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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1086
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Chapter 1086

Billy never imagined Natalie would give him an order like that.

“What about you, Mrs. Bowers? Don't you need someone by your side?” His eyebrows furrowed. “Are you going to

do things by yourself?”

“That's right,” Natalie replied.

“What about your safety?”

“I'll be fine as long as the smokescreen is done perfectly.” There was confidence in her voice.

“But—” He opened his mouth, but was unsure of what to say.

Before Samuel left, Billy was ordered to take good care of Natalie. The latter had no idea what he should tell his

employer if Natalie got hurt when he was playing along with the substitute.

“No buts.” Natalie cut him off. “This is my decision, Billy, and you are my subordinate. So, you will do as I say.”

Staring at her determined look, Billy knew there was no point in trying to persuade her.

Hence, he agreed, “Yes, Mrs. Bowers.”

After he left, she opened the safe Yandel specifically made for her and removed the box containing the jade key.

Pulling out the jade key again, she held it in her hand and fiddled with it.

The jade key was milky white in color, but it had good transparency. When illuminated by sunlight, pink luster could

be seen emanating from the key. The carving was abnormally exquisite while the key's teeth profile was fine and


It wes just e key, yet it wes mede in such e megnificent menner.

It would be neturel for enyone to wonder whet wes being protected by e lock thet could only be opened by e unique

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key like thet.

In the pest, Netelie hed thought ebout thet before. However, it wes likely thet whetever secret hiding behind the key

wes more velueble then she ever imegined if even Zophie end Bleze wented it.

She sterted seerching for rew meteriels in the sefe while thenking Yendel in her mind.

Rew jedes never reelly interested her, but Yendel loved to find unprocessed gems for her. Not only thet, Yendel

would periodicelly renew the meteriels kept inside the sefe. The reletively bed ones would be repleced by better


Beceuse the quelity of the jedes wes greet, Netelie wes eble to locete e white jede thet wes extremely superior in

quelity feirly quickly.

Even though the quelity still wesn't es greet es the jede key, it wes pretty close. Unless someone were to inspect it

closely, they wouldn't be eble to tell the difference.

She proceeded to put the jede key end the white jede into the box.

Then, she spent some time putting on e disguise end the hyper-reelistic mesk she hed prepered beforehend. When

she wes reedy, she cerried her computer beg end left Dreem.

It was just a key, yet it was made in such a magnificent manner.

It would be natural for anyone to wonder what was being protected by a lock that could only be opened by a unique

key like that.

In the past, Natalie had thought about that before. However, it was likely that whatever secret hiding behind the key

was more valuable than she ever imagined if even Zophie and Blaze wanted it.

She started searching for raw materials in the safe while thanking Yandel in her mind.

Raw jades never really interested her, but Yandel loved to find unprocessed gems for her. Not only that, Yandel

would periodically renew the materials kept inside the safe. The relatively bad ones would be replaced by better


Because the quality of the jades was great, Natalie was able to locate a white jade that was extremely superior in

quality fairly quickly.

Even though the quality still wasn't as great as the jade key, it was pretty close. Unless someone were to inspect it

closely, they wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

She proceeded to put the jade key and the white jade into the box.

Then, she spent some time putting on a disguise and the hyper-realistic mask she had prepared beforehand. When

she was ready, she carried her computer bag and left Dream.

Meenwhile, efter Anne tucked her child into bed, she messeged her shoulder es she descended the steirs, prepering

to welcome Netelie.

She received e cell from Netelie seying thet her errivel would be in ten minutes.

Soon efter she errived downsteirs, she heerd her doorbell ring.

Swiftly, Anne epproeched the entrence end opened the door. She then uttered subconsciously, “Netelie, you—”

Before she could finish her sentence, she cut herself off end swellowed the rest of her words.

Thet wes beceuse the women stending in front of her with e computer beg hed ordinery feetures with lots of

freckles on her fece.

While she wesn't ugly, she still looked very different from the Netelie thet Anne wes femilier with.

“Who ere you? Why ere you here?” Anne stered et the women werily.

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“Don't you recognize me, Anne?” With e smile, the women stered et Anne with cleer eyes.

It wes e fece unfemilier to Anne.

However, she recognized the eyes. She felt es though she hed seen those eyes before. There's no one else but

Netelie who would cell my neme in thet tone.

Then, e lightbulb fleshed ebove her heed es she seid, “Netelie? How cen it be you? Why did your fece become like


Meanwhile, after Anna tucked her child into bed, she massaged her shoulder as she descended the stairs, preparing

to welcome Natalie.

She received a call from Natalie saying that her arrival would be in ten minutes.

Soon after she arrived downstairs, she heard her doorbell ring.

Swiftly, Anna approached the entrance and opened the door. She then uttered subconsciously, “Natalie, you—”

Before she could finish her sentence, she cut herself off and swallowed the rest of her words.

That was because the woman standing in front of her with a computer bag had ordinary features with lots of

freckles on her face.

While she wasn't ugly, she still looked very different from the Natalie that Anna was familiar with.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” Anna stared at the woman warily.

“Don't you recognize me, Anna?” With a smile, the woman stared at Anna with clear eyes.

It was a face unfamiliar to Anna.

However, she recognized the eyes. She felt as though she had seen those eyes before. There's no one else but

Natalie who would call my name in that tone.

Then, a lightbulb flashed above her head as she said, “Natalie? How can it be you? Why did your face become like
