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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

Six years ago, Kenneth had a car accident on the city‘s outskirts.

The massive impact caused his lungs to collapse.

Even though the driver had called for an ambulance immediately, the pain in his chest was so

unbearable that he began to have extreme difficulty breathing.

During the long wait for the paramedics, he had mentally prepared himself to leave this world.

It was at that time that Yara suddenly appeared beside him. Calmly and resolutely, she stabbed his

lungs with the tip of a fountain pen. As the blood that clogged his lungs was released, he could finally

breathe with ease.

Back then, both his chauffeur and butler kept criticizing her. Despite that, Yara focused on saving him

and buying him time to get to the hospital.

“Oh, Yara. You‘re not only Franklin‘s and Sophia‘s mother, but you‘re also my life savior,” Kenneth said

with a doting gaze. “It was you who gave me another chance to · live and enjoy the company of two


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“Don‘t mention it, Grandpa,” Yara replied with an awkward smile.

Worried that Kenneth would notice her unnatural expression, she quickly lifted her teacup and took a

sip to hide her guilt.

Yara was not at all involved in the two matters that Kenneth had mentioned.

Both Franklin and Sophia were birthed by her twin sister. Even Kenneth was rescued by Natalie.

Five years ago, when she brought the twins to the Bowers residence, she had thought that Kenneth

would give her the cold shoulder. To her surprise, he began to call her his savior when he saw her.

At first, Yara was confused. However, after listening to the story, she decided to go with the flow and

claim the credit.

“Don‘t worry, Grandpa,” Yara replied with reddened eyes, looking as if she was on the

brink oftears. “No matter what happens in the future, even if Samuel were to marry Natalie, I would

still treat you like my grandfather.”

“What nonsense are you spouting, silly girl?”

“Grandpa, I don‘t really have to marry Samuel.” Yara paused to sniffle before continuing reluctantly, “I

just hope that Samuel, Franklin, and Sophia can be happy. Natalie...”

“What about her?”

“A few days ago, she came to me and asked me to give her ten million if I want her to leave Samuel. I

admit that I was blinded by jealousy and immediately gave her a cheque. However, she did not keep

her promise after taking the money. She even told me that it‘s Samuel who is clinging onto her and

that she can‘t do anything about


Yara buried her face in her hands as tears spilled from her eyes.

Seeing that, Kenneth slammed the table in anger. “How bold of her to say such words! Who does she

think she is?”

“Grandpa, please calm down. Don‘t get too worked up. It‘s not good for your health,” Yara persuaded


as a

In response, Kenneth pulled out a dark green box from his pocket. Inside, there was a red braided


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The bracelet‘s pendant was a brilliant emerald piece of jadestone shaped like a flowing river.

“What is this, Grandpa?”

Even though Yara was knowledgeable about jewelry, she was not familiar with gemstones.

Nevertheless, even an amateur like her could see that the bracelet was priceless.

“This pendant is the heirloom of the Bowers family.” Kenneth placed it in Yara‘s palm as he explained,

“It is shaped like our family‘s emblem, and it has been passed down for centuries. Today, I gift this to

you to express my support. No one else in the world suits the role of the lady of the Bowers family more

than you do. No other woman

other than you can set foot into the Bowers family.”

As she listened to Kenneth‘s words and studied the pendant, a wave of happiness and excitement

washed over Yara.

The bracelet was more than just an heirloom. It also meant recognition and acknowledgment from


Meanwhile, in the hospital, Natalie suddenly thought of something.

It‘s my first time meeting Old Mr. Bowers today, but why does he look oddly familiar?

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The Promise of Happiness