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Too Much to Bear My Love

Chapter 900
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Chapter 900 Rather Be Mocked Than Be Pitied

“You must be tired from your trip to the police station, Noah. I’ve asked the maid to prepare lemonade for you to

get rid of your bad luck. You should go upstairs and rest after this,” Carol advised as she hurried toward Noah.

The latter shot Carol a glare and snarled, “I’m calling the shots this time, Mom. Don’t try to stop me. I will make

sure she stays a beggar forever on the streets. That presumptuous woman deserves it for ruining my family and

my company. I’ve lost everything! If I’m going down, she’s going down with me.”

Carol’s lips quivered, but she was at a loss for words. The Walker family was doomed in just a few months. The

disastrous events were nothing like what they had experienced before. Nobody knew if they could manage to turn

the tide successfully this time.

“Drag her out to the streets. If she doesn’t get two thousand by the end of today, leave her there to beg until she

hits the target,” Noah ordered. The maids glanced at Carol. The latter waved her hand, signaling them to take

Isabella out to the streets.

Isabella was devastated to hear that. “Mom, Noah, you can’t do this to me! I’m also one of your family!” Isabella

yelled as the maids dragged her out.

Carol took a glance at Isabella. Despite feeling sorry for her daughter, she chose to take Noah’s side. Isabella was

forced into a car and taken to the city.

“Don’t you touch me! I’m Isabella, the daughter of the Walker family! I’ll fire you if you touch me again!” Isabella

made a final attempt to wriggle herself free from the maids.

“We’re sorry, Ms. Isabella. We’re just following Mr. Noah’s orders. If you have anything to complain about, tell that

to Mr. Noah and Mrs. Walker.” With that said, the driver left Isabella on a bustling street and placed a bowl in front

of her.

Propping herself up with her only intact arm, Isabella felt her face redden with shame as she felt gazes fixating on

her. At that very moment, she would rather die on the spot than receive pity from the passersby.

To think she was a rich and prominent lady before landing in this pathetic situation! She was too devastated to even


If Isabella knew that scheming against Oscar would land her in this situation, she would have steered clear of him

from the start. However, it was too late for her to regret her actions. Her family had turned against her and left her

to beg alone on the streets. Alas, she reaped what she sowed.

Overwhelmed by despair, Isabella lowered her head as much as she could to avoid the piercing gaze of the


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She could even hear whispers of criticism directed at her, shattering every piece of pride that she had left.

“Look at that woman. She’s begging on the streets with all those branded clothes on her? Is this something that rich

people do to experience life? She must have been living a life too wealthy to be able to come up with this.”

“I suppose so. These rich girls have nothing better to do!”

The passersby formed many opinions about Isabella, but no one was willing to give her any money.

Having heard their discussions, Isabella felt her face burn with shame and anger even more. Her heart felt as if it

were stabbed by words.

Just as Isabella struggled to get up and run away, two pairs of heels appeared in front of her. The moment Isabella

raised her head and recognized the owners of the heels, she desperately wished for the ground to swallow her up.

“Wow, it really is you, Isabella! I thought Amelia and I mistook someone else for you! What’s wrong? Why are you

begging on the streets? If I remember correctly, the Walker family hasn’t gone bankrupt yet. Or is your family so

poor now that they don’t have the money to feed you?” Tiffany folded her arms across her chest and mocked.

Isabella tried to crawl backward with her good arm, but she only managed to inch a little because her legs were still


Amelia watched as Isabella tried to scramble away pathetically. In the end, she reached down to help the latter.

However, her helping hand was immediately flung away by Isabella. At the same time, having lost support, Isabella

crumpled onto the ground.

“Get lost! Get away from me!” Isabella broke down and yelled. Edging away from Tiffany and Amelia, she held her

head low to avoid eye contact with them.

Amelia merely stared at Isabella while Tiffany snorted. Tiffany did not feel sympathetic to Isabella’s situation at all

because she thought the latter deserved it.

“Let’s go, Amelia. Not everyone deserves our sympathy. Who knows what she will do again if we let our guards

down?” Tiffany grabbed Amelia’s arm and proceeded to lead her away. To Tiffany’s surprise, Amelia shook her head

firmly at her and waved for Jolin to come over.

“Help me get her in the car, Jolin,” Amelia ordered.

Jolin froze. She glanced at Isabella perplexedly, unable to comprehend why Amelia would want to help that woman.

“Jolin! Help me get her in the car. There are too many people on this street. It’s not good for us too.”

Since Amelia had given her orders, Jolin had no choice but to carry Isabella to the car.

“Babe, you know you don’t have to help her, right?” Tiffany’s eyebrows scrunched disapprovingly as she asked.

