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Trapped in His Love Obsession novel

Chapter 51
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Chapter 51

Two expressions of life can be seen in this room. First, the happy face belonged to the man who had tricked the

woman he loved into begging to sleep with him.

And second, a face full of shfrom a woman who could shamelessly surrender herself to the man she hated.

The man who had treated her like a maid. Who clearly doesn’t love her. Damian is really like newlyweds who

have spent their first night lovingly. Yes, maybe he felt that passionate love. But of course, Livia doesn’t. Her face

looks very tired, mixed with shame. “What's this?” Damian pulled the flowered scarf around Livia’s neck.

He looks very handsin a navy suit and tie. “Is it winter?” he said, frowning at the object in his hand.

“No, Darling.” Covering her face with her hands. Embarrassed, the last night's events are still very vivid in her

mind. “I just want to wear

She wanted to hide the hickey Damian made from all the eyes of the people in this house.

“Is this really in your closet?” Lifting the scarf high in his hand, looking from different directions. Like saying, how

can this weird thing be in your closet?

“Yeah, | found it in a drawer.” Seriously. There's no way she would wear her own clothes in front of Damian.

“Tch, Brown's taste is very smug. Throw it away!” he said firmly. “My eyes hurt to see it.”

Who would want to wear that weird thing in a season like this if it weren't for this red mark on my neck?’.

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“I beg you, please letjust wear it today.” She was about to snatch it from Damian’s hands, but she couldn't.

Damian waved his hand and kept it behind his back.

“Why? What do you want to hide?” Damian had pressed his lips to Livia’s ear,

The girl screamed because suddenly Damian bit her. “This is the seal of ownership.” Damian touched Livia’'s

neck. “Why is your face red? That's fun, huh.”

“No!” spontaneously answered loudly.

Who's happy? After all, you did it not because you likebut only because you punishedfor having

presumptuously devised a plan to meet you with Helena.”

“No?!” Damian glared. Don’t like hearing Livia’s answer.

“No, that means I'm happy. I'm so glad | got to sleep with you last night.”

Damian threw the scarf he held, then pulled Livia’s hand out of the room. Go hand in hand with her.

Mr. Matt was already standing at the bottom of the stairs, welcoming them. He smiled when he saw Damian

holding Livia’s hand. “Good morning, young master and young lady.” Nod his head when the two people are in

front of him.

“Morning, Mr. Matt.” Only Livia answered kindly. Damian just nodded his head slightly.

Her mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law, who were already sitting at the dining table, also stood up. Their faces

were full of question marks, especially when they saw Damian’s hand gripping Livia’s hand. What happened?

Why is Damian holding Livia’s hand? And why does he look so happy? Both sisters-in-law looked at them

awkwardly, full of questions.

Her mother-in-law couldn't think of anything because she was shocked.

“Good morning, Mom!” Damian greeted first.

Livia frowned. After they got married, it seemed she had never seen Damian greet anyone first, even to his


Damian’s mother cto her senses and motioned for her two daughters to sit down. “Good morning too,

Damian. Did you sleep well last night?” Mother smiled, looking at Livia as if trying to figure out something.

“Yes, very well.” Damian let go of her hand, and then he sat on the chair that Mr. Matt had pulled. “Livia made

Livia could only smile beside Damian. At the stime, chuckling inwardly because her husband is like another

creature that comes from nowhere.

What's wrong with him? Is he always this crazy when he sleeps with women?

“Yeah, I'm definitely not the first or the only one. Even though it’s obvious that he treatsvery well, | have to

keep my heart closed.

This man belongs to Helena.”

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When Livia was still busy with her mind, Jenny looked at the kiss mark on Livia’s neck. She really wants to

scream now. She was wondering, did Damian really fuck her sister-in-law? And just now, kak Damian actually

mentioned her name.

‘So Livia is my sister-in-law’s name.” Sofia, who had never interacted and cared about Livia’s existence, finally

knows her name.

On the other side, Jenny couldn't help her mind from going far. ‘That's a lot of hickeys! Livia’'s neck looks like it’s

been beaten. But, hey, there's no way they made love all night, right? Last night, Brother Damian looked scary.

Has she really been beaten? But if she has been beaten, why is Brother Damian so happy, and why Livia’s face is

so embarrassed?’

The mother-in-law is at a loss for words, even if it is only in her thoughts.

They have breakfast by bringing the mind to its deepest point. Curious, but no one dared to just ask or discuss it

a little. Alright, later it maybe will rain.

Damian smiled as he touched Livia’s lips, gently brushing off the remaining sauce stuck to them. Then he licked

the finger that was attached to the sauce from Livia’s lips.

“Eat well.”

“0, okay.” Livia was confused.

Everyone got goosebumps seeing it.

Mr. Matt, who was usually silent and expressionless, smiled faintly. At the stime, the two sisters-in-law held

each other's hands under the table. Then, make a list of their sins against Livia and regret them.