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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 2071-2080
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“It’s okay. I got this.” She gulped down the lump of desolation in her throat, her

eyes red with unshed tears.

“Danielle, you’re really hurt. Your knee is bleeding so much.”

Danielle let out a wry laugh, the pity and doubt in the bystanders’ glances

making her skin crawl with humiliation. “I’m not about to bleed out or anything.”

Desolation was all she could feel.

What was hurt? It was being pampered by Seth for three years, flaunted so

everyone knew she was his precious gem, endowed with boundless pride and

arrogance, only to have it all shattered in public.

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Three years. She stood by him for three grueling years, through his toughest

times, thinking something would change. But in the end, she still lost to


Even with Cicely’s past, her time behind bars, Danielle couldn’t win.

What was so special about Cicely anyway? Was it her privileged upbringing, her

brattiness, her temperamental nature, or just her pretty face and figure?

If it was the latter, was she not enough now?

Pushing back the tears threatening to fall, Danielle shrugged off her assistant’s

offer to treat her wounds. “No need, it’s not like I’m gonna die.”


“I said no!”

Danielle suddenly roared, cutting off the assistant’s further attempts to help.

The others glanced her way, their looks tinged with a mix of emotions.


Cicely was carried straight into the hospital by Seth, with Charlie bustling around

to complete the paperwork.

Scrapes covered her left arm, half her torso, and legs to varying degrees.

As she stripped down to clean her wounds, Seth stood by, a silent sentinel.

Cicely had calmed down during the ride, but the thin summer clothes did little to

shield her from the pain of her abrasions. She bit her lip, sitting as the nurse

treated her, her face pale.

Whenever the nurse touched a sore spot, Cicely’s eyes would flicker shut, her

body tensing up, beads of sweat forming on her forehead and nose, but she

never made a sound.

Seth’s features were set in a stony mask, his mood sinking further. The woman

who used to sob about a sore wrist was now silent.

By the time the nurse finished, Cicely was drenched in sweat, and the doctor

looked almost as frazzled. Seth’s intense gaze made the air in the room drop a

degree colder whenever Cicely so much as flinched. The doctor seemed to

struggle to breathe, suffocating under the pressure.

“Ms. Cicely, you should avoid showers for now. Just wipe down with a towel,

and stay away from spicy or irritating foods,” the doctor advised, and Cicely

nodded silently, memorizing his words before turning to find her clothes.

Her clothes were a mess, torn and dirty. She’d been too distressed to care

before, but now, in the sterile hospital room, they looked even worse. Cicely

glanced at them, still intending to put them on.

This action made Seth’s heart clench inexplicably. He stepped forward and took

her hands in his.

Cicely frowned at him. “I’m not feeling great, and I don’t have the energy to talk.

Can whatever you want to say wait?”

Seth gave her a curt look. “I’ve brought you new clothes. Forget about those.”

Cicely didn’t respond, her silence cold. To her, Seth’s rescue was a fact, but so

was his actions before he left days ago, almost cruel in its severity.

She remained silent, her gaze dropping to his hands, which had been cleaned

but still wore his bloodstained suit cuffs. From the moment they’d entered the

hospital, she hadn’t seen him take a moment to tend to his own wounds.

Cicely pressed her lips tightly together, then looked away.

Seth’s phone rang, and he answered with a curt “Yeah” before stepping out. But

within a minute, he was back, carrying a bag emblazoned with the logo of

Cicely’s favorite clothing brand.

“Put it on.” Seth placed the bag next to her.

Cicely gave the bag a fleeting glance, then pulled out a simple, V-neck sky blue

chiffon dress with bishop sleeves. The style was one she liked, and the

conservative cut was undoubtedly Seth’s preference.

As she began to slip into the dress, the movement tugged at her wounds, and

she hesitated. In that moment, Seth had taken the dress from her and was

helping her into it with an expressionless face. The dress fit perfectly.

Cicely watched him throughout, the gesture feeling surreal, as if from another

life. “Ready to go?” Seth suddenly asked, his voice smooth and deep.

Cicely looked down at the dress. It was nice. She tried to walk toward the door,

but her leg injury made her freeze mid-step. The next second, she was lifted into

strong arms and carried toward the exit.

Cicely’s expression darkened. “Put me down!”

Seth glanced down at her. “Can you walk on your own?”

“No, but I hate feeling dirty even more.”

Seth stopped in his tracksSeth’s gaze dropped slowly and fixated on her face, the dark

pools of his eyes

holding a deep, chilling stillness. His expression was unreadable, yet an

unsettling wave of icy austerity seemed to emanate from his tall frame.


Cicely lowered her eyes and repeated, “Yeah, I just put on a new dress, and I

don’t want to be covered in stains right away.”

There was a slight pause in Seth’s brow, then Cicely urged again. “Put me


At that moment, the doctor who had been quietly observing finally spoke up.

“Mr. Diaz, shouldn’t we take care of your arm first? I see there’s blood on your

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A flash crossed Seth’s eyes, the cool gaze that had been resting on Cicely

suddenly warmed with a hint of a smile. When he spoke again, his voice, usually

steeped in indifference and depth, carried a trace of pleasure. “I don’t think I got

any on your dress.”d2

Cicely frowned, “I don’t like the way you smell.”

With an almost imperceptible smile of his lips, Seth turned and gently placed her

back on the bed. “Sit tight. Wait for me.”

Cicely turned her head away. “You can treat your wound here. I can go out on

my own.”

“Who said I’m going to treat my wound?” Seth’s voice was laced with

amusement, tightening Cicely’s frown even more as she turned to give him a

cold stare, only to meet his handsome features softened by a shallow smile.

He was also shedding his clothes to better hold her. The suit jacket he’d opened

for convenience was discarded to the side, revealing a white shirt smeared with

blood on the right sleeve.

Cicely involuntarily scrunched her brow. She hadn’t been injured this badly when

she was pulled up from the cliff, so how come he ended up looking like this?

Was it really necessary?

Seth didn’t take off the shirt. After calling Charlie on his cell phone to prepare a

clean set of clothes, he simply slipped his right arm out of its sleeve.

Cicely sat on the bed while Seth took a seat in the nearby chair, his left side

facing her, so she couldn’t see the extent of the damage to his right arm. She

only heard the doctor’s surprised exclamation, “How did it get so bad?”

Cicely glanced at him, her gaze finally resting on his shoulder.