“Let’s get in the car first. We’ll talk about this on the way.” Amelia gave Tiffany a subtle smile.

Seeing that there was nothing she could do to change Amelia’s mind, Tiffany followed her into the car.

As the car drove away, Tiffany narrowed her eyes at Isabella, who was slumping weakly against the car window.

“Isabella Walker… To think you have reached this day! You have no idea how satisfied I am to see you in this

pathetic state. How do you feel when Amelia turns out to be the one coming to your rescue at your lowest? You

must be so furious, aren’t you? You’ve done so much, but you can never be better than Amelia. What do you think

this means? You think you can get away with all the evil things you’ve done, but now you’re reaping what you

sowed,” Tiffany mocked.

Isabella flinched. As Isabella bit her lips tightly, her face turned ashen.

Tiffany reached out to straighten Isabella up, but the latter refused to bulge. It became a tug of war between the

two of them, with Tiffany pulling and Isabella dodging.

Finally, Tiffany gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes. “Isabella, you’re afraid to face me because you look too ugly

right now, right? You deserve this after everything you’ve done.”

Isabella stiffened at that.

Seated in the front seat of the car, Amelia frowned slightly as she disapproved of Tiffany mocking and hurting other

people with vicious words when they were at their lowest. How was Tiffany any different from Isabella before she

landed in her current state?

Everyone should stay true to themselves and not be affected by other people, no matter whether they are at their

highest or lowest.

“Tiff,” Amelia called out, warning Tiffany to stop her mockery.

Tiffany shrugged. She understood Amelia’s warning and that she was being mean, but she couldn’t help feeling

delighted now that she was witnessing Isabella’s downfall.

Jolin drove them to a hotel. After booking a room, she reluctantly carried Isabella up to the room.

“I thought you were going to take her to the hospital, Amelia,” Tiffany murmured.

Amelia glanced at Tiffany and cracked a slight smile.

“I’m not that kind, Tiff. I’m only sparing her from public humiliation. Besides, don’t you think she will feel worse if I

am the one saving her?”

Tiffany tilted her head and gave it a thought. After a moment, she smirked at Amelia and said, “Babe, you’ve

become wicked.”

Amelia shrugged.

Tiffany’s mood turned better immediately.

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“What should I do with you, Babe? I really like that you’re becoming more ruthless. You have no idea how sexy you

are when you’re up to no good. I could never come up with this brilliant idea!” Tiffany exclaimed.

“Let’s go up. I’m scared that Jolin will murder Isabella if we’re not around.” Amelia truly believed that Jolin would

not hesitate to kill Isabella, given her temper.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Amelia and Tiffany took the elevator to the room they had booked for Isabella. The moment they entered the suite,

they saw Isabella being flung onto the bed by Jolin. Facing down, Isabella struggled to get up, but she did not have

any strength in her legs to support her.

Tiffany couldn’t suppress a laugh as Isabella reminded her of a stranded fish flopping around and making futile


Isabella was the one who dug her own grave. If she had not attempted to ruin someone else’s marriage, the

Walkers would not have been destroyed. Since the Clintons and the Walkers had familial connections, Oscar would

not do anything horrible to the Walkers because he was Stephanie’s brother, regardless of how their siblings’ bond

was. However, ever since the fallout of the two families due to Isabella’s schemes, the Clintons had taken revenge

on the Walkers, which resulted in the latter’s downfall.

On the other hand, Tiffany enjoyed the drama. If not for Isabella’s schemes, Oscar wouldn’t have destroyed the

Walkers to protect Amelia, her best friend.

Tiffany cackled as she watched Isabella trying to get up on the bed. The more desperate Isabella seemed, the more

excited Tiffany became.

“You look like a tortoise, Isabella. Why don’t I take a few pictures of you and post them online? You look good in this

posture.” Tiffany grabbed her phone and snapped a few pictures of Isabella while marveling at her own

photography skills.

Triggered by the sound of the camera, Isabella turned around and glared at Tiffany angrily. “Amelia Winters!”

Isabella yelled. “If you want me dead, do it immediately. There’s no need to take me to this hotel and humiliate me!

If you think I’m going to be grateful to you for saving me just now, dream on! Either send me back to the Walker

residence or send me back on the streets. I would rather beg for a living than receive your sympathy,” she


Tiffany clicked her tongue disapprovingly. “Babe, you heard that? Not everyone knows how to be grateful. Now, do

you understand that there’s no point helping such an ungrateful wretch like her?”

Amelia was unfazed. Smiling, she said, “Hold her up and rest her head on the pillow, Jolin. Let’s give her the respect

she deserves, at the very least.”

Jolin walked up and shifted Isabella brutely.