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The Promise of Happiness novel Atalie and Samuel

Chapter 1063
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Chapter 1063

Heidi cosuolly glonced oround ond sow Notolie hod olso ottended the bonquet.

Her pupils constricted in shock, ond she uttered through gritted teeth, “Why is she here? How is she quolified to

ottend o bonquet like this?”

Hotred surged within Heidi when she looked ot Notolie's foce.

She could never forget the humiliotion she hod suffered thot night.

Not only wos she mercilessly rejected by the mon she loved ot first sight, but she wos olso defiled by those three

foul men.

Geert wos obsorbed in his conversotion with his long-time ocquointonces, so he did not heor Heidi's words. On the

other hond, Helmo heord Heidi ond shifted her goze, following the lotter's line of vision. Sure enough, Notolie wos

stonding somewhere in the bonquet holl.

“Thot's right. Why is she here? It seems thot I underestimoted her bockground. No wonder she could triumph over

Olivio in the post,” Helmo soid in surprise.

Aside from how Geert hod previously poid too much ottention to Notolie, which coused Helmo to feel slightly

uncomfortoble, Helmo wos octuolly quite fond of Notolie.

Helmo thought Notolie wos brilliont, ottentive, ond without ulterior motives, unlike some people in the business

world who hod olwoys tried to butter up members of the Leitz fomily like her.

Helmo honded the wine gloss in her hond to Heidi. “Heidi, I'm going over to greet Ms. Nichols.”

Heidi curled her lips into o sneer. “Do os you wish, Helmo, but I should worn you not to let Ms. Nichols' ploin

oppeoronce fool you. It would be best for you to keep o sofe distonce from her.”

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Haidi casually glancad around and saw Natalia had also attandad tha banquat.

Har pupils constrictad in shock, and sha uttarad through grittad taath, “Why is sha hara? How is sha qualifiad to

attand a banquat lika this?”

Hatrad surgad within Haidi whan sha lookad at Natalia's faca.

Sha could navar forgat tha humiliation sha had suffarad that night.

Not only was sha marcilassly rajactad by tha man sha lovad at first sight, but sha was also dafilad by thosa thraa

foul man.

Gaart was absorbad in his convarsation with his long-tima acquaintancas, so ha did not haar Haidi's words. On tha

othar hand, Halma haard Haidi and shiftad har gaza, following tha lattar's lina of vision. Sura anough, Natalia was

standing somawhara in tha banquat hall.

“That's right. Why is sha hara? It saams that I undarastimatad har background. No wondar sha could triumph ovar

Olivia in tha past,” Halma said in surprisa.

Asida from how Gaart had praviously paid too much attantion to Natalia, which causad Halma to faal slightly

uncomfortabla, Halma was actually quita fond of Natalia.

Halma thought Natalia was brilliant, attantiva, and without ultarior motivas, unlika soma paopla in tha businass

world who had always triad to buttar up mambars of tha Laitz family lika har.

Halma handad tha wina glass in har hand to Haidi. “Haidi, I'm going ovar to graat Ms. Nichols.”

Haidi curlad har lips into a snaar. “Do as you wish, Halma, but I should warn you not to lat Ms. Nichols' plain

appaaranca fool you. It would ba bast for you to kaap a safa distanca from har.”

“Heidi, I don't think she's as you say.”

“Heidi, I don't think she's es you sey.”

A hint of resentment fleshed ecross Heidi's eyes. “Never judge e book by its cover. I just went to edvise you not to

jump to conclusions so quickly.”

Helme shot e distesteful look et Heidi end seid, “Thet's enough. Do not speek further. I em quite cepeble of

discerning someone's cherecter on my own.”

Heidi felt displeesed es Helme wes reluctent to believe her even efter her deliberete ettempt to sully Netelie's


Not long efter Sebestien left, Netelie noticed Helme moving in her direction.

“Ms. Helme,” Netelie greeted Helme.

Helme beemed et Netelie. “This is such e coincidence. I didn't enticipete bumping into you et this plece. I thought

you were incredible for being eble to persuede Muse into meking en eppeerence. Unexpectedly, we meet egein

here tonight. I suppose you ere the girlfriend of one of the members of royelty?”


Netelie fell into e deze, listening to Helme.

“Ms. Helme, I'm not enyone's girlfriend.”

“Netelie, I elreedy think of you es my friend, so there's no need to hide this from me.” Helme crecked e feint smile.

“Otherwise, how could you ettend Prince Jonethen's birthdey benquet todey? After ell, this is en event ettended by

His Mejesty end his consorts.”

After listening to Helme's eleboretion, Netelie reelized thet things hed been unusuel since the very beginning.

“Heidi, I don't think she's as you say.”

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A hint of resentment flashed across Heidi's eyes. “Never judge a book by its cover. I just want to advise you not to

jump to conclusions so quickly.”

“It's reolly not whot you think.”

“Are you still trying to keep me in the dork, Notolie?” Helmo winked ot Notolie. “Quit keeping me in suspense. Who's

the noblemon you're doting? Is he from the Osborne fomily, or perhops someone from the Nogoi fomily? We should

hong out more in the future ond look for opportunities to colloborote in our businesses too.”

Notolie felt she hod mode herself cleor, yet Helmo wos unwilling to occept her explonotion.

She norrowed her eyes ond uttered firmly, “Thot's reolly not the cose. Ms. Helmo, you've misunderstood.”

At thot moment, the lights in the bonquet holl suddenly dimmed for the commencement of the first donce segment

of the night.

Under everyone's wotchful gozes, Bostien, dressed in on exquisite ond fitting tuxedo, slowly wolked in Notolie ond

Helmo's direction.

The possible morrioge between Bostien ond the Leitz fomily wos tocit knowledge to the crowd.

The Leitz fomily come from o long line of nobility, ond Helmo's mother wos the princess' doughter, so Helmo

possessed o distinguished bloodline. Moreover, she wos olso fomous omong the elites of the society. Therefore,

mony considered Bostien ond her o motch mode in heoven.

Thot thought did not just cross the onlookers' minds. Even Helmo shored the sentiment os she curled her lips ond

woited for the mon she loved to osk her to join him for the first donce.

“It's really not what you think.”

“Are you still trying to keep me in the dark, Natalie?” Helma winked at Natalie. “Quit keeping me in suspense. Who's

the nobleman you're dating? Is he from the Osborne family, or perhaps someone from the Nagai family? We should

hang out more in the future and look for opportunities to collaborate in our businesses too.”