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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 201
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Chapter 201

As soon as their guests came inside, Dorian and Cordelia realized that their pile of luggage was still in

the living room and immediately felt a bit awkward. “We apologize. We’ve just moved in and haven’t

had the chance to tidy up yet.”

“Let me help you.” Jerry quickly stepped forward, grabbing the biggest suitcase there before Dorian

could react. “Where should I put it?”

Dorian and Cordelia were taken aback. Who wouldn’t feel embarrassed after watching a guest do their


Before they could even utter a word of refusal, the other eight men rushed forward, each grabbing a

piece of luggage until everything was taken. It almost looked like a heist

“Don’t be shy with us.” Daniel picked up a large box filled with Thaddeus‘ toys with a smile as bright as

the sunshine on a summer’s day “Vivienne’s parents are like our own, so please feel free to ask us for

help ”

“Oh, well, thank you “Dorian nodded, still feeling a bit stunned However, when he saw that even

Dawson was picking up a big bag, he quickly tried to stop him. “Mr. Dawson, you really shouldn’t”

“Don’t worry, I’ve been sitting too much in the office, so now my back’s starting to ache. This will be a

good chance to stretch” Dawson chuckled while holding onto the bag.

Cordelia and Dorian exchanged glances. She was beginning to suspect that Dawson, the chairman of

Alliance Enterprises, might be a bit too eccentric

Since these men were enthusiastically helping, Dorian and Cordelia realized that they couldn’t refuse.

So they let them handle all the luggage

After everything was sorted, Dorian and Cordelia quickly offered the nine men some coffee in the living


Dawson gave Jerry a look as the hot coffee was served.

Jerry understood and turned to Donan and Cordelia. “We kinda forgot to book a hotel when we came

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here. Could we stay here for a few days?

The couple looked at the eight men, who were still sweaty from the work they had just done. They

hadn’t even rolled down their sleeves yet. How could they say no?

This villa was only temporary for them so they turned back to Dawson. “Mr. Dawson, what do you


Dawson was pleased. He was waiting for this question and smiled. “Of course, thats fine

Dorian sighed in relief, but then Dawson added. “I’ve taken quite a liking to Vivierine’s eight younger

disciples. And I’ve never experienced living at Jade Garden Residences before, so why don’t I also

stay here for a few days to chat more with them?”

“Ah?” Dorian was taken aback. He wondered how a simple model house experience turned into a

collective sleepover But Dawson was his boss, he even. owned the villa they were currently standing


How could he refuse?

Of course, he couldn’t, so he just reluctantly nodded.

Now that Dorian and Cordelia had given the okay for these men to stay. Dawson was now in a great

mood and immediately declared, 111 take the room on the left of your daughters.”

11 take the one on the right.” Daniel quickly claimed.

Jerry stared down at the other eager men and said seriously, “Then I’ll take the one across from


“I’ll take the one next to Jerry Brian quickly said.

“I’ll take the one on the other side of Jerry” Donald quickly spoke before Gary could.

The Hawthorns would be staying on the third floor, and Vivienne’s room was on the second floor, which

had a total of six rooms. They were all taken now Gary glared at Donald and had no choice but to say,

“Then I’ll take the one above Vivienne’s room

Eric and Larry, who were slower to claim a room, had to choose one on the third floor. The last room

was taken by Leopold.

Dorian and Cordelia watched, feeling completely dumbfounded, as the nine men divided up the rooms

in the villa

Vivienne must have quite a bond with her eight younger disciples for them to want rooms so close to


But why was Dawson joining in?

Once the rooms were assigned, the nine men immediately called to have their luggage delivered and

moved into their respective rooms.

After arranging his own room, Dawson wandered into Vivienne’s bedroom next door

Viennes room was north–facing it had excellent lighting and ventilation and a large balcony filled with

blooming flowers.

Every piece of furniture in the room was handpicked by the nine disciples and flown in overnight all to

win Vivienne’s favor

To ensure that Dorian and Cordelia would assign this second floor room to Vienne, the rune men had

gone to great lengths to persuade the couple.

Dawson whistled as he stepped onto the balcony to take a look around

Jade Garden Residences was located on high ground, and from the balcony, you could see the nearby

Jewel Park

Pleased with the view, he returned to the room and saw that Vivienne’s suitcase was still on the floor

With time on his hands, Dawson decided to help

her sort her clothes into the wardrobe

As he was humming and unpacking the suitcase, a piece of pink fabric with a strawberry cake pattern

slipped out

He picked it up, and his face turned crimson


Chapter 201

“What are you doing?” Jerry’s voice suddenly echoed from the doorway.

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Dawson jumped and jolted. He almost dropped the item in his hand.

He turned around to see Jerry and Daniel standing at the door, both looking quite shocked.

“I never knew you had such peculiar tastes. Are you really stealing Vivienne’s underwear?” Daniel’s

hand trembled as he pointed at Dawson.

“What? The fifth disciple swiped Vivienne’s panties?!” Donald, hearing the commotion, exclaimed and

pushed his way to the door.

“What color are Vivienne’s panties?” Brian curiously craned his neck to see, only to be met with a

collective scornful gaze from everyone. It seemed like they were accusing him of being a pervert

“No, no, it’s a misunderstanding. A serious misunderstanding “Dawson quickly waved his hands,

frantically trying to explain that he was just helping Vivienne pack her things

At that moment, a chilly voice came from the doorway What are you all doing?”

Dawson, still holding the strawberry–printed panties, met Viviennes puzzled gaze In an instant, his face

turned deathly pale.

Percival stood behind Vivienne. His eyes, upon landing on the item in Dawson’s hand, filled with

murderous intent in a heartbeat

“Vivienne, let me plead. I mean, let me explain” Dawson stammered

Vivienne cracked her knuckles, and amid the echoing sounds, Jerry and the others instinctively made


Dawson, upon seeing the furious Vivienne advance, took a step back. “Vivienne, these pieces of

furniture were carefully selected by all of us it would be such a waste to break them.”

Without uttering a word, Vivienne silently walked in

Daniel, considerate as ever closed the door behind her.

Dawsons screams could be heard from the room, but they quickly faded into a whisper.

Daniel, unfazed, provocatively looked at Percival outside the door “Now that you’ve brought Vivienne

back, you can leave.”

“Leave?” Percival didn’t pay heed to Daniel’s provocation. “Nobody told you that I’m staying here?”

“Stay here?” Daniel scoffed. “Too bad. There’s no room for you here.”

Percivals brow furrowed.

Daniel, being “kind, pointed out the obvious to him. This one’s mine, that one’s Jerry’s, that one’s

Dawson’s, and the one next to it.