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The Secret Heir Return To Wealth And Love pdf

Chapter 2009
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Chapter 2009

So, the story about the razor injury on his wrist that morning was a lie. Was it the another Wayne who hurt his


Just the thought of it was enough to pierce Rosalynn’s heart like a thousand arrows, and she sat in silence for a

good while. Finally, she snapped back into reality, remembering Paige’s call in the afternoon.

Rosalynn pulled out her phone, clicked on the chat history with Paige. The screenshot of the conversation lay right

there, between their messages.

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Wayne’s biological father was Ayden Silverman, who was Natalie Stein’s deceased elder son c2

Rosalynn didn’t know much about Mr. Silverman, only that he was driven to suicide under his mother’s high


Could there be hidden secrets in this matter as well?

Rosalynn was the kind of person who remained calm under pressure.

She stared at the content of the screenshot.

An unknown address… the tone seemed vaguely familiar.

A name popped into her mind immediately, Quentin Silverman. Rosalynn glanced at the sleeping Wayne. Then she

gently let go of his hand and walked to the study, making a couple of phone calls.

Moments later, Quentin’s current contact information was in Rosalynn’s hands,

She didn’t have a shred of fondness for Quentin. But, she needed to figure out how exactly Ayden died. Rosalynn

immediately called Quentin.

These days, Quentin’s life was nothing short of miserable. Wayne, with his memory loss, was no longer brutal, but

his empathetic feelings towards Quentin were completely gone.

After being thrown overseas, his living expenses would periodically stop.

Money was always tight.

In all his years, he’d never felt so oppressed. All he could think of was waiting for Wayne and Rosalynn’s

comeuppance. So, he paid extra attention to internet reports about the couple.

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After Wayne returned, the couple kept a low profile, but today they finally made the news.

Quentin clicked to see immediately.

Seeing something he didn’t want to see, he couldn’t suppress his anger, He spotted a discussion about post-trauma

psychological issues.

On impulse, he entered and left a comment.

But he was also scared out of his wits, a few seconds after he posted, he began to fear.

What if his comment was seen by them? If Wayne and Rosalynn discovered it, followed the thread and found him.

Forget about living expenses. The ruthless couple would probably skin him alive!

Thinking this, Quentin, coward that he was, deleted his post and quickly deactivated his account. But unfortunately,

he was really unlucky. In less than a minute, he was captured by Paige.