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The ultimate husband

Chapter 55
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Read The Ultimate Husband [by Skykissing wolf] Chapter 55 – Yvonne and Lily felt weak around their

knees. They were shocked!

‘Could he really tell if the vase was an antique?’

The look of ecstasy on Kingston’s face had utterly removed their doubts.

“Hey, after such a long discussion, do you want to

do this or not?”

The bald man got a little impatient. Darryl smiled stealthily.

‘This guy must be a layman. He brought a priceless treasure to Pearl Pavilion, but he is only asking for

only half a million bucks!’

When he thought about the mud residue at the bottom of the porcelain vase, Darryl was confident that

the vase had just been dug out from somewhere. ‘This bald man seems mysterious.

Where did he get this vase?’ Darryl frowned as he thought to himself.

“Yes! I’ll buy it!”

Kingston repeatedly nodded as if he was afraid that the bald man would regret his decision.

Then, Kingston turned around and urged Peter Williams. “Quick, pay this gentleman.”

After that, he carefully picked up the porcelain vase and told Yvonne to bring a box to stow it away. The

other antique store owners were all green with envy.

They all looked at Darryl differently. ‘This young man knows his stuff!’

Peter paid the bald man. The seller took his phone and checked his bank account balance before he

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happily left the store.

Kingston looked at Darryl and said, “Darryl, I did not expect that you have such in-depth knowledge in

antiques. Yvonne had found the right person, indeed! Even though you are young, you are well


Darryl smiled politely when the older gentleman praised him.

“You have helped rue to gain a rare piece of treasure. I’ll treat you to dinner this evening. How about a

few drinks for the two of us?” Kingston

looked at Darryl eagerly and extended an invitation.

The Xueyan Promenade Vase.

Kingston could not believe that the speculative treasure had fallen into his hands.

Kingston was thrilled; he was beyond excited.

Apart from delight, he had also developed a keen interest in Darryl.

He had only known Darryl as the Lyndon family’s live-in son-in-law.

He had never expected Darryl’s outstanding display of skills at Pearl Pavilion.

‘I have to talk to this young man and get to know him better!’

However, Darryl seemed uninterested in Kingston’s invitation.

Darryl thought about the bald man.

“Drinks? Perhaps another day. I still have something to attend to, so I have to go.” He noticed that the

bald man had walked toward the end of the street. Darryl spoke quickly before he dashed out of Pearl


Kingston and Yvonne exchanged looks of doubt with each other. They had no idea why Darry had left in

such a hurry.

When Darryl got outside, he saw that the bald man had not gone far, so he followed him from a distance.

The bald man had successfully sold the porcelain vase for money; he was overjoyed. He was very

vigilant and looked around as he walked as if he was afraid that someone would target him.

It was an act of a guilty conscience.

Darryl did not dare to get too close to him as he noticed that the bald man was on high alert.

After they passed an intersection, the bald man got into a van. The vehicle turned around and drove

toward the north of the city. Darryl frowned and quickly returned to his Audi R8.

His sports car had a good performance. It did not take long before he managed to catch up with the

Darryl kept a distance between their two cars so that the man would not notice him.

After about half an hour, Darryl arrived in Beishan; he trailed behind the van in his car.

Beishan was an undeveloped barren hill in Donghai City. It was also a mass graveyard. Many poor

people were buried there because their families did not have money to buy a b****l plot.

The sun had set, and the sky had gradually darkened.

The van stopped at a gentle slope. Then, the driver and the bald man got down and walked up the

mountain road.

Darryl did not want to waste any time, so he got out of his car and followed the two men.

The mountain breeze blew steadily. The tombstones scattered among the tall grass on both sides of the

mountain pathway made Darryl’s hair stand.

‘These two guys aren’t digging d**d people treasures in this deserted graveyard, are they?’

‘Did they dig the Xueyan Promenade Vase from this mountain?’

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Many thoughts ran through his mind before he

heard movements ahead of him.

Darryl sped up and found a hiding spot behind a tree to observe the situation quietly.

He was stunned by the sight.

He saw a dozen people, with various hand tools like shovels and hammers in their hands, as they dug a

grave. They were all sweaty as they had worked under the scorching sun.

There was a bearded man, and he seemed to be the group’s leader as he continued to bark orders at

the rest of them.

The bearded man asked the bald man who had just returned, “Hey, Johnny, you’re back! How was it?”

‘The bald man is called Johnny?’

‘Did he get his nickname from Dwayne Johnson — the cool bald bloke?’

Darryl, who hid behind the tree, almost laughed out loud. He thought that the name was too funny.

The bald man waved his phone in the air with excitement. “I made it. Sold it for half a million bucks.”

“F*ck! The vase is that valuable?”

The bearded man was first startled, and then he was thrilled.

The other people there were also excited to hear that.

“Yeah, Brother. It looks like we’re in the right place.

“Yes, we are going to make a huge fortune.”

The bearded man yelled when he noticed that the others had stopped as they were overwhelmed with

joy. “Why did you guys stop? The vase that we got was worth that much money. There must be a lot of

other good stuff in here! Get to work! Let’s dig for more items.”

Everyone continued to dig painstakingly. Darryl was perturbed to see what had happened.