“It looks like it was impaled by something sharp and rough, not treating it

immediately could lead to infection and pus, and there’s even a high risk of

necrosis in the entire right arm.”

Cicely’s fingers trembled slightly on her lap.

“Do you treat patients with your mouth?” Seth glared at the doctor, his cold face

carrying a warning. The doctor quickly shut up and silently began cleaning

Seth’s wound.

Cicely sat on the bed, the intermittent scent of blood and antiseptic wafting over,

as blood-soaked gauze after gauze was tossed into the trash can beside her.

Her gaze shifted slowly from the trash can to Seth’s profile. His features were

like a divine gift, each line connecting them giving absolute tension to his every

subtle expression.

His profile was unquestionably striking, but at that moment she could also see

the tension in his jawline. It really must hurt.

She thought back to how tightly he had held her on the set, his expression as

cold and terrifying as it had been that night when he had forced himself on her


However, when she had been dangling from the edge of the cliff, facing that

same face, she really never doubted for a moment that he would let go. And he

didn’t, even though he seemed to be seriously injured, he didn’t let go, instead

carrying her all the way to the hospital.

Three years…

Even if he had been relentless then, three years should have worn away at


Like her, like him.

Who knew that three years later, they both seemed to be still living in the past.

Yet everything had changed.

After what felt like an eternity, Seth’s wounds were finally tended to. Compared

to Cicely, Seth’s injuries were more severe, but the doctor found treating him

much easier than dealing with her.

With a sigh of relief, the doctor stood up, busying himself with packing his

medical kit and offering some final advice.

Seth didn’t listen, just picked up his phone and dialed Charlie, then barked two

words—”Come in.”

No sooner had the sound faded than the door opened, and Charlie walked in

carrying two bags. One held a shirt and the other a suit jacket.

As if the wound on his arm didn’t hurt, Seth dressed himself, adjusted his

clothes without showing any signs of pain. Once he was fully dressed, Seth

turned to her, looking fresh and untroubled as he approached. “Still dirty?”


The brand-new, expensive shirt and suit were crisp and impeccable, far from

any notion of “dirty.”

Cicely didn’t answer his question, but instead pushed herself off the bed to


Seth’s dark eyes followed her, blocking her path, unmoving. “Move aside. I want

to leave.”

Seth stayed put, his voice low and raspy as it slowly filled the room, “Can I hold

you now?”

Cicely’s brow furrowed, and she glared at him. “Have you never held a woman

in your life?”

Seth nodded faintly, hummed an acknowledgmentCharlie and the doctor stood in

awkward silence. Wasn’t this a bit brazen? How

could Seth admit that?

Even Cicely was taken aback before she scoffed coldly. “Did you leave your

brain overseas or something? Danielle isn’t a woman?”

Seth just grunted in response.

Charlie and the doctor exchanged perplexed glances.

Cicely frowned, giving Seth a look like he was some sort of alien creature.


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She decided she’d had enough and turned to leave, but Seth caught her arm.

“You’re hurt, I’ll carry you.”d2

“Are you out of your mind?”

He didn’t reply, just stared at her for a couple of seconds and then, bending

down, lifted her in his arms.


“Stay still, my arm hurts.”

His voice was a low, husky whisper, and the word ‘pity’ flowed from him with an

ease that seemed out of place.

Cicely paused, “It’s none of my business even if you’re crippled.”

His eyes darkened, and he gave her a haunting look. “You’d fall.”

Almost instinctively, she tightened her grip on his shoulder.

A subtle smile apppeared on Seth’s lips as he glanced at Charlie, who hurried

forward to open the door.

Cicely snapped back to reality, “Put me down. Charlie can carry me.”

Charlie almost collapsed right there. Gosh. What was she thinking.

“No way,” Seth immediately shot down the idea.


“If you say another word, I’ll fire Charlie.”

Charlie clasped his hands together, pleading with his eyes, almost ready to


Cicely was speechless. Who taught Seth to be so shameless?

Meanwhile, in the distant land, within the top floor conference room of Obsidian

Group’s skyscraper, several CEOs sneezed one after another. Damon, sitting at

the head of the table, glanced at them before picking up his phone.

His face was expressionless, so aloof it seemed he must be dealing with a

project worth astronomical figures, but only Nate knew how many people had

been deceived by that facade.

Nate watched as Damon opened the messaging app and typed: [I think I’ve

caught a cold], even adding a ‘pitiful’ emoji.

Nate could only shake his head.

Chloe, on receiving the message, couldn’t help but chuckle and replied with a

‘hug and kiss’ emoji, followed by, [I’ve prepared some medicine for you. Have a

couple of bags when you get back as a precaution.]

Damon stared at the emoji for a long moment before he replied with a simple


Chloe sent back a ‘good boy’ emoji.

Damon put down his phone with a satisfied smirk. When he looked up again, his

face was as cold as ice.

Nate sighed inwardly. He thought to himself that he was working for a man with

split personalities.


From the hospital to the car, then from the car to the apartment, Cicely was

gently laid on the bed, and Seth removed her shoes, setting them aside.

He had done things like this before, but times had changed. Now Seth was a top

mogul of P City, a heavyweight in the entertainment industry, sophisticated,

aloof, and untouchable, perched on a pedestal everyone looked up to.

To do such things for her now, who had fallen from grace and served time,

seemed too much of a condescension. She didn’t deserve it.

“Rest up for a bit. What do you fancy for dinner?” Seth asked.

Cicely seemed lost in thought before finally saying, “Before I rest, I’d like to

freshen up.”

Seth nodded, “I’ll help you…”

“I’m not disabled.” Cicely cut him off coldly, “I’ve survived on my own until now.

There’s nothing I can’t get through.”

She feared pain. She really did, but she had given birth to a child.

Seth’s eyes, veiled in shadow, became husky with restrained emotion. “You

don’t have to now.”

“No.” Cicely uttered firmly, looking at the top of his head as he knelt before her,

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her fingers gripping the sheets behind her. “There’s nothing more agonizing in

this world than being with you. With you, days feel like years. Why else do you

think I chose jail back then?”

Seth’s dark eyes suddenly contracted. The room fell eerily silent, the air seemed

poisoned, and each breath felt like a sting to Seth’s heart. She was using her old

tricks again. Without lifting a finger, just a few words from her mouth could land

a precise blow to his heart.

