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The Perfect Luna by Marissa Gilbert

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58. The Awakening
The men hesitated even despite the order that they had received. And now Ria knew that even though Roxanne was important
and probably held a high rank, she wasn’t their leader. But Castiel was.
And he wasn’t there.
“Do I have to repeat myself,” Roxy was getting visibly furious, “Castiel doesn’t care about her. Just kill her and let’s be done with
“Is this what this is about?” Riannon decided to taunt the redhead more, “I mentioned him to you today and you couldn’t handle
The men exchanged glances at her words, and she knew that she hit the goal and made them doubt why they were there in the
first place. This, whatever it was, was not planned.
“Shut up!” Roxy growled and her eyes glowed red for a few seconds, “Don’t think too much of yourself! He would never be
interested in someone as dull as you.”
“Then you don’t have anything to worry about,” Riannon smirked, “Either way, there is an easy way to check whether he cares or
not. You can simply call him and ask. Right?”
It was a gamble, of course. For all she knew, she could have misread Castiel’s intentions the last two times they met, and he
wanted her as dead as Roxy did. But on the other hand, all she needed now was time for the lycans to come closer discreetly.
The expressions of the four men were tense and when one of them got out his phone, she knew that it was a little victory of hers.
Her eyes locked with Roxanne’s, and she could see her snarling.
“Hey, Cass,” the leader of the group managed to connect very quickly, “Sorry to bother you. We have a situation here. We have
that Luna... Well, she is actually the Alpha now. Yes, that’s the one. Roxy said... Oh. Okay. Understood. She is already here...
Got it.”
He switched off the phone and glared at the redhead who was standing not far from him and clearly not happy with how
everything was turning out.
“Looks like we have a change of plans,” he announced to his accomplices, “And Alpha

Riannon will have to make a little trip with us.”
Now this was better. This she could work with. Everything was so much easier now that they obviously had an order not to kill
her. It gave her more freedom of action.
“I am sorry,” she chuckled, “I am afraid I am busy tonight.”
“Rick,” Roxanne turned to the leader of the group, “You owe me one. I want to collect
now, and I want this woman dead!”
want any trouble with Castiel, and his orders were clear on her account. He wants us to bring her to him. So, finish off the boy
and let’s get going.”
The man looked in the direction of the tree house and Riannon just knew that this was where they kept Dean.
: “Guys! Now!” she commanded Ash and Maya via the mindlink and charged for the house in the hope of reaching Dean first. He
was of Beta blood and could fight with her until help
One of the men tried to stop her, but she twisted a bit and forced herself to escape his
grasp. However, she lost her speed due to that manoeuvre and the next guy managed to capture her by her waist, laughing

along the way as if it was some kind of sick game.
“Nice try!” he said, “But even if you managed that, you wouldn’t go far. You didn’t seriously think that we would wander into the
enemy’s territory with just the four of us.”
He didn’t even finish speaking when she saw glowing eyes in the darkness of the woods. One pair, two, three... and then
She was wrong in her calculations. How didn’t she sense any of them?!
“Ash, Maya, abort!” she tried to stop her Beta and Gamma, “There are too many of them! Don’t come here without...”
Now it wasn’t only about saving Dean. It was also about not killing the rest of her friends. Even with the lycans they had, it
wouldn’t be a fair fight.

“We are not leaving you and Dean!” Maya growled, speeding up as she spoke.
In the meantime, the glowing eyes were getting closer and Riannon was finally able to make out the creatures they belonged to.
Red and brown fur. Foxes... and bears.
They were slowly getting closer, taking their time because they were sure that they already had their prey.
She swallowed, thinking hectically. Roxanne was working with them. She was one of
Why didn’t she ever think about this before? They knew for a while who their enemy was. This made so much sense now.
“Riannon!” she heard Roxy’s voice, which broke her train of thought. Their eyes met and Ria gasped, when she saw the fake
omega already standing on the little platform of the tree
escape her how beaten the boy looked. He was barely standing.
“Release the pup at least,” she tried to sound as if it didn’t matter much to her. Because she knew that Roxy would only kill him
faster if she knew she cared.
“What for?” the girl giggled menacingly and tilted her head, “He is a witness that I no longer need. He served his purpose. And
now I am done with him!”
With that, she slashed her claws across his neck, making Riannon scream in horror. She tried to get out of the man’s grasp, but
he only increased the pressure on her. He was stronger now that she was without her wolf.
Riannon’s eyes met with Dean’s as blood was gushing out of his throat and there was so
much regret in them. It was as if he was asking for forgiveness for his past mistakes.
Tears were burning in her eyes. Angry tears. Riannon was angry at being powerless. She had enough of this.
She turned back in time to fix things, to save people who were dear to her. And yet she was losing family again. Because that’s
what Dean was to her – family.
“You are probably wondering why he isn’t healing?” Roxy snorted loudly, “And the answer to this is aconite.”

