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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 129
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Chapter 129

On the morning of her departure, Clara had her suitcase packed and ready, just waiting for

Emmett’s driver to pick her up.

Before leaving, she look one last look around the room, feeling sentimental

When she first arrived abroad, she thought she might never return home again or perhaps

never see Alden again.

Who would’ve thunk it that things would take such a twist?

She couldn’t quite put her finger on whether this was good or bad for her. She only hoped

that things wouldn’t go south and affect the kids.

“Hello, I’m the driver Mr. Melendez sent to take you to the airport”

Outside, the driver was already waiting for her

Clara closed the door and got into the car.

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Sitting in the backseat, she took out her phone, debating whether to give Elio a call to tell

him she was leaving.

Just as she was hesitating, a call from Emmett came through.

Clara quickly answered it, but instead of hearing Emmett’s voice, it was the childish voice

of Alex.

“Mum! Are you almost here? Daddy and I are waiting for you at the airport, you won’t

stand us up, right?”

Clara chuckled, “I’m on my way! I be there in an instant

“Great‘ Daddy and I will wait for you here.”

Just as Alex finished his sentence, Emmett took over the phone. “There might be some

traffic at this hour, don’t rush and stay safe.”


“Aiden already knows we’re returning, he was so excited he couldn’t sleep all night! Clara,

you have a way with Aiden.”

Clara laughed awkwardly

Her son, of course, would like her! It would be strange if he preferred someone else!

“We’ll talk more when we meet, I’ll be waiting for you.”


After hanging up, Clara looked at her phone screen and chuckled.

Although she still had a lot of things to hide from Emmett and didn’t know how to tell him,

at least for now, this choice seemed to be the right one.

Both kids were happy, and Emmett seemed to enjoy his life too, as for herself.

She didn’t have a particular crush, so it didn’t matter who she was with.

Finally, they arrived at the airport.

The driver helped her with her luggage and personally escorted her to Emmett.

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Before Emmett could say anything, Alex ran over to Clara, opening his arms for a hug.

“Mum, hug!”

His affectionate behavior made Clara a bit nervous.

After all, if Alex was too close to her, it might arouse Emmett’s suspicion.

She glanced nervously at Emmett, who stood there smiling, seemingly not suspecting

anything. Only then did Clara bend down to hug Alex, whispering, “Don’t be too

affectionate with me in front of your dad, he might get suspicious! Alex, you need to cool

it a bit.”

Alex blinked, pouting. “So I can’t even hug you when I see you?”

“I didn’t say that, just not for a while. And when we get back home and see your brother

Aiden, watch your behavior, don’t let anyone see anything fishy! The Melendez family is

not just Emmett but also your grandparents!”

“They’re nice to me!” Alex blurted out.

Clara was just short of covering his mouth, “Alex! Watch what you say!”
