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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 26
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#26 “You Arrived Just in Time.”

Sophia tiredly looks around the room for Benjamin. It has been a long evening, and she is ready to

return to her apartment, have a glass of red wine, and snuggle up in bed. Not seeing Benjamin, she

orders another glass of champagne from the bar and takes the corner seat.

“Hello,” a voice says from a man taking the seat next to her. “I would offer to buy your drink, but these

shindigs with their open bar really damage my pick- up lines.” The man laughs, obviously delighted with

his joke.

Sophia turns to him, offers a polite but dismissive smile, and pulls out her phone to check emails. The

man does not take the hint and continues, “You don’t need to be intimidated. I am just like any other


“Excuse me?” Sophia questions. Moving closer to Sophia, the man chuckles, “Yes, I am THAT Davis


“Who?” Sophia asks, feigning ignorance. She, of course, has heard of the extremely popular celebrity

but is not about to humor his arrogance.

“Oh, come on. I’m Davis Reeceman, star of the action movies trilogy, ‘The Spy Guy.’ I am sure you

have heard of me.” Davis states, irritated that she does not appear impressed. Looking him coldly in

the eyes, Sophia gently replies, “I’m sorry, I don’t frankly keep up with movies.”

“That’s OK, you can come back to my place, and I can give you a private show, “Davis leers, running

his fingers across her bare shoulder.

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Sophia shivers in disgust and says, “I am actually waiting for my date. Then we are leaving.” As Sophia

stands up to leave, Davis seizes her arm, “Hey there, sweetheart, no need to run off.”

“Let go of me,” Sophia states firmly, her patience gone with the rude celebrity. She does not tolerate

unwanted advances and will not allow anyone to disrespect her personal space.

“The lady said to let go of her, and I suggest you do that immediately,” a deep voice says from behind

Sophia. Davis rises, his hands still locked around Sophia’s wrists. “I am sure the lady would rather

leave with me than stay at this boring, old people party.”

Sophia’s wrists are beginning to hurt as she now forcefully tries to pull away from Davis. The stranger,

noticing her struggle, steps between her and Davis, forcing Davis to release his grip from her wrists.

“I can assure you the lady would prefer to stay here with distinguished, mature, affluent individuals than

go anywhere with a nouveau-rich, ignorant, presumptuous child,” the stranger calmly responds.

Davis, aware he is outmatched but unwilling to yield in the argument, raises his voice, “Perhaps you

and I should step outside so this child can teach you how the -rich, or whatever it is you said,

does it.”

Still rubbing her wrists, Sophia is impressed and intrigued by the stranger. Even though he appears

very calm and casual in his appearance and tone, an undeniably intimidating presence oozes from him.

The stranger takes a final step closer to Davis, closing all the open space between the two men. “I will

ask you one more time, nicely, to leave. Then I will forcibly remove you.” His voice carries a steely

edge, leaving no doubt about his intentions.

At that moment, Alexander and Kyle saunter up to a table just a few steps from the ensuing argument.

Sophia can’t help but roll her eyes in annoyance at the sight of Alexander, but his face reflects surprise

and shock as he takes in the situation.

“Michael Bayell, of all people,” Alexander mutters to himself, recognizing the stranger who has come to

Sophia’s rescue. Michael Bayell, his longtime adversary and someone with whom he has a

complicated history.

Alexander and Kyle maintain a cautious distance from the heated exchange as the confrontation

unfolds. Kyle can’t resist encouraging Alexander to take advantage of the situation “What are you

doing, man? This is the perfect chance to show that guy who’s boss and impress Soph with some

razzle- dazzle,” Kyle proposes with a grin.

Alexander pays little attention to Kyle’s goading, except to retort, “Don’t call her that.” He concentrates

on Sophia, whose well-being and safety are his primary concerns.

Meanwhile, Emily, drawn by the raised voices, approaches Alexander. Trying to lighten the tension and

capture Alexander’s attention, she quips, “It isn’t a party unless there’s a fistfight, right?” Kyle chuckles

in agreement, but Alexander remains unfazed, never diverting his attention from Sophia.

Knowing he’s no match for the composed and imposing figure that is Michael, Davis takes a step back

and begrudgingly gives up the fight. “Fine, whatever. She’s not worth it anyway,” he mutters, shooting a

final glare at Sophia before storming away.

Once Davis is gone, Michael turns to Sophia with genuine concern in his eyes. “Are you alright?” he

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asks, his voice soft and caring.

Sophia nods, still feeling a bit shaken but grateful for Michael’s timely intervention. “Yes, thank you. You

arrived just in time.”

With a warm smile, Michael introduces himself, “My name is Michael, by the way.” “Sophia,” she

replies, returning the smile. “Nice to meet you, Michael.”

Concerned for her well-being, Michael gently inspects her wrists in his strong hands. “They don’t look

like they will bruise. That’s a good thing,” he reassures her, rubbing the inside of each wrist with his


Despite not being averse to the touch of this stranger, Sophia still withdraws her hand. She keeps her

eyes locked with Michael’s deep brown eyes. She feels that this person’s accompany will more or less

be intriguing.

“Have a seat,” Michael suggests, pulling out a barstool for her. “I heard you were waiting for your date. I

would love to keep you company until he arrives, if that’s alright with you, Sophia?”

Sophia smiles gratefully and accepts the offer, taking the seat and a fresh glass of champagne from the

bartender. Michael settles onto the stool beside her, ensuring their knees touch slightly as they sit.

Alexander observes the interaction between Sophia and Michael from his vantage point at a nearby

table. He notices the smug smile on Michael’s face and how he gently brushes Sophia’s hair off her

shoulder, all while maintaining eye contact with Alexander.

Alexander can’t help but return the same smug smile with a mix of anger and understanding.

He knows Michael all too well, aware that Michael’s actions were driven not by a genuine desire to help

Sophia but by the grudge he holds against Alexander and his family, a grudge that hasn’t dissipated

with time.