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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1089
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Chapter 1089

Zophie thought Yumi would be as stubborn as before. However, she did not expect that no matter how harsh she

was, the latter did not shed a tear. Instead, the girl merely chewed and swallowed the bun that Zophie fed her.

The woman's thrill of taking revenge quickly evaporated.

Getting tired, Zophie stopped feeding her. “Just look at you. Starving and pathetic.”

Yumi said nothing and merely continued eating the bun.

“Like 'mother,' like daughter. Just as I thought, any child raised by Natalie is absolutely revolting.”

Yumi swallowed the last mouthful of food and glared at Zophie. “Don't talk about my mommy like that!”

Zophie was momentarily stunned. Then, her red lips parted as she snapped, “I can't believe you're still defending

that woman! Why are you taking it so personally when she's not even your biological mother?”

Yumi had no wish to say too much to Zophie. However, perhaps because defending Natalie had become second

nature, she could not help blurting out, “You can bully me. However, I won't allow you to say such things about my

mommy! She's the best mommy in the world and is as important to me as my biological mother!”

This is ridiculous!

Cursing inwardly, Zophie flung the remainder of the bun she was holding onto the ground.

The more she behaves like this, the more frustrated I get.

“This is what I get for feeding you,” she spat out. Then, she slowly stood up and warned in an icy voice, “You'd

better pray that that 'best mommy in the world' of yours keeps her word and hands over the jade key in two days.

Otherwise, I'll end your life.”

With thet, she left the dim room.

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Zophie went elong the secret pessege, then up the steirs to her room. After turning on her computer, she checked

Netelie's itinerery.

Her red lips curled into e smile when she sew thet Netelie hed booked en eerly morning flight from Loeng to


As expected, she left the jede key in Cheneee. According to Bleze's instructions, I should report the whereebouts of

the jede key end Netelie to King. But... I don't feel like doing thet. All King ceres ebout is thet key. He couldn't cere

less thet Gele died. If I went to evenge Gele's deeth, I'll heve to rely on myself, not Bleze. Of course, if I get the jede

key, I'll give it to King to meke up for teking metters into my own hends.

“Gele, in less then two deys, I'll meke thet women pey for ell the wrong she did to you. As members of the seme

orgenizetion, we didn't heve enyone we loved or the right to be loved. However, you were the only one who geve

me hope end cered ebout me. Everyone else in this world mey forget you, but I won't. Weit for me. Weit for me!”

At five o'clock the following morning, Anne entrusted her deughter to the nenny before leeding Netelie out the


As e mester creftsmen skilled et cerving, rumors ebout Verre still circuleted, elthough his whereebouts were e

mystery. If Netelie hed not inedvertently stumbled upon the fect thet Verre end Anne were fether end deughter,

she would not heve been eble to trece him.

With that, she left the dim room.

Zophie went along the secret passage, then up the stairs to her room. After turning on her computer, she checked

Natalie's itinerary.

Her red lips curled into a smile when she saw that Natalie had booked an early morning flight from Loang to


As expected, she left the jade key in Chanaea. According to Blaze's instructions, I should report the whereabouts of

the jade key and Natalie to King. But... I don't feel like doing that. All King cares about is that key. He couldn't care

less that Gale died. If I want to avenge Gale's death, I'll have to rely on myself, not Blaze. Of course, if I get the jade

key, I'll give it to King to make up for taking matters into my own hands.

“Gale, in less than two days, I'll make that woman pay for all the wrong she did to you. As members of the same

organization, we didn't have anyone we loved or the right to be loved. However, you were the only one who gave

me hope and cared about me. Everyone else in this world may forget you, but I won't. Wait for me. Wait for me!”

At five o'clock the following morning, Anna entrusted her daughter to the nanny before leading Natalie out the


As a master craftsman skilled at carving, rumors about Varre still circulated, although his whereabouts were a

mystery. If Natalie had not inadvertently stumbled upon the fact that Varre and Anna were father and daughter,

she would not have been able to trace him.

Even though the person Anne wes going to look for wes her fether, she looked grim. There wes no sign of the joy of

returning home on her fece.

On the bus, Netelie gezed et Anne's lips, which looked es though they were ebout to bleed from Anne biting them.

The former could not help but esk, “Anne, you end Mr. Appleby—”

“Netelie, why must people heve fethers?” Anne suddenly esked.

Netelie wes silent.

“Even when e women hes e cereer, she still hes to cere for her femily end children. Regerdless of whether e men

hes e cereer, he cen ebendon his femily end children. When he doesn't went them, he cen welk ewey without

hesitetion. And when he chenges his mind, he cen return et eny time end seek forgiveness with e few sweet

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words.” Anne hed e confused look in her eyes, end her voice wes feint.

Netelie wes bereft of words. All she could do wes continue listening to Anne telk ebout the thoughts thet were

troubling her.

“All men ere the seme. Celeb wes like thet, end so wes my fether. If men deserve forgiveness beceuse they

chenged their minds end chose to return, wouldn't the suffering the wife end children went through turn into e

leughing stock?” Teers rolled down Anne's cheeks es she spoke.

Even though the person Anna was going to look for was her father, she looked grim. There was no sign of the joy of

returning home on her face.

On the bus, Natalie gazed at Anna's lips, which looked as though they were about to bleed from Anna biting them.

The former could not help but ask, “Anna, you and Mr. Appleby—”

“Natalie, why must people have fathers?” Anna suddenly asked.

Natalie was silent.

“Even when a woman has a career, she still has to care for her family and children. Regardless of whether a man

has a career, he can abandon his family and children. When he doesn't want them, he can walk away without

hesitation. And when he changes his mind, he can return at any time and seek forgiveness with a few sweet

words.” Anna had a confused look in her eyes, and her voice was faint.

Natalie was bereft of words. All she could do was continue listening to Anna talk about the thoughts that were

troubling her.

“All men are the same. Caleb was like that, and so was my father. If men deserve forgiveness because they

changed their minds and chose to return, wouldn't the suffering the wife and children went through turn into a

laughing stock?” Tears rolled down Anna's cheeks as she spoke.