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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 1941
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"Con, | don't need it to be pretty! Even if it looks like it was scribbled by a dog, | don't mind! You write as a pastime, a hobby,

but for me, it's like going through hell! | hate writing so much, I don't even want to touch a pen. Please, Bella, helpout. You're

the best sister-in-law in the whole wide world."

Cathy clung to Arabella's hand, her voice dripping with sweetness. "lI was waiting for you all evening, my stomach was growling

louder than a bear, and | was a little bit upset, but now that you're here, it's all gone! Honest, | swear!"


When Romeo saw her holding on to Arabella's hand, seemingly begging for something, he stepped forward and interjected, "Are

you done yet?"

"Just about."

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"Well, then I'll take it as you're done." Romeo drew Arabella into his arms, his tone softening as he spoke to her, "Grandma and

Grandpa said they have something for you, let's go see."

"Romeo." Cathy's voice was tinged with urgency as she watched their retreating figures, "Bella."

"You asked her copy the family rules?" Arabella looked up, her interest piqued as she spoke to the man beside her.

"She cto you with her complaints?" Romeo glanced back, giving Cathy a stern look that sent a shiver down her spine.

Cathy felt a surge of panic. Maybe even with her sister-in-law's intervention, her brother was set on punishing her.

What now? With the holidays upon them, there was no chance to find someone to write it for her at the last minute.

Then she saw her sister Luna nearby and clung to a glimmer of hope.

Luna, ever so nonchalant, said as she walked, "Don't even think about it. If Romeo finds out, I'd end up writing it four hundred


"Please, Luna, you're my true family. Can you do just ten pages for me? Ten? Is that okay?"

"Not a single word." Luna's icy demeanor left no room for negotiation.

Cathy's gaze turned to her brother Jeffrey, who helplessly said, "If Romeo finds out, he'll break my legs."

"Are you all so afraid of him? After all these years, haven't you ever thought about standing up to him?"

Luna gave her a look reserved for fools, while Jeffrey clearly hadn't entertained the thought either.

"Jeffery, Luna." Cathy's spirits sank further as she realized that even her own siblings were as apprehensive as she was.


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Arabella spoke in a calm voice, "Let's just drop it, no more punishment."

Romeo's gaze shifted to his fiancée, "She won her way into your good graces that quickly?"

"It's not about being won over; | just think she's still young and easily frightened. Look at how scared you've made her."

"I think she just finds you more approachable."

Although Romeo was reluctant to let Cathy off the hook, his fiancée had spoken up, so he called out coldly, "Cathy."

Hearing her brother call her full name, Cathy's heart skipped a beat, and she braced herself for a scolding.

She hurried over to them, ready to take her lumps.

"Since Bella has pleaded on your behalf, we'll leave it at that. But let this be the last time."

Cathy's eyes widened in surprise, and a surge of joy filled her. She hadn't expected this reprieve from her strict brother.