“I’ll have someone come up to assist you.” He stood up, not wanting to continue

the conversation.

“Seth, you don’t have to feel sorry for me. Honestly, your apologies don’t matter

to me. No matter how sorry you are, it won’t bring back what I lost, and no

matter how much I hate you, I can’t avenge anyone.

“An eye for an eye isn’t something I believe in, and my dad wouldn’t want me to

throw my life away over it. Legally speaking, you haven’t done anything wrong,

so I can’t hold you accountable. Even if I did, it would just be a waste of my time

and effort.

“The best way for us to get along is to be strangers. There’s no better solution

than that. Seth, let me go, let’s set each other free.”

Cicely had never spoken to Seth so calmly. And now, she was saying so much

in one breath. Perhaps it was because he had saved her today, and gratitude

had stirred within her.

From the beginning, she had said she was easy to please. Just a few kind

words or a gesture that didn’t upset her, and she’d let bygones be bygones.

Now, he had saved her. And he was so concerned about her injuries, that he’d

gone out of his way. It grated on her, and it made her waver. She decided to

retract her claws and have a heart-to-heart with him.

The last sliver of orange light on the room’s carpet faded away, and the sky

outside began to draw the curtains of night as the sun made its daily retreat.

Silence. A silence so profound it seemed to swallow even the sound of


“I can’t let go.”

It was a long while before Seth spoke those words.

Then, slowly, he lifted his gaze, his dark pupils settling on Cicely with an

intensity that seemed to hold a thick, indissoluble torrent of emotions. Complex

and contradictory, they wove together in his eyes.

“Setting you free doesn’t mean setting me free. No one will ever set me free.”Cicely’s

fingers trembled slightly, “Do you find this amusing?”


“I don’t find it the least bit funny, Seth. This isn’t the life I want, you know?”

Seth slowly stood up, his hand gently caressing her soft cheek. “You don’t find it

amusing. It’s not the life you want. But letting you go isn’t the life I want either.”

A pang shot through Cicely’s heart, followed by a surge of helplessness. As long

as he didn’t let her go, she was condemned to live under his watchful eye.

She had to dwell in a castle perched on the edge of a cliff, indulging in the finest

luxuries life had to offer, only to find that beyond the door lay a sheer drop into a

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roiling sea of molten lava. One wrong step meant oblivion.d2

“So, what now? Your words sound so sweet and caring, but the truth is that

you’ve been doing just fine without me these past three years.”

With fast cars and beautiful women, he seemed to be living the life of a winner.

She didn’t want to bring up the matter of Danielle with him. It made her sound

like a jealous shrew.

After her words fell into silence, the room lapsed back into quiet.

“But I want to live better.”

Cicely scoffed, brushing his hand from her arm, “So I’m just a sacrifice for your

better life?”

Seth pursed his lips, his hand naturally retreating to his side. “I’ll have someone

come and help you clean up.”

Cicely closed her eyes. The negotiation had failed.

Seth called in the housekeeper. Cicely didn’t refuse, but once the door was

closed, she mostly tended to herself. Aside from the unreachable spots on her

back, where the housekeeper insisted on helping, it was all Cicely.

The housekeeper was always on edge watching Cicely. Cicely’s injuries weren’t

light, but they weren’t critical either, and Cicely could manage most of her daily


For some reason, every little thing seemed so much more dramatic with Cicely,

and yet it all felt so natural.

Cicely remained silent throughout, merely frowning and pausing when the

housekeeper touched a sore spot before continuing.

At first glance, Ms. Cicely was a stunner, with a figure that would turn heads in

all of P City.

It was understandable that a man like Mr. Diaz, wealthy and powerful, would

choose to keep such a beauty by his side.

In this society, a man could have whatever he desired. With his means, it was

the time of his life to be indulgent. To not live it up would be a waste of his


But keeping such a beauty was like tending to a delicate deity. She wasn’t there

for his happiness; she was a source of constant unease.

After making sure Cicely was tucked into bed, the housekeeper went

downstairs. Seth was alone in the kitchen preparing dinner.

The servants whispered amongst themselves, astonished. Even Danielle, the

well-known girlfriend, hadn’t enjoyed such treatment.

He was making several dishes, all Cicely’s favorites. The housekeeper once

offered to help in the kitchen, reminding him that he had injuries and should

avoid the heat, but Seth had casually declined.

He spent over an hour cooking alone. Once the dishes were ready, he arranged

them on a tray and carried them upstairs.

Cicely was still asleep. Seth glanced at the darkening sky outside, set the tray

down, and sat on the bed near her.

The air conditioning was set low in the room; she liked to sleep under a blanket

in the cool air. Her hair spread across the pillow, her sleeping face peaceful and


She used to cuddle up to him at the sight of him. Now, she seemed to sleep just

fine on her own.

“Good girls fear persistent suitors, and women can’t resist tenderness. Shower

her with kindness, and she’ll eventually cave. Look at Damon. You think his wife

came by chance? Besides, it’s not like she doesn’t love you.”

Kane could speak his mind, and Seth would tolerate it. Truth be told, for Seth,

cornered and nearly besieged, any shred of hope was worth trying.

Seth smelled of cooking, and soon Cicely’s brows knit together, her lashes

fluttering open. Seeing Seth, her heart skipped a beat.

“It’s time to eat.” Seth felt a tinge of regret; he had wanted to stroke her face.

Cicely pursed her lips, turning over, “I’m not hungry right now.”

After a pause, Seth’s voice tightened, “Get up and eat if you’re awake.”

“I haven’t slept well. I feel sick, and I have no appetite. Take the food out. The

smell is nauseating.”

Seth’s facade of calmness cooled. His dark gaze fixed on Cicely’s delicate

profile, inscrutable.

Their encounters were mostly confrontational or tense standoffs like this one.

After a while, he stood up, taking the tray with him. “I’ll have someone make you

a fresh pot of soup.”

Without a response, Seth left the bedroom.

The housekeeper looked at the untouched dinner on the tray, at a loss for

words. She had thought that a dinner prepared by Mr. Diaz himself would surely

move Ms. Cicely, but it remained untouched. In fact, she not only left it

untouched but also found it repulsive.

Seth’s face masked a brewing storm, but his voice was surprisingly calm.

“Make her a fresh batch of soup, and bring it up to her.”

The housekeeper could only comply.

