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The Lycan King’s Rejected Soulmate by Fire Sprout

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11


When the moon was high in the sky, Nara came to the hut.

I didn’t need to take a bath because Nara said she had cleaned me ùp when they found me.

I wanted to wear the dress I was in but Nara didn’t allow it. She handed me a white dress.

The dress was beautiful but for some reason, it gave me a strange feeling.

I shrugged off the feeling to concentrate on making myself look presentable. I did not want to let down

the efforts Nara put in looking for a suitable attire for me.

After I was done dressing up, Nara took me to the place the festival was going to take place.

The place the festival was held was at the center of their tribe. A huge area had been cleared.

Torches were held in wooden posts that enabled the light they emit reaches everywhere.

The Bosun Tribe’s people were dressed in beautiful animal skins and their faces was decorated with

tattoos drawn with plant based paint.

Various bones and accessories gotten from their prey adorned the hair and necks of the men. Some

women and children had such types of decorations too.

Nara directed me to where I was to sit. My position was closer to the center of the cleared area.

A wooden sculpture stood at the middle of the area the festival was held. Although the face and shape

of the person that was culpted was

indistinct, I could still make out that the person was a beautiful woman. In her hands was a young wolf


The young pup was looking up to her while she was staring down at him. It was a beautiful sculpture

despite its rough edges and craftsmanship. Nara sat beside me as she handed me a cup filled with


“Isn’t she is pretty?” Nara asked, “We, her subjects might not be able to interpret her magnificence well.

At least, the consoling thing is that hints

of her majesty shows though the sculpture once in a while.”

I nodded to Nara’s earlier question as I continued enjoying the bustling atmosphere of the festival.

This tribe was a temptation. Everything they did attracted me. I wanted the calm and freedom they

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exhibited. I wanted their unity and joy. I was almost convinced to stay with the way the tribe flaunts the

things Nacked in my face.

I downed the drink Nara gave me in one gulp.

It burned my insides slightly and I looked at the cup in surprise.

Humans normally don’t know how to make an alcohol or drink strong enough to affect a werewolf’s

physique. I was shocked that the drink Nara’s tribe makes can have such a great effect.

The drink tasted strange and it made me uncomfortable but I put up with


I attributed it to the fact that I wasn’t used to the drinks the tribe made or I might not be good with


I wasn’t afraid they would do something because they were humans and I was a werewolf.

It wouldn’t take long for me to shift into my wolf form and start a


My confidence made me relax.

A few men with faint muscles showing on their exposed skin began transporting firewood to the foot of

the sculpted woman,

They kept adding firewood until it was half the height of a grown man.

An uncomfortable feeling came over me. My eyes began to turn a little blurry.

I tried to connect with my wolf, Silver but her only reply was woozy.

I knew something was wrong.

I tried to get to my feet and Nara instantly appeared by my side to support me.

I glared at her, “What did you put in my drink?”

I was angry for my overview of the situation. I had forgotten that too many ants can kill an elephant.

For hose kinds of ants, killing a weak elephant is all too easy.

Although a werewolf might have claws or teeth to battle and furs to protect their skin, humans have

many weapons too.

Humans have weapons that could hurt a werewolf.


“Calm down Avery. I want you to go to the goddess’ feet.” Nara said with the same amiable smile on

her face. The smile elicited a burst of disgust within me. I felt like spitting on her face.

I looked at where she was pointing as I hoped my suspicions wasn’t


My thoughts turn out to be right because under the statue’s feet was the firewood that had been


“What are you doing?! I won’t go!” I said as I silently apologized to my unborn pups and my wolf. It was

my mistake to be complacent.

I had forgotten that not all humans were going to turn out good.

I had let the peace and tranquility they showed me blind my thoughts.

I had thought easygoing people like this won’t like to harm innocents and they would not like to stain

their hands with unnecessary blood.

I had buried my vigilance and wariness because I thought Nara’s tribe càn not do anything to me. I was

severely mistakenly by the reality before my


“Tie her up and lay her on the firewood.” Nara instructed and burly men came out of the crowd. She

handed me to them and they tied me up with ropes made from an unknown material.

If i was in a normal state, I would be able to break through these bindings in no time but sadly, I was

still reeling from the drink Nara gave me.

“It doesn’t matter if you want to lay on the firewood or if you want to do otherwise. Avery, your opinion

doesn’t hold any weight here. You think I fed you the Silverbane flowers for you to order me around?”

Nara said as she rubbed my face softly.

Silverbane flowers?

There are not mamy things that would cause a werewolf to lose their strength and some still remained


Silverbane flowers were known far and wide. These are plants that could micmic the effects of

wolfsbane on werewolves.

I don’t know how a small tribe like the Bosun tribe knew the facts about Silverbane and how to use it

against werewolves.

“I am sure you are wondering about how all this came to be?” Nara said but I just stared at her.

I wanted to know why these people that showed their warm sides switched to an eerie one before I

could blink.

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“You don’t need to reply. Judging from your look, you wish to know.” Nara sighed.

“You see, when I was still a normal tribèswoman, I stumbled upon a tattered book on one of my hunts.

Women weren’t supposed to hunt because they are there to make animal skin outfits, do chores and

take care of the kids.” Nara began with a rueful look in her eyes, “I didn’t want to do that so I trained

myself and I hunted on my own.”

The fervent look in her eyes that I had thought was worship for werewolves morphed into something

unrecognizable and creepy.

She continued, “The book told of supernatural creatures called the werewolves and the power being

one gave. I was excited, this was a way to finally change my fate into something different. This was the

time for my tribespeople to step into a new era.”

Nara threw me a jealous and malicious look.

I would have not understood where her jealousy came from if she didn’t tell me her back story.”

It is very obvious that Nara coveted the supernatural ability of werewolves. Her desire had made her


“The book said if I constructed a statue depicting a beautiful woman holding a wolf pup and then

sacrifice a genuine werewolf, I and my people would gain the same ability to turn to wolves.” Nata

explained as the covetous look in her eyes strengthened.

“The book even taught me all about Silverbane flowers and what i was to do when I find a werewolf.

Isn’t it amazing?!” Nara laughed.

I don’t know why she was at ease telling me all these. It was like she had already sealed my fate into a

death sentence. It was like she felt I would not be able to get away.

“You will never be able to get what you want.” I said quietly.

She directed a ferocious look at me but I didn’t back down as my own stare clashed with her.

Nara’s furious stare changed into smiles the next second.

The way her emotions and mood changes reminded me of werewolves

that had gone off on the wrong path. Those deranged werewolves exhibit irascible behaviors that were

similar to what Nara was doing.

“It doesn’t matter what you say, you can’t get to me. Just obediently offer yourself to the betterment of

my tribe. At least that way, you would repay the lifesaving grace we bestowed on you by rescuing you.”

Nara said before she turned to the crowd that was seething with excitement.

“My tribesmen and tribeswomen, our time to break free of our cocoon is here. Our dreams are going to

come into being right this moment.” Nara commented, “Bring the sacred book so the ritual can begin!”