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The Revenge of My Alluring Wife by Raven

Chapter 55
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Chapter 55 The Loser

Compared to those people, Rose, sitting next to Evelyn, was ecstatic.

A god was sitting so close to her!

“God! Expert!’ She stared at Evelyn, her eyes sparkling.

Evelyn quickly blocked her attempt to get closer.

Im not interested in your body, but | do admire your hacking skills.”

“God, are you also a mysterious figure in the top ten hackers?” Rose thought for a moment, then shook her head

vigorously. “Impossible, those people have been famous for several years. You were, what, seventeen? Definitely

not possible.”

Evelyn paid no attention. Her true identity was something no one had ever known.

Rose stopped thinking and tumed to focus on the barrage.

Genevieve was also glaring at the barrage, pounding his keyboard in frustration.

“Damn it!”

This couldn't be real. How could he lose to a nobody?

“Genevieve, are you okay?” Quinn's eyes flickered with concern. “It’s not your fault. Maybe it’s Evelyn's

computer configuration?”

Quinn's words sounded amateurish but seemed to awaken something in Genevieve’s head.

He clenched his teeth.

If Evelyn dared to tamper with the computer plug-in, he would make her

regret it.

“You cheated.” Genevieve opened his mic, accusing Evelyn. “Using attack software to defeat. me. Do you feel

proud of yourself?”

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Chapter 55 The Loser

As soon as he spoke, the people in front of their computers started crazily.

“Attack software! What's going on? This is more explosive than Genevieve losing

[‘I told you, how could a young girl possibly win Genevieve? But cheating is so shameful.”]


“How can these people talk nonsense like this? You won against Genevieve purely based on your skills.” Rose

watched the whole process, and she was arguing with others in the barrage.

Evelyn held her back. “Don’t worry, there's more to come.”

“Genevieve, even if you're shameless, | was thinking of letting you go, but now...” Evelyn's voice was devoid of

warmth, making Genevieve feel uneasy for a moment.

Soon, he returned to normal. Impossible. He hid his secret so well; it was impossible for a

woman who won using software to find out.

“Heh, what's wrong? Now you're resorting to verbal attacks?”

[This newcomer is really shameless. Cheating is discovered, she not only has no remorse, and now openly

challenging Genevieve.]

“Heh, I've seen worse than this shameless act. But | want to say, get lost.”

[Right, get out of the design department, get out of the company.]

The barrage becmore and more offensive, and Rose was anxious. She started arguing

with those people by typing on her keyboard.

But after just a few sentences, she realized the wind suddenly changed.

She looked back at Evelyn.

The beautiful girl remained indifferent, but her slender, fair fingers were flying over the keyboard at a speed ten

times faster than hers.


What's on the screen?

Rose was stunned.

Evelyn had remotely accessed Genevieve’'s computer, a kind of forced access that Genevieve

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Chapter 55 The Loner

couldn’t regain control of no matter how he operated it

The girl manipulated the mouse, casually searching for a folder, layer by layer, like peeling an


“Evelyn, If you can’t handle losing, just say it. What's with peeping into my privacy?” Genevieve


Evelyn raised an eyebrow. “Rest assured, I'm not interested in your 100GB of study materials”


[A hundred GB! Haha, saying it’s study materials, who would believe that? So, even the high and mighty god has

this hobby]

[What do you mean? Which man doesn’t have shobbles? Speaking as if you've never

encountered one, otaku.]

Walt, | found something. Attack software, at the deepest part of Genevieve’s folder.]

[So shameless? It’s the pinnacle of shamelessness|

[Trash! Hypocritel]

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[Did you guys notice something? Even with the attack software, Genevieve couldn't beat Evelyn. Her strength is

truly terrifying.|

“Nonsense.” Genevieve's eyes turned red with anger. “She setup, this bitch setup

He tried to quibble, but the people in front of the acreen could see clearly. Evelyn was just searching for files and

doing nothing else.

More and more messages in the barrage were counterattacking Genevieve. Enraged, he directly pulled the

power cord and angrily threw the monitor.

Quinn didn’t expect Genevieve to be so incompetent. In an instant, her eyes were full of


Stupid, this useless trash.

She wanted to scold him loudly, but as soon as Genevieve turned around, she immediately pretend, looking

teary-eyed, disappointment evident in her eyes.

“Genevieve, you've always been the superior Genevieve in my heart, the one | admire and learn. from. | didn’t

expect that you, you would do something like this. I'm so disappointed”

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Chapter 55 The Loser


Without waiting for the man to say anything, Quinn ran away directly.

Genevieve stared at the chaotic computer desk, his eyes bloodshot, fists clenched tightly.

Evelyn, that woman, he would definitely find an opportunity to deal with her.

Evelyn thought today had already been exciting enough. Little did she expect that, as she

alked through a small alley after work, she would catch sight of two women embracing each


Heh! Quinn!