Seth glanced at the untouched meal, his hand clenched into a fist on the table’s

edge. Something within his chest rolled and swelled. He wanted to drag that

heartless woman out of bed and ask what it would take to please her.

But he knew she’d only have one answer: to let her go.

And that was impossible.

As the housekeeper emerged from the kitchen, Seth, wrapped in a cold aura,

grabbed his keys and strode towards the door. If he didn’t leave now, he feared

he might lose control and trap them both in a deadlock.

“Sir, where are you going?”

All she got in return was the sound of the door slamming shut, making her flinch.

Seth had always been the epitome of composure, a man who carried himself

with scholarly detachment, his emotions as hidden as a well-kept secret.

However, when it came to Ms. Cicely, his facade would crumble, leaving his

feelings bare for the world to see.

The housekeeper shook her head in gentle disapproval, then proceeded to the

kitchen to follow orders. She prepared a soothing pot of soup and a couple of

light side dishes, which she carefully carried upstairs.Seth’s stern visage was frosted over,

his knuckles white as he gripped the

steering wheel of his sleek black sedan. The incessant buzzing of his phone on

the passenger seat was a nuisance he had no intention of entertaining.

His car sliced through the city, finally halting outside a grand estate on the

outskirts, the gates slowly parting as if sensing his arrival. The mansion’s lights

burst on, illuminating the opulence that could only be described as resplendent.

He drove through the gates, pulling up to the front door where a figure waited,

deferential in their greeting. “Mr. Diaz.”

Seth remained silent, striding into the mansion.

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The place was a beacon of light, immaculately clean, as if preserved in time

from the day she left. She had overseen every detail, handpicked the furniture,

and designed the layout. It was nearly ready for them to move in, just a month

shy of completion, yet three years had passed without her return.

Once unfamiliar with the surroundings, Seth now navigated the halls with ease.

He ascended the staircase, the servants closing the doors behind him, boiling

water but not daring to disturb him upstairs.d2

She had even selected the bedroom’s bedding, a solid sea blue. He shed his

coat, intending to lie down as he always did, but his arm was bleeding. He

paused, sat down on the floor, leaning against the bed, his gaze fixed on the

moonlight outside the window as he sought to quell the restlessness in his


This was their home.

For three years, no matter how busy, if he was in the city, he made sure to

return here, to the woman he imagined would always be waiting—his wife. The

least he could do as a husband was to come home at night.

And so, he returned to the room that should have belonged to them both.

Still, he clung to a hope.

Three yearsg.

She would have to come out eventually, right?

When she did appear before him, it felt like another interminable wait had just

begun. Would she destroy everything in the house, or perhaps set the entire

estate ablaze with her fiery temperament?

That wouldn’t do. Absolutely not.

Time stretched on until a knock on the door pulled Seth from his reverie. “Who

is it?”

“Mr. Diaz, it’s me.”

Charlie’s voice was soft from the hallway. Seth frowned, realizing it was ten

o’clock. He had been sitting there for two hours.

“What is it?” The voice came out of the closed room, dark and dull.

Charlie hesitated before speaking, “Ms. Danielle is in the hospital. She’s been

injured on set and refuses to cooperate with the doctors.”

Before Charlie could continue, the door swung open.

“Mr. Diaz…”

With a darkened expression, Seth moved past him, “To the hospital.”

Seth put on his jacket as he walked away, and Charlie’s expression changed

drastically when he saw the blood seeping out of Seth’s arm.

“Your arm…”

“We’ll talk at the hospital.”

Charlie sprung into action, descending the stairs to fetch the car. On the

passenger seat, Seth’s phone lay abandoned, now being charged by Charlie. “It

died. Ms. Danielle’s assistant couldn’t reach you, so they contacted me.”


Seth responded curtly, ignoring the constant ringing of his phone, knowing it

was Danielle’s people on the other end. The phone must have shut down due to

their persistent calls.

Upon arrival at the hospital, Danielle was vehemently refusing the doctors’

attempts to treat her infection, insisting on a shower despite her fever and pale


Seth entered, and Danielle’s tears began to flow at the sight of him. “Why are

you here?”

His frown deepened as he looked at her, “Do you have to cause a scene every

time you’re sick, to the point of exhausting everyone around you?”

Feverish and barely coherent, Danielle had stubbornly waited for him, and he

had come, after all.

Her assistant, worn out by her antics, turned to Seth in relief, “Mr. Diaz,

Danielle’s wound is infected, and she insists on showering before it’s dressed.”

His voice turned icy, “Stop being foolish.”

Danielle wiped away a tear, defiant, “Is wanting to be clean now considered

foolish? I’ve fallen into dirty water countless times on set, exposed to all kinds of

bacteria, and no one cared. Now I want a shower to feel clean, and you call it


Seth’s brows furrowed further, “Get dressed first, then you can clean up.”


She refused outright, and his patience waned, “Danielle, don’t test my limits.”

Her heart tightened, tears flowing more freely, “You’ve been here less than two

minutes, and you think I’m already testing your patience?”

A mocking laugh escaped her, her tearful eyes laced with scorn. “Or perhaps

someone else has already ground down your patience, so now you’re taking it

out on me?”

No names were mentioned, but the insinuation was clear.

Charlie, sensing the tension, interjected cautiously, “Ms. Danielle, Mr. Diaz was

injured, and he came straight to you before getting treated.”

A flicker of surprise crossed Danielle’s face as she noticed his arm, then

seemingly out of strength, she collapsed onto the bed.

Injured? How could he be injured just after returning from abroad? It could only

be the wound he sustained trying to save Cicely. And now she was expected to

feel sympathy for a man injured while saving another woman?

Bitter laughter filled the room as the doctor stepped forward to treat Danielle’s

wound. This time, she said nothing, her gaze a mixture of emotions as she

stared at Seth. “Where is she now?”

Charlie’s heart skipped a beat. The question seemed too late. Hadn’t Cicely

been living in Emerald Valley Estates for quite some time now? The thought of

spilling the beans now and stirring up a tempest was the last thing anyone


Seth pursed his lips, gazing at her with a weighty silence that filled the space

between them.

“You didn’t rush her to this hospital, did you? After all, when you found out she

was hurt, you were frantic, scooping her up and dashing off. This has to be the

place, right?”

“It was you who sent her tumbling down.”

Seth’s voice was deep, a hint of a storm brewing in his eyes as he locked gazes

with Danielle.

