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Worlds' Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1413 - Resting room of the Earth God!
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Chapter 1413: Resting room of the Earth God!

“You can communicate with me through [Longing]?” Gu Qing Shan asked in surprise.

“Of course I can, I just didn’t think you’d realise the talent’s capability this late” Fei Yue said.

Gu Qing Shan awkwardly said: “I’m sorry, so many things had transpired that I didn’t have time to think about it before”

“How’s the situation on your side?” Fei Yue asked.

Gu Qing Shan then explained what he had been through to her, omitting the rooster’s words.

After hearing him, Fei Yue instantly asked: “You’ve received the Non-fusion-type World Linking Device? No wonder it was so tough to enter the Wraith realm, so this place was originally the ruins of the Four Gods”

“Four Gods?” Gu Qing Shan repeated.

“Yes” Fei Yue didn’t say anything else, apparently feeling like this was some sort of common knowledge in the void.

——having lived for countless years within the space vortex of the Void, entities like her naturally knew many void monster secrets. historical

She had assumed that Gu Qing Shan was the same, so she didn’t bother telling him anything else.

Fei Yue continued: “We need your help right now”

Gu Qing Shan skipped over his previous thoughts and asked: “What’s your current situation? Where is Crow? When will the wedding happen?”

Fei Yue sighed and answered him dejectedly: “Crow will be getting married to the Wraith Lord in three days—— we had assumed that we would be able to at least try something when we arrive, but we were all escorted in to a large palace that was covered in 49 different Causality Laws manifested into a barrier, unable to escape”

Xiao Die’s voice suddenly came from the other side: “That’s why, you need to come and rescue us”

She grumbled: “If not for this Causality barrier, the wraiths wouldn’t be able to contain us at all”

Gu Qing Shan was surprised, but then quickly realized.

Xiao Die knows about me, so she’s definitely hoping that I’d be able to use the Six Paths Great Mountain sword to destroy the Causality barrier.

—–the same barrier that covers this world!

When I said I wanted to sneak into the Wraith realm alone, Xiao Die also told me about how strict the Wraith realm’s defenses were, as well as the powerful Causality Laws that they utilized.

Lin was also greatly affected by this Causality barrier when she entered the Wraith realm.

A barrier created from pure Causality Laws——-

Have the wraiths’ expertise and grasp on Mysticism gotten so advanced?

While Gu Qing Shan was silently thinking, he suddenly sensed something.

Shing... Shing...

A faint echo seemed to be emerging from inside his body.

This light noise originated from the Coin of the Earth.

At the same time, Gu Qing Shan saw the black thread on his hand suddenly becoming thicker.

The thread pulled on his hand, pointing towards the deeper end of the tunnel.

How strange, what’s going on?

Gu Qing Shan quickly pondered over this.

At this time, the blind nun also spoke up: “But then, there is also the Great Flood, which we cannot fight against—– in reality, if all of us were to disregard it all and fight, we wouldn’t be scared of the Wraith realm or any of the Wraith Lords, it’s the fact that they could control the Unlivable Apocalypse and these Causality barriers that makes them so hateful”

Fei Yue also said: “Gu Qing Shan, Xiao Die told me that you have a sword that could break Laws, could it even break Causality-type techniques?”

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“There is no problem” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Fei Yue’s emotions calmed down slightly as she continued: “Let’s not act rashly for now, we’ll prepare a few more techniques. Firstly to summon you through the Threads of Fate; and secondly, once you’ve broken the Causality barrier, all of us will be ready to flee without leaving any traces for the wraiths to pursue”

“How long will it take?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Two days—— two days later, I’ll contact you again” Fei Yue told him.

“Alright, take care of yourselves then” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Hm, you as well” Fei Yue replied.

The two intertwined black threads were then cut off.

Gu Qing Shan stood still, staring at the black thread that had just gotten thicker.

After thinking for a while, he focused his mind on a certain question.

Where is Lin?

As soon as he thought about it, another black thread appeared on his hand, pointing straight towards the profound dark tunnel.

This thread was a lot thinner, not as thick as the other one.

The thicker thread was giving off an urging sensation.


This Fate-type ability is truly both miraculous and mysterious.

“If that’s the case, I’ll first follow this Thread of Fate to find out what exactly is going on” Gu Qing Shan made his decision.

He flew along the tunnel, quickly arriving at the fork in the road again.

Three paths.

He came out from the left path leading to the white bone platform.

The other two paths led downward and forward.

Since he couldn’t release his inner sight here, Gu Qing Shan could only crouch down to take a look at the downward path.

This tunnel was unusually calm, but it contained soundless wind.

—–this wind was blowing from the end of the path, carrying with it an indiscernible sensation.

Numerous tiny noises were clacking, squeaking, snickering by his ears, but as soon as he focused on the noises, he couldn’t hear them at all.

This sensation was very familiar to Gu Qing Shan, it was almost like——

The sound of innumerable dead people and corpses moaning.

Could it be, this path leads straight towards Huang Quan?


Gu Qing Shan quickly dismissed this guess.

The downward path contained immeasurable despair and death, if it was merely countless dead people or souls, it would be normal to him, and this sensation wouldn’t be here.

