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Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 12
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Chapter 11

He said a bit nervously, “I don’t like reading!”

“Too much gaming will mess you up”

Sophia suddenly showed up to defend her son, “Emmett, Alex is finally becoming cheerful.

Why are you still so harsh on him! He’s just a kid, it’s normal for him to love playing!”

Emmett frowned and walked away.

Alex carefully looked at his grandma, pouting, “Did I make dad upset?”

“Don’t worry about him! Look at you; you’re so happy today. I’ve never seen you this

cheerful since I’ve known you!”

It’s like he became a different person!

“Do you prefer the happy me or the old me, grandma?”

“Of course it’s the current you! Good boy, grandma always worries that my love is not

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enough and that it might stress you out. You’ve grown up without your parents, that’s my


Upon seeing Sophia’s teary eyes, Alex quickly reached out to hold her, “Don’t cry,

grandma! So what if I didn’t grow up with my parents? You can just bring my mom here,

right? Then we can all be together!”

“You’re still little. There’s a lot you don’t understand!” Sophia sighed, “Back then…it was

all my fault! I messed up!”

Emmett returned to his study. There were a lot of documents to process, but when he saw

them, all he could think of was that woman.

Who was she? Who was the woman he saved? What was the connection he felt? Why

wasn’t he repulsed by them?

The more he thought, the more painful his headache he got. He stood up and randomly

threw his tie onto the bed.

Suddenly…his phone rang!

Emmett walked over to see. It was an unfamiliar number. He hesitated for a moment

before answering.


“Hello, is this Mr. Emmett?”

With just one sentence, Emmett recognized the voice! It was the woman he had saved!

“How did you get my number?*

“Ask the Mr. Matt beside you.” Clara’s voice was a bit noisy, “I’m on my way to the

Melendez Group now. Can I meet you?”

“You want to see me?”

“Yes! I think it’s better to discuss face to face about how to pay you back!”

Emmett softly said, “No need.”

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“That won’t work! I can’t just take your money for no reason! You saved me, and I’m

already very grateful! I must repay you. It’s just that it will take a long time. I might need

to pay you in installments! So I wanted to discuss with you how to do the installment.”

Huh, seemed like a determined woman.

Emmett’s eyelids twitched slightly. “Eighth floor, come straight up.”


After hanging up, he looked at his phone screen, and suddenly felt that he had been a bit

off recently! Every time he faced this woman, he acted out of character!

“Clara, Clara…”

Emmett’s lips moved slightly, just then Matt knocked on the door from outside.

“Sir! Taylor wants to see you”

Taylor? Emmett squinted his eyes. His fingers habitually twirled his signet ring.

“Have him wait for me in the founge Perfect! Clara was also coming over today! He really

wanted to know what the relationship was between Clara and Taylor!