One couldn’t tell if he was simply lamenting about cleaning up the mess Danielle

had inadvertently caused, or if he was mentally bookmarking this incident for a

future reckoning. The fine line between the two intentions was as blurred as the

mist on a cliff’s edge. Danielle forced a bitter smile. “So what now?”

“There’s no ‘so what.’ Stop fussing and let the doctor put on this ointment.”

Seth’s voice was gruff, but it managed to soothe Danielle’s nerves a bit. “I

thought you were going to give me a piece of your mind over her later.”

Seth’s expression was nonchalant. “A piece of my mind? What, by letting her

push you over the edge so I can play the hero again?”

The tears on Danielle’s face slowly stopped. She fixed her gaze on him, “So

what you’re saying is, if it had been me about to fall today, you would have

jumped to save me just the same?”

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Seth pursed his lips, “You think I’d just watch you fall?”d2

Danielle’s face was a picture of hurt but then she chuckled, shaking her head,

“No, you wouldn’t.”

He certainly wouldn’t. Not in any sense of the word.

Danielle’s spirits lifted, and she didn’t make any more of a scene. “You should

get that wound checked too.”

The doctor added, “Yeah, if it gets infected, you’ll be on an IV drip before you

know it, and that’s just more wasted time.”

“An IV drip?” Danielle’s face fell, watching Seth with concern, “I don’t want to be


“Just follow the treatment,” Seth said coolly, his few words leaving no room for


“But will you stay here with me?”

“I’ll have Charlie stick around for anything you need.”

“Can you wait to leave until I fall asleep?”

The eighteenth floor of Emerald Valley Estates was a mess.

When the housekeeper went upstairs to bring Cicely some chicken soup, she

found Cicely restless in her sleep, flushed with fever. Reaching out, the

housekeeper felt the heat radiating off Cicely.

Trying to reach Seth was futile. Calls went unanswered, and soon his phone

was off.

The staff hustled to cool her down, but Cicely’s expression grew more pained.

Remembering Cicely’s injuries, and how she’d accidentally touched them while

bathing Cicely, the housekeeper panicked. If Mr. Diaz found out Cicely had been

sick without proper care, they’d all be in for it.

With no options left, she thought of Chloe living downstairs and knocked on her


Luckily, Chloe was awake. Hearing about Cicely’s injury and fever, she slipped

on a coat, grabbed her car keys, and drove them straight to the hospital.

On the way, Chloe asked, “Where’s Seth?”

The housekeeper sighed, “We can’t reach him. He cooked dinner for her, but

Ms. Cicely didn’t eat. Probably another tiff.”

Chloe smirked, knowing their relationship had never been smooth. But Seth was

getting wise, cooking dinner for her this time.

The hospital was swarming with press for some reason. Chloe glanced over

them, her brow furrowing slightly as she arranged Cicely’s admission and

tedious paperwork.

Once done, the housekeeper and another maid sighed in relief. “Thanks, Mrs.

Summers. We’ve caused you trouble, especially with you expecting. You should

head back to rest.”

Chloe had no intention of lingering. Seeing Cicely stabilized and on an IV, she

nodded, gave some instructions, and left the hospital.

The reporters were still outside, focused on the story Chloe had overheard when

she entered —Danielle.

“Is Danielle’s condition serious?”

“Danielle pushed through multiple takes of a water scene despite her injury,

leading to an infection. Now she’s running a high fever. I’m not sure if 38.6

degrees is serious to others, but…”

Chloe chuckled. That was a fierce response. Well, the people Seth kept around

weren’t exactly pushovers.

Shaking her head, she started to walk away when another question made her

pause. “I’ve seen Mr. Diaz’s car. Is he at the hospital now?”

“Yeah, Danielle’s struggling, feeling down, and Mr. Diaz is with her.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. So Seth was at the hospital. Well, good luck to him.

After a night’s rest, Cicely woke early, the sky just beginning to lighten. She’d

gone to bed early, and after an IV all night, she felt the need for the bathroom.

Glancing around, she vaguely remembered the events of the previous night and

Chloe’s help. She pushed herself up, stirring the housekeeper, who quickly got

to her feet. “Ms. Cicely, you’re awake?”

Cicely was pale, nodding weakly. “I need the restroom.”

“I’ll help you.”

Cicely said nothing, the dizziness hitting her as she sat up. There was no point

in being stubborn now.

“Coco, run and get a breakfast.”

“Okay, right away.”

The young maid named Coco acknowledged the housekeeper and hurried out.

Cicely returned from the restroom, splashing water on her face; she felt

somewhat refreshed.

Back in bed, she decided to wait for breakfast before sleeping again. After all,

she hadn’t eaten the night before and needed strength to recover.

There used to be someone to comfort her to eat and take her medicine. Now, it

was up to her to comfort herself.

Sitting up in bed, the housekeeper handed her a glass of water. “Just sit up for a

bit. After breakfast, you can go back to sleep if you like.”

Cicely nodded faintly, “Turn on the TV, will you?”

“Sure, right away.”

The housekeeper found the remote and turned on the TV for Cicely.

Flipping through the channels, Cicely’s screen filled with images of Danielle

being admitted to the hospital late at night. The newscaster’s voice reported

Danielle’s overnight hospitalization for a film shoot and C&P CEO Seth’s rushed

arrival at the hospital.

Then came an interview with one of Danielle’s assistants outside the hospital.

“Is Mr. Diaz also at the hospital now?”

“Yeah, Danielle’s having a tough time; she’s feeling low, so Mr. Diaz is staying

by her side.”

The housekeeper broke into a cold sweat, unsure of what to do next. “These

media outlets, they’re like vultures circling Mr. Diaz, I swear. They latch onto him

for some cheap buzz. You gotta take what they say with a grain of salt, Ms.

Cicely. It’s just a bunch of sensationalist claptrap.”

Cicely’s face betrayed no emotion as she flicked through the channels, finally

settling on a soap opera in progress. “Who would dare spread fake news about


The housekeeper found herself at a loss for words.

“Let’s get one thing straight—I’m no saint. Don’t worry about sparing my

feelings. I’m not going to get upset. Heck, I don’t even have the right to.”

“Well, Mr. Diaz does seem to care about you, deep down.”

“It was Chloe who brought me to the hospital last night, wasn’t it? Looks like I

owe her one, again.”

