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After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 11
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#11 “You are so Much Better Off Without Him!”

Alexander and Emily step off the elevator, returning to Stone Enterprise. As they ride up, Alexander

finds himself still pondering his curiosity about Sophia Johnson.

Upon reaching their floor, they are greeted by Laura, who stands by the elevator with a stack of papers

in her arms.

“I have what you asked for, Mr. Stone,” Laura says, her voice professional and composed. Alexander

nods to Emily, telling her he will speak with her later, and walks alongside Laura toward his office. Once

inside, he settles into his chair while Laura sits across from him..

“So, tell me, when have Ms. Johnson and I crossed paths during the last five years? There must be

some incident or encounter that led to her acting so abhorrently towards me,” Alexander asks.

Laura hands Alexander a neatly organized spreadsheet showcasing his and Sophia’s schedules over

the past five years.

“As you can see, there is absolutely no overlap between your events and hers during this time. I even

went a step further and explored potential connections through proxies, but again, there’s no evidence

of any interaction.”

Alexander furrows his brow as he examines the report. His attention is drawn to a large black empty

box in the middle of Sophia’s events.

“What is this?” he asks, pointing to the conspicuous void.

Laura leans forward, “Well, it’s rather peculiar. Sophia Johnson seems to have vanished completely

from records for approximately three years. There are no records of any events attended or any other

trace during that time.”

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“That is indeed bizarre.” Alexander’s curiosity piques.

“I did not dig that deep into that time, though, Mr. Stone. Would you like me to utilize some of our

special networks to investigate a bit more?” Laura asks.

Alexander momentarily considers this idea and responds, “For now, let’s put a pin in it. I have more

pressing matters to attend to than the whereabouts of Sophia Johnson.”

“Of course, Mr. Stone.” Laura nods.

“Thank you, Laura.” Alexander replies, his voice firm and resolute.

A few days later, Alexander and Emily arrive at Johnson and Associates Law Firm. They are ready to

finalize the legal arrangements and sign the final contracts. Sophia greets them cordially as they enter

the conference room.

“Good morning, Mr. Stone, Ms. Williams,” Sophia says with a professional smile. “I have all the

paperwork ready and labeled where I need signatures.”

“Great,” Emily responds, her voice filled with a touch of relief, while Alexander remains engrossed with

something on his phone.

Sophia distributes pens to each of them, flipping through the pages and indicating where each person

needs to sign. The process moves swiftly, and once the final signature is marked, Sophia rises from her


“That takes care of it. I’ll have copies sent to you before the end of the day. Shall I walk you to the

door?” she offers.

“I’m sure we can find our way,” Alexander dismisses, his attention still fixated on his phone. He and

Emily exit the conference room, leaving Sophia behind.

As soon as they are out of Sophia’s sight, she releases a deep sigh, relieved that the process is finally

over. She no longer has to deal with Alexander, at least for now.

Alexander and Emily remain silent during their walk to the car. Emily is also relieved that the

proceedings with Sophia are over. Now there would be no reason for Sophia Johnson to be an obstacle

anymore between herself and Alexander.

It’s only when they are inside the vehicle that Emily musters the courage to speak. “Thank you,

Alexander,” Emily says. I’m glad we got this deal done. Now we can focus on our future plans.”

Alexander finally tears his gaze away from his phone, meeting Emily’s eyes momentarily before looking

out the window. His tone is serious as he responds.

“Emily, this was a one-time thing. You are a smart and savvy businesswoman, but if you don’t start

working more diligently, these mistakes will happen again. I cannot, and will not, continue to clean up

your messes. And if you jeopardize my company’s finances, then we will have to part ways.”

Emily tries to interject, wanting to defend herself, but Alexander raises his hand to silence her. She

turns her gaze away, staring out of the car window as the city scenery rushes by. She forces herself to

hold back tears.


Saturday morning, Sophia and her best friend, Evelyn, stroll into Sunshine Cafe after their invigorating

yoga class.

Their bodies still radiate a sense of tranquility as they approach the counter to order their favorite post-

workout smoothies. They find a cozy spot on the sidewalk patio with their refreshing beverages in


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“So, Ms. Sophia, spill the tea. Did you finally get everything sorted out with that bastard ex-husband of

yours?” Evelyn asks eagerly, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Sophia sips her smoothie, savoring the

fruity goodness before responding.

“For the most part. Honestly, Evelyn, I’m just relieved that it’s all behind me now,” she confesses, a hint

of weariness seeping into her voice.

“Cheers to that,” Evelyn exclaims, raising her smoothie cup and clinking it against Sophia’s. “You are so

much better off without him! I’ve never encountered a more egotistical, arrogant, money-hungry man in

my life.”

Sophia nods in agreement, the corners of her lips curling into a slight smile. ” You’re absolutely right.

It’s like he believed he had the right to take everything and leave me with nothing. Disgusting, isn’t it?”

“Seriously, what kind of man thinks that way after three years of marriage? “Evelyn continues her rant,

her voice filled with righteous anger.

“Leaving someone high and dry, thinking he deserves it all while she gets nothing. It makes my blood

boil! If I ever cross paths with that piece of crap, he won’t know what hit him!”

Sophia chuckles at Evelyn’s fiery determination, enjoying her friend’s unwavering loyalty. But as the

laughter subsides, a gasp escapes her lips, and her eyes widen in surprise.

Standing near the tiny railing separating the cafe patio from the bustling sidewalk is Alexander. Dressed

impeccably in jogging attire, he stretches his calves with unwavering focus; his gaze fixed unwaveringly

on Sophia.

“Is it? And how exactly would you hit him?”

With a small smile on his lips and sarcasm dripping from his words, Alexander comments. He had

overheard every word the two women had spoken about him.