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The Perfect Luna by Marissa Gilbert

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52. Back To The Palace
Riannon wanted to smack him. She knew very well what kind of game her ex was playing right now. And she knew that he was
very good at it. He knew just what to tell the other alphas to make them concerned and to make them doubt. After all, he was
one of them. And Gideon
This was his chance to get back into the game and he wanted to use it. However, what they were in now was bigger than him
and his need to bounce back. So, she couldn’t let him
have his way this time.
“To throw accusations like that, Alpha Brayden, you need hard proof” she said firmly, “I suppose you have something to confirm
your words. Otherwise, it’s just slander and you will lose the last bits of respect for you that still remain.”
Their eyes met and Bray knew better than to continue. It was different now that she wasn’t on his side anymore. He used to
count on her support in matters like this, knowing that she would find the right words. But not anymore. Now she was defending
another. And it hurt.
“Let’s not drag this. I think we just got lucky today,” Ramina, the Alpha of the werecats sighed, “And let’s be thankful for that.
Right now, we need to gather our strength and mourn
the ones that we lost.”
“But it doesn’t change the fact that it was probably just one part of the plan,” Gideon said calmly. Surprisingly, he seemed
absolutely unaffected by the accusations of his mate’s ex,“ My guess would be that phase one was to decapitate packs by killing
the alphas and, in case that did not work, make alphas weaker by killing their Lunas. And that means that phase two is about to
start and we need to be ready.”
“I agree,” Zack Morgan nodded, “We need to make sure our warriors are always ready to answer the call of our neighbours if
there is such a need in the future. We united for a reason and right now it is time to prove that our alliance is worth something.”
“I will dispatch lycans to each pack that borders the foxes and the werebears just in case,” Gideon announced, “They will help
you train and also help you defend your territories in case of an attack.”

“That would be greatly appreciated,” an Alpha of one of the packs in question nodded and others agreed with him as well.
“As for the deceased Alphas,” the king went on, “Right now their Betas will have to step in as leaders unless they have heirs of
an appropriate age. New alphas should be appointed within this week. I am afraid it can’t take any longer.”
“Then this is it for today,”Gideon announced. Everyone was too tired by now after everything they went through. “We’ll be in
contact,” he said, and the leaders started to say their
goodbyes. Brayden was among the first ones to leave and Riannon was able to breathe easily when he was gone from her sight.
She knew that his pride would always stand in his way of accepting the new order of things. And she didn’t have the emotional
strength to fight him today anymore. She was too exhausted.
Her mate was still talking to a few alphas and she decided to go and get some air while she waited for him to be done. No one
was asking for her opinion on things for now, since her pack was still in the making. Not that she wanted to share her thoughts
before she discussed everything that was on her mind with Gideon.
Outside, she saw her ex leading Roxy out of one of the ambulances. The omega stumbled on the way and dropped right into her
mate’s arms helplessly.
Riannon rolled her eyes as she turned away from the sight and almost bumped into Ash’s chest. For a few seconds, she and the
Beta were just staring at each other.
“Is this true?” he asked, placing his palms into the pockets of his trousers.
“Depends on what you mean,” she couldn’t read his facial expression and thus did not know what to expect from him.
“You have a mate,” Ash said in a broken voice, “A real one this time.” “It’s the truth,” she nodded. There was no point in denying
anything. Neither did she want
“The Lycan king, huh?” the Beta snorted.
“Trust me, I was as surprised as everybody else,” she gave him a weak smile. “And you are not coming back...”
“Oh, Ash,” she smirked, “I am definitely coming back for what is mine. Just not today.” She noticed a faint smile on his lips as he
gave her a nod. “I’ll be waiting,” he said, and for a second there was silence between them. “Ash, can I ask you something?” she
decided to try her luck one more day today.