The implication wasn’t lost on the housekeeper. What Cicely was really pointing

out was that in last night’s chaos, it was Chloe who showed up for her, not

anyone else. And certainly not Seth, despite the hype about how much he

supposedly cared. The housekeeper was at a loss for words, and Cicely’s response only


her silence.

Coco returned swiftly with breakfast, but something felt off in the room.

The housekeeper unfolded the table and arranged the food neatly on top. Cicely

moved forward in her chair, took a spoonful of oatmeal, and tried to swallow, but

nausea churned in her stomach. She gagged slightly, unable to stomach the

meal before her.

The housekeeper watched anxiously from the side. Initially, she knew Cicely as

Mr. Diaz’s hidden mistress, a relationship not established by convention.

Enter title…

The housekeeper had no fondness for girls who would sell themselves for

money without self-respect. But as time passed, she began to see that Cicely

was not the typical mistress she had imagined.

Cicely never asked Mr. Diaz for anything, nor did she flirt with men as other

women might. The housekeeper could even sense a deeper, more complicated,

and inevitable bond between Mr. Diaz and Ms. Cicely, one that was far more

profound than superficial displays of affection.d2

Unwittingly, the housekeeper found she couldn’t bring herself to dislike Cicely.

She even thought that this beautiful, radiant, and proud young woman, with her

straightforward and unencumbered demeanor, deserved affection more than the

widely known superstar girlfriend.

“Ms. Cicely, if you can’t eat, don’t force yourself. Is there something specific

you’d like? I can prepare it for you,” the housekeeper offered.

Cicely shook her head, took a bite of the breakfast roll, and forcefully pushed

down the nausea. “No need. I’m quite hungry, and right now anything will do.”

The food in the prison wasn’t exactly something one could be picky about.

Moreover, when feeling unwell, nothing tasted right.

Cicely alternated between bites of oatmeal, the side salad, and the breakfast

roll, but it was as if she was chewing wax.

The housekeeper watched with a heavy heart, her eyes brimming with tears.

She knew the girl had come from prison.

After finishing two breakfast rolls and her oatmeal, Cicely finally felt some

strength returning. The housekeeper cleared the table while Cicely lay down on

the bed.

“Do I need to continue with the IV drip?” Cicely asked.

The housekeeper nodded, “I’ll go check with the doctor.”

Cicely tucked herself under the covers and closed her eyes, her voice soft and

steady, “I’d like to get it over with as soon as possible.”



Chloe had just stepped out of the elevator and into the apartment lobby when

she encountered the cool and distant Seth. Both slowed their pace.

Seth eyed her up and down. “Pregnant and still not staying put?”

Chloe tugged at her lips. “Just back from the hospital or heading there now?”

Seth, one hand in his pocket, his expression stern, retorted, “Can’t I be

somewhere else? Why do I have to get involved with the hospital?”

“That’s fine. As for me, I’m just off for a morning walk.”

Seth glanced at her still-flat belly. “Be careful.”

Chloe smiled and hummed in acknowledgment.

As they passed each other, Chloe suddenly called out, “Seth.”

He stopped and turned around. “Something else?”

After a moment of silence, Chloe said slowly, “Do you understand what Damon

means to me?”

Seth frowned. “I know you two are madly in love, but there’s no need to flaunt it.

I’m not keen on hearing about people’s love lives.”

Chloe smiled and continued, “To the world, he might just be another person, at

best a diamond in the dust. But to me, he’s my whole world—clear blue skies by

day, vast starry nights that belong only to me. Even through storms or biting

cold, his efforts are solely to shelter me.”

Seth’s lips tightened as he gazed at her, “What are you trying to say?”

Chloe’s eyes curved with a smile, “And you? Whose world are you?”

Seth froze. He watched Chloe’s figure disappear before finally turning away.

Whose world was he? His world wanted only to entrap one person, but that

person was set on fleeing.


Cicely wasn’t in her bedroom.

Seth had checked the guest room, the study—still no sign of her.

Descending the stairs, he interrogated the servants, who were trembling with

fear. “Ms. Cicely was taken to the hospital with a fever from an infected wound.

Mr. Seth, didn’t you know?”

Seth felt a sudden jolt in his chest, his eyes darkening. “When did this happen?”

“Just last night, around ten. The housekeeper couldn’t reach you by phone, so

she had no choice but to call Ms. Summers from downstairs to help take Ms.

Cicely to the hospital.”

Chloe’s words from earlier echoed in his ears. He suddenly found it difficult to

breathe, his heart gripped tightly as if a sharp claw were about to pierce through

it with every inch he breathed.

Last night around ten, he too had been at the hospital.

The walk from upstairs to downstairs took no more than five minutes, so

encountering Chloe downstairs again was expected. She stood on the bridge

over the man-made lake, watching him, two bodyguards lurking cautiously in the

shadows nearby, careful to avoid being spotted.

Even when they saw him, their demeanor suggested they were ready to rush up

at any moment.

“Why go through such a big detour?”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to see you right now.”

Seth clenched his fists tightly as Chloe maintained her indifferent expression. “I

don’t want to meddle in anyone else’s business, but lately, I guess pregnancy

has got me bored. If Damon were you, I definitely wouldn’t want that. But now

I’m pregnant, and I feel… even though it’s against my principles to swallow my

pride for the sake of children, to ensure their well-being, it’s something I need to

sacrifice for once. My children are worth that sacrifice to me. After all, something

can only be provided by Damon, and only with me and Damon together can we

give that to them. No one else will do.”

“Do you want me to use the child to keep her?” Seth’s voice was deep and cold,

Chloe’s roundabout talk frustrating him, clearly implying something, yet he

always felt he was missing the point. His patience had worn thin.

Chloe paused for a couple of seconds, then laughed softly, “No, that would be a

harmful idea I strongly discourage. She has helped me, after all. I can’t repay

kindness with malice by pushing her into a pit of fire.”

After finishing, she added a caution, “Don’t get me wrong and force anything on

her. With her temperament and character…”

Seth’s patience was spent, “No need for your reminders.” He knew Cicely’s

temperament better than anyone.

“Then just consider my words as rambling,” she said.

Seth’s gaze lingered on Chloe’s serene smile, a hint of contemplation breaking

through his normally stoic and sharp demeanor.

Such a shrewd woman, he thought. And here she was, investing her time and

eloquence in what seemed like idle chatter with him. Seth came to the hospital once


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Finding Cicely’s room was a breeze, and there stood Coco, cautiously pushing

the door open.

