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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 203
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Chapter 203

With a nonchalant expression on his face, Percival pushed a cup of freshly brewed tea towards Eric.

“Tea sets are meant for making tea, aren’t they?”

“But this is an antique! An antique” Eric glared at Percival in resentment, but he couldn’t resist picking

up the cup of tea and taking a sip

The delicate and distinctive fragrance of the tea almost made him sigh in contentment

He had been longing for this tea, which was produced by the eighteen tea plarits in the Royal Tea


However, its annual yield was only about 50 grams, and even before the leaves were picked, they were

already ordered by the big shots. He didn’t even have the chance to get a whiff of its aroma

Unexpectedly, it was Percival, the man he currently despised the most, who had made this dream

come true

As he savored the tea, he carefully admired the intricately carved cup in his hand.

The small cup was adorned with stories related to tea It told stories of its cultivation, picking,

processing, selling, brewing, and serving All expertly

carved by Yacob

It was a one–of–a–kind masterpiece, making whatever set he had look like junk in comparison.

Such a precious item should be stored in a safe and admired, shouldn’t it?

But this infuriating man had just casually brought it out for use.

Vivienne couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Eric’s jealous face. He looked like he wanted to bite

Percival to death.

“Vivienne As soon as Vivienne came down, Dorian and Cordelia hurriedly called her over

“Do they have a grudge against Percival?” Cordelia asked in a low voice.

From their perspective, it seemed like the men were just making tea, but it felt like they were on the

verge of a fight.

Vivienne smiled and patted Cordelia’s back to reassure her.

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“Vivienne come and sit here” Jerry and the others immediately made room for her as soon as they saw


Before Vivienne could react, Percival stood up, took her hand, and led her to sit next to him. He raised

his eyebrows at the eight disgruntled faces across

from them

He then brewed another cup of tea for Vivienne and handed it to her. He glanced disdainfully at Eric’s

useless tea set and said scornfully. Next time, keep this trash to yourself”

It was just round one, but Eric was utterly defeated

Jerry and the other men exchanged glances and pulled out a long box that had been by their side.

They took out a scroll from the box and handed it to Dorian

With Brian’s help, Jerry unrolled the scroll, revealing a stunning landscape painting.

Dorian, Cordelia, we weren’t sure what to bring as a gift for our visit, so we prepared a painting by

Gustaf, the most famous painter our country has ev had, titled Thousand Hills in Late Snow.”

Dorian and Cordelia gasped in surprise as they looked at the painting. They had seen this famous

painting in the news before it was said to have been auctioned for a staggering 3 billion dollars it was

bought by a mysterious buyer, who turned out to be Jerry.

Just now, the extravagant tea and tea sets had already made Dorian and Cordelia feel like they were

on pins and needles. Now, Jerry was presenting them with this priceless painting as a gift.

They were so stunned that they forgot to refuse the gift

Were all the disciples of the Emerald Monastery this rich? They couldn’t help but wonder

“Huh Percival glanced at the painting and sneered at Jerry Jerry, I heard that you were a connoisseur

of great paintings. How come you didst realize that this painting is a fake?”

“Mr. Ellington, if you don’t understand art, don’t talk nonsense Jerry’s face turned cold. This painting by

Gustal has been appraised by several domestik.


They are just self proclaimed experts Percival said dismissively. “There are plenty of cases where

ignorant experts have ran precious antaques.

Tent if you who is pretending to know anything about an?” Jerry retorted coldly. “You say this painting is

a fake, but do you have any proof?

The silk used in thu painting ‘Percival pointed at the painting. This type of silk only started being

produced 40 years ago. How could Gustal when he died nearly 80 years ago?”


Jerry’s face turned pale as he looked at the painting in disbelief

“You can have it tested Percival suggested

“How do you know this so clearly?” Jerry asked, still in disbelief

Percival signaled to Thomas, who handed him a long box that he had been holding under his arm. He

took out a scroll from the box and, with Thomas’s help, unrolled it

A painting identical to Thousand Hills in Late Show was displayed in front of everyone

“Because the real painting has always been in my possession Percivals lips curled up in a smug amie.


Chapter 203

Jerry was shocked. He stepped forward to examine Percival’s painting carefully. The more he looked at

it, the more his heart trembled.

By just looking at the painting, he could recognize Gustaf’s distinctive brushstrokes. He couldn’t believe

that he had spent 3 billion dollars on a replica

“Don’t be disheartened, Jerry” Percival said, feigning sympathy “Although your painting is a replica, it’s

still a rare masterpiece and quite valuable”

In round two, the disciples suffered another defeat

Jerry was so stunned that he couldn’t speak. He could only watch as Percival rolled up the authentic

Thousand Hills in Late Snow and presented it to Dorian and Cordelia

“Father–in–law, mother–in–law, this painting is my gift to you”

Dorian and Cordelia didn’t dare accept it. They didn’t know what to do

You can consider it as a gift for Vivienne Just accept it on her behalf. Percival took Vivienne’s hand and

held it in his “We’re getting our marriage license

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Vivienne was taken aback

What was he talking about?

She only agreed to not call off their engagement, but how did it turn into getting a marriage license?

Vivienne’s silence, in Dorian’s eyes, was her tacit agreement to the idea of getting a marriage license.

In an instant, he found himself even more irritated

with Percival

“Accept the gift for Vivienne, we’ll consider it part of her wedding gift” He said to Cordelia.

At this. Jerry and his fellows all suddenly wore grim expressions.

Dawson who had been hobbling down the stairs from the second floor, overheard this and exclaimed,

“What wedding gift?! No way! I don’t agree

Dorian and Cordelia furrowed their brows at him What business was it of Dawson’s what they planned

for their daughter’s wedding gift?

Under the confused gaze of the couple, Dawson fell silent. Only after a while did he finally stutter out, “I

mean, the interior of this villa is quite nice; i don’t agree with changing it.”

“Mr. Dawson, did you doze off?” Dorian stood up to offer Dawson a seat. “I called you down for tea, but

you didn’t respond”

Dawson, not daring to take Donan’s seat, sat down in the vacant spot next to Eric. He couldn’t help but

gasp as he glanced resentfully at Vivienne, who was sipping her tea across the table

His dear Vivienne had been ruthless earlier, he ached everywhere, yet there wasn’t a scratch to be

seen on him.

Vivienne, with her porcelain fingers delicately cradling a cup of tea that Percival had brewed, was

serenely tasting it, completely ignoring Dawson’s bitter gaze

Left with no choice, Dawson turned his attention to Jerry, whispering, “What’s happening? I thought we

were trying to get rid of the jerk? How did we gel to downies?”

Jerry gave him a look that spoke volumes, but he chose to remain silent

How could he tell Dawson that he and Eric had attempted to outclass Percival but had ended up utterly