“Of course,” the man seemed to be relieved for some reason. As if he didn’t know how to talk to her anymore and was happy for

her to initiate the conversation.
“Were you with Roxy during the explosions?” she asked and he furrowed his eyebrows, getting at once why she was asking that.
literally everywhere.”
“And what was she doing right before the explosion?” Riannon did not give up.
“Shopping,” he replied honestly, “She... liked that lingerie shop they had there. Then, when everything happened, she was right
next to the glass window and it was broken from the impact. Roxy was thrown over the wall. I spent most of the time trying to
bring her back to her consciousness right until Brayden came looking for her.”
“I see,” Riannon nodded. This wasn’t much and didn’t help her in her suspicions at all. Then again, it was more important what
Roxanne was doing prior to the Summit. When no one even knew that she was there.
“Come on, Ash!” Brayden growled through the open window of his car, “We need to get back to our pack.”
For a second there their eyes met and she knew that he was about to say something to her. Probably something hurtful this time
since he was obviously angry with how today went for him. So, she turned away before he had a chance to do so. She did not
owe him anything anymore.
“See you around, Ash,” she said and walked away. Gideon, Ria, Maya and Reid drove home together. The lycan king had his
hands wrapped
around his mate while she rested her head on his chest. They were supposed to have their
triumphant return home but the recent events did not let them indulge in their happiness. Too
many people died and they both felt guilty for the happiness that they felt.
It also did not escape Ria’s gaze that her best friend and her mate were not even
touching each other. Maya sat with one of her legs on top of another and her hands folded on her chest, looking everywhere but
at Reid. At the same time, the lycan Beta was throwing glances at her from time to time, obviously eager for more contact. But
he did not push her, giving her the space she needed.

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Riannon told them everything that happened today with Roxy, starting from the very beginning and they all listened carefully to
“I know it’s not much,” she said when she was done, “But I do feel that she is not that simple. Considering everything that she did
in my previous life...”
“Wow,” Reid suddenly straightened his back, “Previous life? Did I miss something?”
“Apparently a lot,” Maya snorted and again her friend wondered what was going on between her and her mate, taking a mental
note that she would have to address this later.
her. “It’s worth checking, my love,” he kissed her temple, “Luckily, the video footage was saved in the cloud. So, we will be able
to check everything that happened before the Summit.”
“Really?” Ria looked at her mate, “Then we will be able to find that Everett guy as well!”
Every muscle in Gideon’s body tensed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he growled.
“I saw him again today,” she confessed, “Just a glimpse, but I saw him. Right after the explosions when we were getting people
out. I am sure that the two are connected. Now more
than ever.”
“Then it’s good that he appeared,” the Lycan king‘s grip on her became tighter, “It’s best
to know our enemies in the face.”
When they arrived back at the lycan kingdom, it was already dark. Gideon and Reid had a few matters to deal with, so the girls
went to their rooms first. Riannon decided not to bother Maya tonight since her friend already looked exhausted enough after the
long day they had.
She was also tired, but after a long and relaxing shower her strength replenished and she was disappointed not to find Gideon in
her bedroom. She was even more disappointed not to find him in his bedroom since it was the middle of the night.
However, she had a pretty good idea of where she could find him.

She threw a black silk robe on top of the matching slip and went downstairs. All the way to the lycan king’s office, where she
found him staring at his laptop. Luckily, Reid was nowhere in sight.
“Is this how it is going to be, Your Majesty?” she mocked him with a soft smile on her lips as she closed the door behind herself.
He lifted his eyes to look at her and his mouth parted slightly. He could look at her forever and still be stricken with her beauty
every time.
“I am sorry,” he tilted his head to have a better look at her and liking what he saw, “I just wanted to make sure that the footage
was checked as soon as possible.”

