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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85
Principal Fletcher had sent Jocelyn the address and the time, instructing her to show up punctually for the meeting.
After a full day’s rest at home, Jocelyn was rejuvenated and made her way to the rendezvous.
Upon arrival, she did see several school officials and teachers there
The private dining room of the upscale hotel was a stark contrast to what she had imagined, which was bright and cheerful.
Jocelyn and her colleagues were all present, but the guest of honor was conspicuously absent.
Even after a ten-minute wait, no one dared to voice a complaint.
Finally, the doors swung open. The quest finally arrived.
His stature was imposing, his presence commanding he could put international male models to shame. Clad in a sharp black
suit, he exuded an air of aloofness and solitude.
Accompanying him were Zephyr, who wore a vibrant purple shirt that suggested a more approachable demeanor, and his
assistant, Yara, whose presence mirrored his own
All seated occupants stood as he entered, welcoming him with smiles and ushering him to the head seat of the table.
Jocelyn hadn’t expected Melvin to be the one they were waiting for. A month had passed since they last saw each other, and
now they were practically strangers
To be precise, to Melvin, she was a stranger.
And she felt an urge to flee.
The leaders were lavishing Melvin with compliments, engaging in topics that seemed to be the exclusive domain of men, with
other teachers chiming in occasionally.
Jocelyn, however, remained silent.
“Say, Jocelyn, one of your students is Mr. Martinez’s nephew. I remember you met Mr. Martinez when he came for his nephew’s
enrolment, Principal Fletcher suddenly turned to her.

Jocelyn was thrust into the spotlight, and all she wanted was to escape.
She realized now why she had been invited.
“Yes, Preston has shown remarkable improvement and ranked at the top of his class last semester,” Jocelyn replied in a formal

Melvin hadn’t glanced at Jocelyn since he entered the room.
“Then it speaks volumes about the quality of your teaching,” Zephyr chimed in with a smile.
Jocelyn nervously returned the smile, “A teacher simply guides and mentors. The main credit goes to the student’s own
willingness and eagerness to leam.”
“Jocelyn is quite modest, isn’t she?” Zephyr teased.
Jocelyn humbly responded, “Just stating the truth”
“Melvin, you ought to thank Jocelyn. I’ve heard that Preston never even passed a test before,” Zephyr said, turning to Melvin.
Jocelyn’s heart leaped
She feared making eye contact with Melvin, a sense of unease washing over her.
Though she had done nothing wrong in their breakup
Melvin finally looked directly at Jocelyn, raising his glass, “Jocelyn is indeed an extraordinary teacher. She’s a rare combination
of brains and beauty” But he wasn’t toasting to Jocelyn. Instead, he drank alone.
Jocelyn felt a tightness in her chest, suspecting a hidden message in his words She lowered her gaze, avoiding his intense
The school officials, unaware of the past between Jocelyn and Melvin, interpreted his words as praise, and continued to extol her
virtues. Jocelyn was touted as the youngest head teacher whose innovative teaching methods were popular with students and
whose class consistently ranked at the top of the school.
In short, Jocelyn was an exemplary teacher.

Melvin seemed indifferent, while Zephyr deftly steered the conversation away from her.
The school’s ultimate wish was for Melvin to commit to funding a new school building. But he hadn’t mentioned a word about it.
As the authering came to a close. Melvin and Yara left first.
y lingered a moment, accompanying the local education officials and school leaders, then glanced at Jocelyn. “Actually, Mr.
Martinez is very keen to contribute to the cause of education. Rest assured, considering his nephew’s top performance in
Jocelyn’s class, he be inclined to do this good deed.”
His gaze on Jocelyn was with implication.
Jocelyn avoided his look, feeling tense throughout the two-hour meeting, like sitting on pins and needles.
They watched Melvin’s car drive away from the hotel entrance.
“Ah, it’s easy to say, but who knows if it will happen,” Principal Fletcher mused, doubtful of the outcome.

The education official glanced at Jocelyn, then pulled Principal Fletcher aside, “Why not ask Miss Jocelyn to have a heart-to-
heart talk with Mr. Martinez?”
“A talk?” Principal Fletcher looked back at the official, suddenly catching on to the implication, and shook his head firmly, “Our
teachers are professional and decent. We can’t have them engaging in any unethical behavior”
“Where’s your mind at? I’m suggesting that since Miss. Jocelyn is the head teacher of Mr. Martinez’s nephew, and she’s played a
considerable role in his academic improvement. There is a natural rapport between teachers and students’ family. If we want
someone to sponsor, we must show our sincerity. Just explain the importance of this matter to Jocelyn, and she’ll know what to
Principal Fletcher frowned, the complexities of such cultural exchanges going over the head of the uninitiated.
After sending off the officials, Principal Fletcher approached Jocelyn.
“I’ll give you a ride.”
“Thanks Mr. Fletcher, but no need to trouble yourself, I can just take a cab,” Jocelyn said, not wanting to impose on her superior.

But Principal Fletcher insisted, “I have something to discuss with you.”
With no good reason to refuse, Jocelyn agreed to the ride.
In the car, Principal Fletcher shared his thoughts with her.
“I know I shouldn’t be asking this, Principal Fletcher began, his gaze settling on Jocelyn with a hopeful edge, but with the
school’s expansion project on the horizon, I was hoping our staff could pitch in a bit. Jocelyn, you’re an outstanding teacher, and
I’m sure you want what’s best for our school, right?”
Jocelyn felt like she was being buttered up, and her instinct was to refuse
“Mr. Martinez is young Preston’s current guardian. As his head teacher, you’ve built a rapport with him. Remember how Mr.
Martinez even reached out to other parents last time to clear your name?” Principal Fletcher was shrewd, not the type to miss
the undercurrents of human dynamics
But Jocelyn wanted nothing more to do with Melvin Martinez.
She squirmed uncomfortably, “Principal, my relationship with Mr. Martinez isn’t what it seems to be. He had previously asked me
to keep an extra eye on Preston. Seeing the boy’s grades improve was... well, it was just that.”
Principal Fletcher could see her resistance. Although slightly disappointed, he knew better than to press the matter.
As she stepped out of the car, he made one last attempt, “Jocelyn, I really hope you’ll reconsider it.”
She offered a noncommittal nod, her face filled with awkwardness
Standing at the entrance of her apartment building, she drew in a deep breath.
The thought of approaching Melvin for anything was daunting. It felt like she no longer had the courage to face him, regardless of