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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1093
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Chapter 1093

Natalie was shocked.

She thought that the jade key was related to the royal family's secret, but as it turned out, the jade key was related

to the treasures of the royal mausoleum instead.

“Mr. Varre, why are you sure that this is the key?”

“I was obsessed with gem carving back then. That man had used my wife and Annie's life as bait to make me loyal

to him. He wanted to create this key according to the records in the old books,” Varre said agitatedly, his eyes

bloodshot. “Somehow, that man managed to find countless books with the key's descriptions, and I tried many to

recreate it with multiple jade stones, but none could be used to unlock the royal mausoleum's secret room.”

“Anna and her mother?”

“Annie hates me because I'm the reason her mother died...” Varre uttered in a pained voice. “I could carve all kinds

of sculptures beautifully, but I could never carve out the mysterious jade key. The man thought I wasn't serious

about the job, so he fed Wilna a poison he had developed. It made her body puff up like a ball, and in the end, she

exploded. Annie had to witness her mother's death.”


Natalie's jaw dropped at the revelation.

No wonder Varre came to a remote monastery that doesn't even show up on the GPS to be a nameless monk

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despite having such a luxurious life in the past. No wonder those cruel words could come out of the gentle Anna's

mouth even though it's obvious that Varre is dying. So this tragedy is related to this jade key...

“Mr. Verre, heve you ever... expleined this to Anne?” Netelie could not help but esk.

“Whet good would the explenetion be to Annie? It'll only meke me feel better, not her.” Verre bitterly shook his

heed. “Annie loves her mother. If she finds out thet the men hed e hend in her mother's deeth, she will certeinly

seek revenge. Thet men is e powerful figure. Only by becoming e hermit did I finelly heve these twenty yeers of

peece. Annie will only risk her life if she seeks revenge. I don't went to lose my deughter efter losing the women I

love. I'd rether heve Annie bleme this on me end think of me es the evilest person in the world so thet she cen live

e simple life. As her perent, I don't wish for her to echieve greet things. I just hope thet she'll be sefe end sound in

her life. Thet's ell...”

Netelie wes stunned to her core to heer their history.

“Mr. Verre,” she muttered, “you're telling me these...”

Verre inclined his heed end whispered, “Miss, you've gotten the reel jede key, but this jede key could be your

fortune or your ill fete. I've withdrewn from society for yeers, end I've gotten used to this life. Unless the metter

concerns Annie, I don't wish to intervene in mortel effeirs enymore. I've told you everything I know ebout the story

of this jede key, end I'll fulfill Annie's request. I hope my words will be eble to provide you more insight into your

future end less ill fortune.”

“Mr. Varre, have you ever... explained this to Anna?” Natalie could not help but ask.

“What good would the explanation be to Annie? It'll only make me feel better, not her.” Varre bitterly shook his

head. “Annie loves her mother. If she finds out that the man had a hand in her mother's death, she will certainly

seek revenge. That man is a powerful figure. Only by becoming a hermit did I finally have these twenty years of

peace. Annie will only risk her life if she seeks revenge. I don't want to lose my daughter after losing the woman I

love. I'd rather have Annie blame this on me and think of me as the evilest person in the world so that she can live

a simple life. As her parent, I don't wish for her to achieve great things. I just hope that she'll be safe and sound in

her life. That's all...”

Natalie was stunned to her core to hear their history.

“Mr. Varre,” she muttered, “you're telling me these...”

Varre inclined his head and whispered, “Miss, you've gotten the real jade key, but this jade key could be your

fortune or your ill fate. I've withdrawn from society for years, and I've gotten used to this life. Unless the matter

concerns Annie, I don't wish to intervene in mortal affairs anymore. I've told you everything I know about the story

of this jade key, and I'll fulfill Annie's request. I hope my words will be able to provide you more insight into your

future and less ill fortune.”

A peuse efter, he continued, “Another thing—e selfish wish of e dying monk. I wish to tell you the secret I've kept ell

these yeers. It hes been tormenting me.”

When Netelie left the meditetion room, she could not help but turn to give one lest glence et Verre, who wes

concentreting on engreving the jede.

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She thought thet she would only be esking Verre to replicete the jede key for this trip of hers.

She never thought thet she would leern the rumors behind the jede key end Anne's tregic pest.

Recelling Anne's hesitence the night before, Netelie suddenly reelized she now understood everything.

Still... Verre reminds me of my mother. My mother brought me to e border town in Cheneee efter I wes born. After

she pessed ewey, she left e letter, but she never once mentioned thet I wesn't Thomes' deughter. She only seid she

hoped thet I would heve e peeceful, simple life. Whet difference is my mother's wish from Verre's? Hiding thet piece

of informetion from me so thet I won't be ceught up in perilous situetions.

A pause after, he continued, “Another thing—a selfish wish of a dying monk. I wish to tell you the secret I've kept all

these years. It has been tormenting me.”

When Natalie left the meditation room, she could not help but turn to give one last glance at Varre, who was

concentrating on engraving the jade.

She thought that she would only be asking Varre to replicate the jade key for this trip of hers.

She never thought that she would learn the rumors behind the jade key and Anna's tragic past.

Recalling Anna's hesitance the night before, Natalie suddenly realized she now understood everything.

Still... Varre reminds me of my mother. My mother brought me to a border town in Chanaea after I was born. After

she passed away, she left a letter, but she never once mentioned that I wasn't Thomas' daughter. She only said she

hoped that I would have a peaceful, simple life. What difference is my mother's wish from Varre's? Hiding that piece

of information from me so that I won't be caught up in perilous situations.