressing the violin. Sophia couldn’t help but smile, happy
that her violin, aside from contributing to a charitable cause, was now in the hands of someone who would genuinely appreciate
“Thank you, my dear boy,” she said with genuine appreciation. “However, before I have the opportunity to enjoy it personally, I’d
like to invite Maestro Paus to play it. I would be truly honored to experience his genius.”
The maestro gracefully acknowledged the invitation with a bow. Caroline continued, “This instrument was acquired at the charity
auction for a noble cause, and the woman who donated the violin is here among us. Dear Sophia, would you please come
Sophia was amazed by her dual invitation to the stage. She strode up with confidence, her head held high. Caroline greeted her
with a warm and appreciative hug.
“Could we take a picture together? I wouldn’t have received this wonderful gift if it weren’t for you,” Caroline suggested.
Sophia readily agreed, and they stood side by side. However, Caroline then turned to Sophia and Alexander and declared, “No, I
want a photo with the two of you first. You are the reason I have this violin.”
Alexander gently draped his arm around Sophia’s waist, pulling her closer for the photograph. Sophia felt how her breath hitched
at his touch as their images were captured by the photographers.
Caroline’s knowing smile only confirmed Sophia’s suspicion that her ex-mother-in-law was actively trying to reunite her and
Alexander. It seemed she had no intention of letting them remain divorced.