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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1923
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Everywhere you went, the buzz was about today’s scandalous news. The whispers were louder about

Serana’s miscarriage than the possibility of Yasmine and Nick sharing more than just a hotel room.

“This has to be the biggest scoop in years. Exes staying at the same hotel, the ex-girlfriend shacking

up with some new guy, and the ex-boyfriend with another woman.”

“And I heard that Serana lost the baby because the guy got too drunk last night, and well, during the

deed he wasn’t careful, went too hard and you know.”

“No way, I heard they found her in the bathroom, probably just slipped, right?”

“Who knows the real story? But the idea that it was from being too rough, that’s just distasteful, isn’t it?”

“Well, yeah.”d2

The coffee shop was abuzz with the gossip. Yasmine ordered a latte, listening to the chatter with a

detached amusement.

Lost the baby from being too rough? She smirked, a cold edge to her smile. That was brutal, a clever

move indeed.

Was Serana so determined to keep Boyd’s attention that she’d resort to such extremes? The price

seemed steep.

Perhaps her words in the corridor had really gotten under Serana’s skin.

Desperate times.

Leaning back with her coffee, Yasmine’s face was a mask of sarcasm. Comparing herself to Serana,

she felt a touch more balanced. At least she wasn’t that ruthless.

To stay by Boyd’s side, Serana was willing to carry another man’s child. And then, to stay with him, she

was cold enough to lose it. Even one of these acts was beyond her capabilities.

It wasn’t until someone sat across from her that Yasmine turned, straightening up.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Yasmine offered a wry smile. “It’s alright, Mr. Summers. With such news breaking, you must have your

hands full. I understand.”

Nick took a deep breath. “It’s not too bad for me, it’s just not looking good for you.”

“The Summers name is well-known in P City. You getting wrapped up in this scandal is not great for

your reputation. But I see through these matters. How does Ms. Petry plan to handle this?”

As Yasmine spoke, Nick’s face tensed. He glanced around and took a hefty gulp of his coffee. “You’re

smart. My mother has indeed thought of a few ways out, but to completely shut the media up, we need

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to make our relationship official. That’s the best solution.”

Yasmine chuckled. “I could explain to the press that last night was a misunderstanding.”

Nick waved his hand dismissively. “Your explanation won’t do much. It’s better if… my… we should get

married. It is also my mother’s intention.”

Yasmine sipped her latte in silence for a moment.

“You want to marry me?” she asked abruptly.

Nick stared at her radiant face. “Personally, you’re beautiful, and you’d make a fine Mrs. Summers.”

Nodding, Yasmine said, “Marrying into the Summers family of P City is tempting, but as far as I know,

your family isn’t doing so great.”

Nick’s expression soured.

Yasmine pressed on, “I’m quite optimistic about the future of the domestic entertainment industry.

Marrying you isn’t out of the question, but the Summers family would need to make a gesture of

goodwill, don’t you think?”

“The entertainment industry… You’re not thinking of getting your hands on Pulse Entertainment, are


“Well, I wouldn’t dream so big. I’m more interested in seeing how sincere you are. If I marry into the

Summers family, what’s mine becomes yours, right? It’s just about having some assurance. Besides,

Pulse Entertainment isn’t what it used to be. Shares are just numbers, after all.”

Nick looked troubled. Yasmine added, “Let’s face it, Ms. Petry is at her wit’s end with Pulse

Entertainment. It might just wither away in her hands. Maybe I could turn things around?”

“You?” Nick was skeptical. His mother had struggled for years with no success. What made this fresh

graduate think she could do better?

Yasmine leaned back, smirking. “Mr. Summers, your mother’s getting on in years, and times are

changing. We must look ahead, don’t you agree?”

Nick was silent, pondering. Finally, he looked at Yasmine. “A marriage in exchange for company

shares, with you driving a hard bargain. This is new to me.”

Yasmine pushed her now-cold latte aside. “It was just a misunderstanding. If I said I wanted to marry

you because I liked you, loved you, would you believe me?”