Behind her was the housekeeper who had always treated him with utmost

respect. Now, as she encountered Seth, her mouth opened as if to speak, but

ultimately, she only let out a sigh.

In a hushed tone, the housekeeper said, “Ms. Cicely is sleeping, sir. Please

don’t wake her.”

Approaching the bedside, Seth saw the woman lying there, asleep. A needle

was inserted into her arm, secured with two pieces of medical tape across her

Enter title…


The housekeeper whispered, “Her veins are too fine on the back of her hand.

The nurse tried several times but couldn’t get the IV right. They had to move it to

her arm, and even then, it took two attempts. Ms. Cicely seemed in a lot of pain.

She broke out in a cold sweat.”d2

Seth stood silently, his lips a thin line, even his breaths shallow. She was indeed

in pain. She always feared the pain the most.

“Mr. Diaz,” the housekeeper finally spoke up after a long pause, “is Ms. Danielle

your girlfriend?”

Coco, caught off guard, glanced at the housekeeper in panic and unconsciously

shrank back.

Seth lifted his gaze indifferently toward her. The housekeeper clasped her hands

together, staring at the sickly Cicely with concern, “Not many people around

here think highly of Ms. Cicely’s status. But she isn’t like those indiscreet women

out there. This morning, Ms. Cicely saw the news about you visiting Ms.

Danielle at the hospital late at night. She said she wasn’t angry, and that she

had no right to be.”

Seth’s expression darkened instantly. “The news?”

The housekeeper nodded, “Yes, the news. Mr. Diaz, you weren’t aware? It’s

probably the hottest topic right now, the lovey-dovey stories about you and Ms.


Pulling out his smartphone, Seth quickly scanned the web. Gripping his phone

tightly, he turned and exited the room with a stony face.

Charlie arrived in a hurry upon receiving a call, and when he saw Seth’s grim

expression, his heart skipped a beat. “Mr. Diaz…”

“What’s with the news online?”

“The news about you and Ms. Danielle? It’s just…” Charlie hesitated, “You’ve

said before we shouldn’t pay attention to such news.”

Seth’s icy demeanor grew even colder, “I want all of it pulled down.”

Charlie glanced behind Seth at the hospital room door—not Ms. Danielle’s room

—and deduced that the only other person who would be hospitalized and matter

enough to Mr. Diaz to bother about a scandal was Ms. Cicely.

“Right away, sir.”

“And put out an official statement to clarify…”

Charlie paused mid-stride, “What should the statement say?”

“That Danielle and I are not in the kind of relationship they think we are.”

Charlie blinked, momentarily frozen.

Noticing this, Seth’s eyes narrowed, the chill in his gaze intensifying. “Do I need

to replace you?”

“Mr. Diaz, does it have to be now?” Charlie ventured cautiously, “You mentioned

just last night that in half a month, it’ll be Thanksgiving.”

Seth’s expression changed abruptly, his heart sinking.

Charlie, observing the shift in mood, was all the more certain in those few silent

seconds that no matter if it was three years or three decades, no one could ever

take Ms. Cicely’s place in Mr. Diaz’s heart.

She was irreplaceable.

They had given each other their most innocent and straightforward emotions

during their most naïve years.

It was precious because it was young and pure; it was flawed because it was

young and pure. These two people had endured and experienced hardships

unimaginable to others during what should have been their most carefree years.

They had survived the toughest times. If it were him, he wouldn’t call it quits now


Yet, despite this, Mr. Diaz’s words just now still caused him an involuntary start.

Matters that had been steadfast for years, things insisted upon all this time,

were about to be overturned because of Ms. Cicely.

It just wasn’t right.

It seemed Seth also remembered something, rubbing his temple as if to ease a

headache. After a while, he said in a low voice, “Find the assistant who gave the

interview at the hospital entrance last night, and fire them.”

Charlie exhaled in relief, nodding, “I’ll see to it immediately.”


Sitting by the hospital bed, Seth quietly watched Cicely’s pale face. His hand

reached out to caress her cheek, fingertips trembling ever so slightly, as if he

were afraid of waking her.

It turned out that when she said “sick” last night, she wasn’t trying to hurt him

but was actually feeling unwell.

It was his own presumption.


When it was time to remove the IV, Cicely woke up. Her eyes fluttered open,

blurrily focusing until the man’s hazy, handsome face came into sharp relief.

Her lashes flickered slightly, a hint of pain crossing her features as the nurse

withdrew the needle.

Sensng her fine imperceptible expression, Seth’s gentle expression instantly

covered with a layer of frost. “Were you the one who administered her IV?”

The nurse’s heart tightened, frozen with fear. “Yes…”

“Get out and tell whoever sent you that both of you can leave this hospital for


Tears welled in the nurse’s eyes, “I…”

Cicely spoke up emotionlessly at that moment, “I’m feeling much better now. I

don’t think I need the drip anymore, right?”

The nurse, with tears in her eyes, shook her head meekly, “The doctor

prescribed medication for three days.”

“But I feel much better now.”

“Cicely, you should stay in the hospital for further observation until you’re fully

recovered.” Seth pressed down gently on her as she attempted to rise, his voice

containing a restrained gentleness.

“I don’t like hospitals.”

Seeing her stubborn expression, Seth fell silent for a moment before conceding,

“Fine. I’ll take you home.”

Cicely paused.

At that moment, the door to the room was knocked upon, and the housekeeper

stepped out to answer it.

It was Charlie’s voice. “Is Mr. Diaz here?”

The housekeeper: “He’s inside.”

Charlie walked in, his smile broadening upon seeing Cicely awake, “Ms. Cicely,

you’re up.”

Cicely ignored him. Charlie didn’t mind and turned to Seth, “Mr. Diaz…”

Charlie hesitated, calling out but then holding back his words, glancing at Cicely

several times as if to avoid discussing certain topics in her presence.

Cicely furrowed her brow, her voice a whisper of frustration. “Let go, I need to

use the restroom.”

“I’ll come with you.”


Her voice was faint, just a murmur of his name, but it rooted Seth in place. His

outstretched hand hung in mid-air before he reluctantly drew it back and

straightened up. His voice was a husky whisper when he finally spoke. “Okay,

go by yourself.”

Charlie watched from the sidelines, his heart pounding with a shock he couldn’t

hide. He’d never seen Mr. Diaz, the unshakable, look so vulnerable.

