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Triumph Above All novel

Chapter 843
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Chapter 843 How Could This Have Happened?

Skylar was ready to get out his phone and call Dianne as he said this.

"Mr. Stone, it's just the five families of Ruritania City. You don't have to bother yourself. Give us a chance to show

our abilities," Walter said hastily.

"Yes, yes, give us a chance to show off our abilities."

Dudley took out his phone as he said this.

Other high-ranking officials who came to congratulate the listing ceremony took out their phones and phoned their

aides or secretaries.

Despite the fact that Ruritania City was not their home turf, all of Alejandro's and others' enterprises were listed on

the stock exchange.

It was like snatching sweets from a baby with over a hundred people joining forces to attack multiple companies.

In a matter of minutes, Alejandro's and others' phones were flooded with calls from their individual secretaries.

"Chairman, something significant has occurred: the group's stocks have been maliciously sold off, resulting in a

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sharp decline; if this continues, it will cause panic selling among shareholders."

"Old master, our Rainbow Group's futures were suddenly bought and sold aggressively by a private equity firm, with

abnormal trading volume, and it was immediately suspended by the Stock Exchange!"

"Family head, our logistics company, with over 500 transport vehicles, has been detained on the way to Cloudtopia,

claiming non-compliance, and the duration of the detention is unknown."



Like landmines, one terrible news article after another caused Alejandro and others to see stars.

Remote attacks targeted every single company in the five major families.

If emergency measures were not implemented in a timely manner, it would not be enough to wipe out their

families, but it would create significant harm and tremendous losses.


Alejandro's and others' hearts were filled with rage.

Their eyes became bloodshot when they looked at Skylar.

They wanted they could bite a portion of Skylar's flesh right away.

But they were helpless in the face of such a formidable foe.

Are you unwilling to submit?

They couldn't do it.

Skylar was the type of guy that ruled with an iron hand and took decisive action.

When Alejandro realized this, he took a deep breath, clinched his teeth, and shouted, "Fine, you want us to kneel

and apologize? Then I will do as you wish!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Alejandro kneeled and dropped to the ground in the direction of Skylar.

"Today's events are my fault, Mr. Stone, and I apologize."

"In addition, I promise that we will never set foot in Ruritania Tower again, including all members of our Miller


The heads of the other families behind Alejandro were terrified when they saw him submit. They swiftly kneeled

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down after exchanging glances.

"We sincerely apologize to Mr. Stone."

Maxwell, who was hidden in the shadows at the entrance, was taken aback by what he saw.

The people in the Pearce family were flabbergasted, with their mouths wide open.

Rhett's eyes expanded like copper bells, and his fists clinched like he was trying to squeeze out blood.

"How could something like this happen?"

Skylar forced his normally respected granddad to kneel and apologize in public.

He was overcome with reluctance and humiliation.

Skylar should have been kneeling in front of their Miller family in the scenario he had imagined, so how did it come

to this?

"Get lost!"

Skylar couldn't be bothered to waste time with them at the time. He motioned for them to depart with a wave of his


Faced with the poisonous gazes of everyone there, Alejandro and others stood up with their heads held high and

exited the event with a disheveled appearance.

What they went through today was pure humiliation!