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This was like a cold shower for her.
Aconite. They drugged Dean with aconite so that he couldn’t heal. Just like Roxanne did to her in her past life.
She remembered the feeling of helplessness, of how her hands and legs couldn’t move properly and how scared she was. This
wasn’t the death that she wished for Dean. She didn’t wish for him to die at all.
At that moment, wolves jumped out from behind her, and she recognised Maya’s loud howl. Bears and foxes charged at them,
and a battle began. Growls and snarls filled the air, and red blood splattered over the grass as each of them was fighting for their
life now..
However, she could clearly see that the powers were uneven. They were not ready for an attack today, since Brayden took
almost all of the warriors away. The lycans were very helpful since their wolves were much bigger, but their small group struggled

with the quantity of their opponents, which seemed to only increase every minute.
The man who was holding her, started to drag her away. Riannon was struggling as much as she could in her position, but it was
all useless.
at him, knocking them both to the ground.
Riannon recognised Ash and before she managed to say or do anything, he was already ripping her captor to pieces.
She stood up and ran in the direction of the tree house, where Roxanne was still holding Dean and watching the battle. As soon
as she noticed her, a smirk spread over her face, and she threw the young man at her from height.
Ria tried to catch him and fell together with him to the ground.
“Dean!” she tried to cover his neck and stop the blood flowing in a silly and useless attempt to save his life.
“Dean!” Maya shifted next to them into her human form and her shivering hands touched
the guy, “Dean! Brother!”
Her screams filled the air around them as she clenched the dying sibling to her chest
with tears rolling down her cheek.

From the corner of her eye, Riannon noticed Roxy jumping off her hideout and shifting rapidly into a fiery red creature. A fox. The
fake omega was actually a fox, after all!
And she tried to run away. Clenching her fists, Ria stood up and ran after her. She wasn’t letting her go this easily. But Roxanne
was faster now than she was and soon she lost her out of sight.
However, another fox, dirty brown in colour, crossed her path. It was big and with huge canines bared at her. Another one joined
it shortly after. And then one more. But it was when a huge brown bear arrived that she knew she was in deep trouble. There
was no way she could
take them down.
Those three did not look like they were going to capture her and take her somewhere. They looked like they were going to kill her
and be done with it.
And she was too far from anyone else.
She was ready to die when a huge black wolf appeared out of nowhere and attacked the bear, who was clearly the biggest and
most dangerous target.
“Gideon!” she whispered in relief and he growled to her in response. This wasn’t how he expected to find her and seeing her
surrounded made him beyond furious.
He killed the bear with ease, turning to the foxes, both of which charged at him at the same time. But what was worse, another
three werebears appeared, running in his direction in
He was now outnumbered five to one and she couldn’t watch it. She hoped that he was strong enough. He was the lycan king,
after all. But what if it was too much even for him?! She couldn’t know...
It was as if the world around her stopped. She saw her friends fighting enemies. And she
saw Maya rocking Dean’s lifeless body as another fox was getting closer to them.
It became hard to breathe. So much was going on and she was useless... Just like back then...
Riannon fell to her knees. Pain filled her chest. Unbearable and all-consuming. She couldn’t let it happen again. She couldn’t
lose any more people that she loved.

Not Maya.
Not Gideon... She couldn’t let that happen. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t. She would fight whatever it
Something shifted deep inside of her. Something familiar. As if a piece of a puzzle has finally found its place.
“Onyx!” she whispered, “I need you now!” “I am here,” her wolf replied with a growl that shattered the mountains... Note: I hope
you will find this chapter satisfying. And yes, Onyx is back. P.S. I need a name
for this chapter. Any ideas?