Gu Qing Shan shook his head and turned towards the other path.

—–the forward path.

The thread on his hand was leading him into the forward path.

This tunnel was relatively normal.

As Gu Qing Shan stared closely at this path, he felt an unclear resonation appear in his heart.

As if something was waiting for him inside.


If the Four Evil Gods were the ones who constructed this tunnel, what would they have left that would resonate with me?

Gu Qing Shan drew two swords, prepared himself, then began flying into the tunnel.

Unexpectedly, this tunnel wasn’t long at all.

Gu Qing Shan soon reached the end of this tunnel.

A sealed-off wall was blocking his path, some text written in an ancient language was left on the wall:

[Resting Room of God]

The black thread pierced straight into the wall.

The resonation in Gu Qing Shan’s heart was growing increasingly stronger, so he slowly stepped forward.

All of a sudden, a golden ray of light flew out from his chest, hovering in mid-air.

—–it was the Coin of the Earth.

It flickered some light towards the wall, before returning to Gu Qing Shan’s body and vanishing.

A second later, a cold mechanical voice sounded from inside the wall:

[Welcome back, owner of the Coin of the Earth, Earth Pillar among the Four Pillar Gods, Matriarch of Myriad Earths]

Matriarch of Myriad Earths!

Gu Qing Shan’s mind was storming.

Wasn’t the Earth Pillar of the Four Pillar Gods the Earth Creator? Why did this thing say it was the Matriarch of Myriad Earths?

Could it be, this was the ruins left by the Matriarch of Myriad Earths before their defeat by the Earth Creator?

Or rather—–

The true determinant of the Pillar God was actually the Coin of the Earth!

If that’s the case, the real overlords of the Void were actually the four Pillar Gods’ artifacts?

While Gu Qing Shan was still pondering about it, the wall parted ways.

A line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve discovered the Matriarch of Myriad Earths’ resting room]

A flash of light appeared in front of Gu Qing Shan and took him in.

The very next moment.

Gu Qing Shan found himself standing in the middle of a spacious dark location.

This place was eerily silent.

Various terrifying corpses had been bound tightly to the ground by long black chains.

They all had different appearances, their features and characteristics also appeared completely distinct, many of them belonged to different void species that Gu Qing Shan could not recognize.

“Ah...” Gu Qing Shan scowled.

Numerous malicious shadows drifted in front of his eyes, only after he had swung at them with his swords did they disappear without a trace.

These monsters had died for countless years but still gave off such overwhelming presences that they were able to manifest into these shadows.

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It was truly unimaginable how strong they were while they were still alive!

The darkness slowly faded.

Pure white light filled this entire space.

Gu Qing Shan continued to observe the surroundings and found that the monsters weren’t simply being restrained by the chains; there were also various markings on their bodies, some of the monsters were only partially dissected with strange tools still sticking out from their bodies.

This looks almost like——-

A science laboratory!

Could it be, the Matriarch of Myriad Earths was actually a technological being?

Gu Qing Shan recalled the Earth World.

In that world, all supernatural powers couldn’t be used, only technology was present!

This made sense!

The Earth Creator obtained the Coin, the Earth World, and even asked me to resolve a problem that it couldn’t resolve!

Although he was able to confirm this answer, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but feel a bit strange.

One of the most powerful monsters in the Void was actually a scientist, this fact made him a bit disorientated.

The cold mechanical voice from before sounded again, although it was much gentler now:

[You’ve disposed of everything except a single projection and creation]

[Reporting: After you departed, the project you left has been completed and brought into use]

“Which project?” Gu Qing Shan cautiously asked.

[Technological Causality Law Barrier]

The mechanical voice began to present: [Causality Law techniques and weapons have traditionally only belonged to Mysticism. Unwilling to accept this fact, you attempted research through technology, then borrowed the power of the other three Gods to create the artifact ‘Grasp of World’s Infinite Rejection’. Further research on the creation of Causality Law Barriers had been conducted, which had now come to fruition]

“How does technology achieve Causality? Wait a minute, first tell me, how do machines remedy the issue of lacking discernment between Cause and Effect?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[Energy is about to be fully expended, the resting room had faced considerable damage, initiating self-destruct sequence]

[Please immediately retrieve the ‘Twelve Scales Grasp of Duo-faced World’s Infinite Rejection’]

From the void of space, an artifact flew and lowered itself in front of Gu Qing Shan.

As Gu Qing Shan took it, he found that it was a black watch.

The watch had a total of twelve scales, with four of them already lit up and eight of them were still dim.

The mechanical voice sounded again:

[In accordance with your previous orders, once you’ve retrieved these two items, all evidence will be completely disposed of]




[Disposal initiated]

Instantly, everything disappeared from Gu Qing Shan’s vision.

The resting room was nowhere to be seen.

He had returned to the tunnel, but the wall from before had disappeared.

In front of him was now a never-ending abyss of darkness, just like the tunnel after the white bone platform had collapsed.

The War God UI abruptly lit up


[You’ve obtained the ‘Twelve Scales Grasp of Duo-faced World’s Infinite Rejection’, please wear it on your wrist in order to activate its function]