“And?” she got closer to his desk and his eyes lingered on her slender frame.
“Unfortunately, there is nothing to incriminate that omega,” he sighed, “And as for that Everett guy, the cameras were not filming
the side of the car park. This is probably why he was so bold and let you see him. It’s another dead end.”
“Disappointing,” she sighed and circled the desk, placing one hand on his shoulder and another on the laptop, closing it, “But this
also means that you may be done for tonight. And
His eyes flashed golden as he took the laptop and threw it into one of the drawers, immediately bringing her closer by her waist.
“The things you do to me,” he smirked and pulled the belt of her silky robe.
“Maybe it’s time for you to do things to me?” Riannon shrugged her shoulders and the robe fell all the way down to her feet,
making her mate growl. She bent down to him, lacing her fingers in his hair and kissed him greedily. Gideon’s hands were
roaming her thighs and as his fingers reached her most sensitive part, a snarl of approval rumbled through his chest as he found
out that she didn’t have any underwear on.
With both his palms, he grasped her bottom and placed her on the desk before him, spreading her legs for him. Riannon was
watching his every movement as he stood up, towering over her and started covering her body with kisses, making her slip fall
down to her
“I am definitely the Moon Goddess’ favourite,” Gideon chuckled, kneading her breasts in his hands, “How else can one explain
me having you as my mate. The perfect woman.”

“Gideon!” she arched her back, needing more action from him now than what he was giving her and he happily obliged, sucking
in one of her n***les and at the same time inserting two digits into her
A moan tore off her lips as the pleasure started to build inside of her. In the meantime, the lycan’s lips were travelling lower and
lower her body, until she felt his hot breath on her bundle of nerves and then his canines grazing over it softly. And as soon as he
started working on her with his tongue, she lost it, digging her nails in his shoulders and moaning his name. He curled his fingers
inside masterfully, bringing her over the edge quickly.
She panted as he stood up again to watch her as if she was a work of art. But Riannon was not nearly done, so she tugged on
his belt, unbuckling it clumsily, since she was still coming back to her senses after her rel**se. His hardness sprung out of his
pants and she stroked him a few times, teasing and making his eyes go darker.
He grasped her thighs and yanked her closer towards him, pressing his head at her entrance and at the same time lifting her
legs higher.
“You are playing dangerous games, little mate,” he taunted, and a nervous laugh escaped
her lips.
“I am feeling brave tonight,” Riannon smirked at him and Gideon lowered himself to capture her lips, at the same time entering
her in one rough move which she enjoyed to the
“I love you so much,” he breathed into her mouth as he thrust into her and she scratched his back, tearing off his shirt in the
“I love you... too,” she managed to confess in between his powerful thrusts, “So... much!
“Mine,” he growled out loud and lifted her up in the air, to which she immediately hugged his waist with her thighs tight. He
pumped into her again and again, making her bounce on him while giving her back the support which she needed. Riannon
screamed in pleasure as he was filling her perfectly, the tingles of their mate bond spreading over her body more than ever
before. She felt Onyx howling inside as she cl**max at the same time as him and bit his
shoulder from the intensity of the sensations.
Gideon was holding her tight, his most important treasure. Slowly catching his breath, he sat back in his chair, placing her on top
of him and pressing her to his chest. She leaned into him as if she belonged there and it was the most natural thing for them

ever. His fingers were brushing her hair softly and, for the first time on this very hard and uneasy day, they both felt happy and at
Only to get none. “Ria?” he caressed her cheek and realised that his mate had dozed off already.
“Should have done it while she was moaning,” Mars grunted, not happy at all with how the night turned out.
“She is ours now,” Gideon smiled as he covered her naked frame and lifted her up in his hands to take her to the bedroom, “Day
earlier, day later – it makes no difference anymore.”
Riannon woke up alone in their bed, but there was no disappointment whatsoever, as she knew very well that her workaholic
mate was probably already performing his royal duties. A white rose on his pillow and a sweet note only confirmed her thoughts.
She did not want to waste any time either and after a quick clean up, dressed to impress
and went downstairs.
However, she paused at the doors of the dining room when she saw Maya standing there
alone. She was clearly eavesdropping and this was so not like her friend.
Her Beta noticed her at once and motioned for her to stay quiet, signalling for her to start
listening too...