Cicely still felt a bit dizzy, but it was nothing compared to the nausea of the

morning. She was definitely on the mend.

Seth’s gaze never left Cicely’s retreating figure, a silent guardian until the

bathroom door clicked shut. Only then did he turn to Charlie, his expression cold

and detached. “What is it?”

“Ms. Danielle has been asking for you. I didn’t tell her you were here.”

Seth closed his eyes briefly, acknowledging with a noncommittal grunt, his eyes

drifting back to the closed bathroom door.

Charlie waited in vain for a more substantial response before impatience got the

better of him. “Mr. Diaz, if Ms. Danielle finds out you’re here with Ms. Cicely,

there’ll be another scene. So…”

So, either Cicely should transfer hospitals, or he should stop visiting, or…

“I’ll take her home in a bit.”

Propped against the bathroom door, Cicely heard this and chuckled. So, to keep

Danielle in the dark, he was going to take her home and tuck her away?

“Mr. Diaz, maybe I should take Ms. Cicely home. You’re too high profile. It’s

bound to tip off Ms. Danielle.”

Cicely didn’t linger on the conversation; she stepped into the restroom. When

she emerged, Seth was gone, leaving only Charlie, his face wearing a respectful

smile. “Ms. Cicely, Mr. Diaz had to step out for a moment, but he asked me to

arrange your ride home.”

Cicely slid back under the covers. “Well, I suddenly feel quite unwell again, so

I’ve decided not to be discharged.”

Charlie blinked, taken aback by her sudden change of heart. “Ms. Cicely, if you

stay in the hospital, it’s difficult for Mr. Diaz to visit.”

His voice trailed off as realization dawned. That was exactly why she chose to

stay in the hospital, wasn’t it? To make it difficult for him to visitSeth was on the verge of

sealing the deal on a coveted screenplay when out of

the blue, it was snatched from his grasp by Chloe.

By the time he arrived at the office, the deed was done, and the person

responsible for this deal was too terrified to even breathe. “Mr. Diaz, we were

just about to finalize the rights with the other party when Ms. Summers swooped

in with a higher offer and sealed the deal on the spot.”

Seth was so livid he looked like he could squeeze water from a stone.

Soon after, Chloe’s call came through.

“I suppose there’s nobody more slick and sly than you in this world.” Each word

Seth spoke was laced with venom.

Enter title…

Chloe’s voice, tinged with amusement, emerged smoothly, “It’s just a script,

Seth. No need to hand over such a flattering title to me.”d2

“I figured you’d be too busy to bother with this little affair. Thanks all the same.

Let’s grab a meal sometime.”

Seth leaned back in his chair, a wry smile tugging at his lips, “A meal that costs

millions? Think I might get indigestion?”

“You won’t recoup a penny by not eating. But you should thank me, really. I’ve

pulled you out from between a rock and a hard place with two women. Or

should I say, from choosing her or her, huh?”

Seth’s lips thinned into a cold smile, “Heh, sure, I’ll treat you to a meal



Seth hung up abruptly and tossed his phone onto the desk.

What a opportunist. Only Damon could handle a woman like her.

Charlie had tried everything but couldn’t persuade Cicely, leaving him no choice

but to call Seth. When he heard she wouldn’t be discharged, Seth instantly knew

her game. “Then let her be. She can stay as long as she likes.”

Charlie was exasperated.

Women. One more complicated than the next.

“Why did you fire my assistant?”

Danielle’s questioning voice echoed through the hospital room, but Seth

remained cool. “She wasn’t cutting it.”

“She was my assistant. If anyone should be dissatisfied first, it’s me. I brought

her into C&P two years ago, and she’s always been by my side. She knows me

best, and I’m used to having her around. Why would you fire her without my

consent? There’s never been an issue until now.”

Seth’s gaze, naturally frosty, settled lightly on her. “Knows you best?”

Danielle was shocked by the look in his eyes.

“But she clearly didn’t know me well enough. She annoyed me, and as her

bread and butter, do I need your approval to fire her?”

Danielle’s previously assertive aura deflated. “What did she do to upset you?”

Seth looked away, offering no answer. “I’ll find you a replacement, someone

who’ll look after you just as well. For now, you don’t need to worry about such

trivial matters. Focus on getting better.”

Danielle bit her lip, her gaze following him as he stood. “It’s nearly noon. Won’t

you stay for lunch?”

Seth didn’t break stride. “Someone will bring your lunch soon. I’ve got business

at the office.”

As he reached the door, his hand on the knob, he spoke again. “Get better

soon. I’ll take you out to a nice restaurant.”

Danielle’s forlorn expression softened considerably. “Drive safe.”


As he opened the door, Charlie appeared, briskly carrying a lunch box. “Mr.


Seth glanced at the box in Charlie’s hands, and Charlie quickly explained,

“Chicken soup, BBQ ribs, sautéed spinach, parsley salad, rice with red beans

and barley.”

Seth paused, then asked pointedly, “What have you prepared for her?”

“Sweet soup, salad, pork trotters, honeyed yams, and white rice.”

Seth nodded, “She’s in no rush. Let her recover at her own pace.”


Seth finally stepped aside, “Bring it in.”

Charlie entered, head down, “Ms. Danielle, here’s your lunch.”

“Thank you.”

Charlie pursed his lips, setting the lunch box on the coffee table before watching

Danielle unfold the container herself.

“Red bean and barley rice again? I actually prefer plain white rice.”

Charlie offered a consoling smile, “It’s said to be great for women’s health.”

Danielle chuckled, “You seem quite knowledgeable.”

Charlie laughed softly, “I just hope Ms. Danielle won’t mind.”


“The food today looks great, Ms. Cicely.”

The housekeeper’s words were straightforward, and Cicely seemed in good

spirits. “Yeah, it tastes fine.”

Seth smiled faintly as he watched through the hospital room’s observation

window. Only after watching Cicely finish her meal one bite at a time, gracefully,

did he turn to leave.

Cicely lived for another three days in the hospital, and Seth really didn’t show up


Cicely spent every day eating and drinking, either playing games on her cell

phone, or turning on the TV to catch up on a few episodes of a TV show, and

then continuing to catch up on her cell phone when it was over on TV.

She didn’t take a single step out of the hospital room.

“Ms. Cicely, the weather’s lovely today. How about I take you out for a stroll?”

Cicely glanced out at t