Nick shrugged. “You could choose not to marry me. But you’re straightforward, and I like that. I won’t

overthink it. I do fancy you, but your attitude…”

“Nick, let’s be clear. We have no affection now, but that can be developed. I have just one requirement:

mistakes can be made, but a fundamental, absolute mistake, there’s no forgiveness for that with me.”

Nick pursed his lips, his face clouding. “You’re really not scoring any points with that attitude.”

Yasmine sat back, watching him, a slight smile at the corner of her mouth. Even though he was a bit of

a goof, he wasn’t a bad guy.

“I’m ready for the license anytime, but as for the wedding, I say we skip it.” It wasn’t the marriage she

wanted, after all.

“That hasty, huh?”

Yasmine grabbed her purse and stood up, “How about you just transfer the money we’d spend on the

wedding straight to my account?”

Nick was speechless.

Nick later relayed Yasmine’s blunt proposal concerning his stake in Pulse Entertainment to Carolina.

Upon hearing Yasmine’s upfront approach, Carolina’s fondness for her evaporated in an instant. But

given the circumstances, with Yasmine seemingly intent on salvaging Pulse Entertainment, even with

the slim odds, they had to give it a shot.

He was going to marry her, one way or another.

Yasmine, seemingly unremarkable, held more cards than one might think. She was worth a pretty

penny. If it hadn’t been for her wiles, she wouldn’t have given Pulse Entertainment’s shares a second


The next day, the Summers family met with Yasmine. After discussions, they reached an agreement

and set a date for the licensing.

Two days later, Yasmine and Nick headed to city hall for their marriage license.

To give a follow-up story for the night they spent together at the hotel, Carolina had arranged for

reporters to be present. The news of Yasmine and Nick’s marriage spread like wildfire. It wasn’t until

the news broke that Bryson, Aliza, and Derek found out.

Bryson collapsed onto the couch, “What on earth is she thinking? How could she make such an

important decision without saying a word?!”

Derek’s face was also unusually grim, his voice chilly, “If she had told you, would you have agreed?”

Everyone knew about Nick’s reputation in P City. Bryson would have never consented to Yasmine

getting involved with him.

“Even if she told you, you couldn’t and wouldn’t make decisions for her.”

Derek’s words only added to Bryson’s agony, “How could she be so foolish? What on earth drove her to

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do something so senseless!”

Derek didn’t reply. What was she thinking? Was she trying to make Boyd give up for good, or was it

revenge? Or perhaps, it was the allure of the Summers family?

But this was Yasmine. Whatever the reason, it couldn’t possibly be why she decided to marry Nick. Yet,

the reality was staring them in the face. So, all this time, she had been lying, unable to let go, and only

pretending to be carefree.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books


When Yasmine returned home, a heavy silence hung in the air. It was the first time she saw Bryson’s

face filled with both pain and anger.

Everyone was silent, clearly waiting for her to explain first.

“I won’t pack up my things here. I’ll be back to stay. I’ll be sorting out new clothes and necessities at the

Summers’ in the next few days.”


More silence.

“And congratulate me, I guess. I’ve finally taken care of my lifelong matter.”

Bryson looked up at her sharply, “Congratulations? Miss, do you really mean that? You said nothing

happened that night, so why marry him? Everyone knows that Nick is a…”

“A goof,” Yasmine interrupted, “he’s just not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to business.

But he’s good-looking and comes from a decent family. He’s fun-loving but at least he’s clean when it

comes to women. He’s easily swayed and gentle-natured. I doubt he’ll force me to do anything. When

you think about it, him being a goof might even be a plus, right?”

Bryson was taken aback by her words, “But do you like him?”

“Feelings can be developed. I don’t like him, and it’s not likely I’ll like anyone else, so why not choose a

man who, apart from my feelings for him, is everything I want?”

Bryson: “You…”

“Bryson, I’ve told you to trust me. I wouldn’t mess up. I might be mediocre in love, but I’m all in when it

comes to my career. Do you really want to see me ruled by my emotions for the rest of my life?”

Bryson opened his mouth, speechless from Yasmine’s retort. Of course, the answer was no. But was

this marriage too rushed?

“Are you sure your decision this time isn’t driven by emotions?” Derek suddenly spoke up.

Yasmine’s smile faded slightly as she shot him a cold glance. “Trying to mess with my head?”