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The Unwilling CEO’s Love Game

Chapter 238
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Melvin turned, his gaze lingering on her hand before meeting her eyes. "What's the matter? Can't bear to be parted from me?"

Jocelyn's heart was a tangled mess of worry, not just reluctance.

"I'll make it back in one piece," Melvin reassured her as he drew close, cupping her face in his hands. His charming eyes reflected

her concern and longing.

Jocelyn pressed her lips together, her mind a whirlwind of emotions.

Unsure of what to say, she gazed at the face that had captured her heart and leaned in to kiss him.

Melvin was taken aback by her bold move.

But before he could savor the moment, she pulled away.

"That's it?" Melvin pursed his lips, visibly dissatisfied.

Before Jocelyn could reply, a cool sensation brushed her lips. He kissed her again, not just a peck but a deeper exploration, seeking

the taste of her that he craved.

They were like two fish that had been stranded on shore, now joyously swimming in the water, circling each other and reveling in

the bliss of being reunited.

The distant sounds of the airport announcements seeped through the air as Jocelyn was completely engulfed and gasping for


Melvin gently wiped her lips with his thumb, his voice rough, "I'll be back soon."

Jocelyn took a deep breath, her eyes misty, "Stay safe."

"I will." Melvin gave her another tender kiss, his eyes brimming with affection. "When | get back, let's get married."

Jocelyn's heart skipped a beat, staring at him in disbelief.

"Did you try on the ring? It should fit perfectly." Melvin stroked her right ring finger. "I owe you a lifetto make things right. I'm

not asking if you want to, because I'm going to give it to you anyway."

At that moment, any resentment Jocelyn had felt melted away.

She totally understood him now.

Yes, she had felt slighted by the years he lived without her, but this man was truly trying to change for her now.

What more could she ask for?

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Her heart was soft and her love for him had never wavered. No matter how bitter the love medicine was, a sprinkle of his

sweetness would make everything taste so dear.

Jocelyn loved Melvin, more than she had ever imagined.

Sitting in the car, she watched as planes soared overhead one after another.

She composed a message to Melvin and then drove home.

Eleven hours later, as the plane landed, Melvin checked his Facebook and found Jocelyn's message.

[Regardless of titles or marriage, all | want is you.]

Seeing the message, Melvin's lips curled into a smile. Even the gloomy skies couldn't dampen the joy in his heart.

His reply was simple: [You're my only one.]

After sending it, he dialed her number as he walked.

Jocelyn had just woken up to feed Euston when she saw the message. Before she could be moved by it, Melvin's call cthrough.

She answered immediately, "Did you arrive?"


"How was it?"

"Just got off the plane," Melvin's voice was deep, tinged with amusement. "Missedalready?"

Jocelyn watched Euston's adorable face and murmured, "Yeah."

Melvin chuckled softly, "I'll wrap up things here quickly and bring Euston's parents back safely. Once we're home, let's hand the

baby back to them and enjoy our own world. Sounds good?"

Jocelyn's heart swelled with joy. There was no point in pretending anymore.

"Sure," she replied, her voice crisp.

Melvin then playfully suggested, "What about we have a baby of our own?"

Jocelyn didn't respond right away.

Melvin didn't expect an answer, either. It was just a thought he voiced out loud.

Exiting the airport, he spotted a sleek sedan waiting.

"I'll catch up with you later."

"Alright." Jocelyn knew things wouldn't be easy for him there, "Stay safe."

"Don't worry, I've got something to hold onto now. I'll take care of myself," Melvin said sincerely.

With the call ended, Melvin approached the car.

The driver popped out, respectfully greeting, "Mr. Martinez."

"Is the boss here too?" Melvin inquired.

"Yes, Sir."

As the car door opened and Melvin settled inside, he glanced at Zachary, "You good?"

"All good," Zachary replied, his hand covertly nursing his shoulder.

Having been through his fair share of rough times, Melvin wasn't fooled by his small gestures.

As the car pulled away, Melvin asked, "Is this ride safe?"

Zachary shot him a glance, "What, scared?"

"Aren't you?" Melvin retorted.

"If | die out there, your sister might just be relieved," Zachary said with a hint of hurt in his eyes.

Melvin scoffed, "If you hadn't broken her heart, she wouldn't feel that way."

"She doesn't know the truth, and you do? It's all an act," Zachary replied with resignation. "In my position, many things are beyond

my control."

"Have you slept with anyone else?" Melvin asked bluntly.

Zachary frowned at him, saw his determination and said, "No."

Melvin raised an eyebrow, "Such things can't be proven. If you want to make it work with my sister, you better rein it in. All women

want is security and trust."

Zachary scoffed, "What's gotten into you? Givinglife lessons now? If you're as good as you say, why were you left in the dust

for two years?"

"That's why I'm making amends," Melvin glared at him. "Unlike you, who never learns."

Zachary inhaled sharply, "Look, Melvin, we're both men, we've fought side by side. You know what kind of person | am. Do you

really have to twist the knife?"

"I know, but I'm not your wife," Melvin was unsympathetic.

Zachary fell silent. Finally managing to compose himself, he snorting disdainfully, "I wonder who's so lacking in pride, going out of

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their way to save someone else's husband and lover. How magnanimous of you. You think they'll even remember your kindness?"

With a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth, Melvin replied, "Sorry, | forgot to tell you. That wasn't Jocelyn's husband and

child. Oh, and one more piece of good news—I've reconciled with her."

Zachary just stared at him.

"Don't look atlike that. It's true. What, did you really think | was that generous?" At this moment, Melvin seemed to have won a

stunning victory and his pride was through the roof.

Zachary was speechless, "Is that even possible?"

"If you still fancy being my brother-in-law, better step up your game," Melvin said, clapping him on the shoulder.

Zachary winced in pain.

Melvin's brows furrowed with concern, "Is it bad?"

"I won't die from it," Zachary replied, his tone as cold as ice.











