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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1922
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Boyd was awakened by a groan that pierced the quiet of the morning. The sun was already spilling its

light generously through the curtains.

He threw off the comforter, a headache pounding behind his eyes. A moment of confusion hit him when

he saw his clothes tossed carelessly on the floor. But the sound of pain coming from the bathroom was

urgent enough to shake him from his daze. He quickly dressed and followed the sound to find the

source of the distress.

As he entered the bathroom, Boyd felt his headache explode into a crescendo of throbbing pain. There,

in the middle of the pristine white tiles, was Serana, pale as sheet, clutching her stomach. A pool of

blood, bright as cherry blossoms in spring, had formed beneath her.

“Boyd, help me,” she pleaded, her voice weak and filled with agony.

The sight sent a chill through Boyd’s entire being. A preposterous thought crossed his mind, but he

brushed it aside. His face turned ashen as he stepped forward, scooped Serana into his arms, and

bolted from the room.

Next door, Yasmine had returned to the private booth she had reserved for Nick the previous evening.

She wrinkled her nose in distaste at the sight of him sprawled across the bed, his clothes strewn about

in an unseemly fashion.d2

She had forgotten all about last night. After spending the evening in the stuffy booth, the stench of

alcohol and smoke clung to her, nauseatingly strong. Giving Nick one last look of disdain, she headed

for the bathroom.

She turned on the tap, dunked her head under the cold water, and washed away the remnants of the

night. The smoke was gone, leaving her feeling somewhat more tolerable. She didn’t bother with the

hairdryer. instead, she simply towel-dried her short hair and, with it still damp, she stepped out of the


As she opened the door, she noticed a small crowd had gathered outside Boyd’s room. Their curious

eyes turned to her, and after a brief moment of mutual surprise, they quickly surrounded her.

“Are you Mr. Boyd’s ex-girlfriend?” one of them asked. “Do you know if he stayed here last night? Or

were you two together…”

Yasmine’s brow furrowed. “Why are you here? As far as I know, he’s never been one to attract media

attention like this.”

Before she could finish her thought, the door to the adjacent room burst open. Boyd emerged, holding

Serana in his arms, and hurried past the onlookers.

Yasmine’s body stiffened as her eyes caught sight of Serana’s bloodied and pale form. A fleeting look

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of shock crossed her face, but she quickly masked it.

The reporters swarmed Boyd. “Mr. Boyd, what’s going on?” they shouted.

From the crowd, Boyd’s gaze locked with Yasmine’s. For a moment, his body visibly shuddered, but

Serana’s pained moans quickly pulled his focus back to her, and he hurried away without another word.

Yasmine leaned against the wall, her hand trembling ever so slightly on the surface.

Yasmine didn’t know how to describe Boyd’s expression just now. It was like… almost the same as the

look in his eyes when he raised the gun at the cemetery back then.

The reporters, sensing more to the story, lingered.

“Ms. Yasmine, do you know what’s happening? The woman Mr. Boyd just carried out, is she having a


“Whose child was it?”

“Was Mr. Boyd unfaithful first?”

“Why are you also in this hotel? Is it a coincidence?”

Yasmine smiled, the fingers propping against the wall trembling slightly. “It seems like signs of a

miscarriage… I’m not sure whose child it was, but I have no connection with him at this hotel.”

Yasmine forced a smile and replied with unusual patience, as if unfazed by her ex-boyfriend carrying a

woman who appeared to be having a miscarriage.

Boyd, despite his youth, was the owner of a thriving company and was well-known in the city. However,

his life had been relatively uneventful until now. This incident promised to be the scandal of the season.

The reporters couldn’t help but notice the coincidence of Yasmine also being at the hotel. The story

wrote itself.

“Is this just a coincidence for you as well?”

The door of the opposite room opened, and Derek stood at the doorway with narrowed eyes, looking

displeased. “What’s all this noise about?”

Yasmine glanced at him with a cold voice. “Did you sleep well last night?” She knew he probably hadn’t

even noticed her absence.

Derek shivered, suddenly more awake. “It was fine,” he muttered, clearly unimpressed with the


“This lousy hotel feels like a marketplace when it comes to getting some rest.” The voice came from

beside Yasmine. It was impatient and irritable.

As soon as the reporters saw Nick, they were momentarily stunned, then exchanged glances, and

finally focused their gaze on Yasmine.

Her hair was still wet, and they had witnessed her coming out of Nick’s room just moments ago. A man

and a woman staying in the same hotel room…

Yasmine furrowed her brow suddenly, and the reporters grew excited again.

“Ms. Summers, Ms. Jasmine, are you two currently in a relationship?”

“For how long have you been dating?”

“How did the two of you meet?”

Nick was taken aback by these sudden questions. He glanced at Yasmine, who was standing beside

him. She was undeniably beautiful, but her temperament seemed difficult to gauge.

“Don’t make things up…”

“Ms. Summers, are you not planning to go public? We just saw Ms. Yasmine coming out of your room


He looked at Yasmine, her damp hair and rumpled shirt and felt his pulse quicken. Did they really have

a drunken encounter last night?

Derek was shell-shocked. Yasmine had come out of Nick’s room? The very thought made his head

spin. “You… you…” Derek stammered, unable to complete his thought.

Derek struggled for words but couldn’t speak a single sentence. This woman… did she want to kill him

or what? If his father found out that he let his precious little miss lose her virtue to someone like Nick, a

wasteful and irresponsible guy, would he even have a chance to catch his breath?

Yasmine and Nick… Had they gone mad?!!

The situation was chaotic. Yasmine leaned against the wall, silent for a moment before finally saying,

“Mr. Boyd and I are already in the past. I’m not someone significant, so I hope everyone won’t be too

curious about my personal affairs.”

The reporters weren’t convinced. “But what about you and Mr. Summers…”

“I told you there’s nothing between us. Would you write it that way?”

Yasmine’s words made the reporters pause for a moment, and they fell silent. With such a big scoop,

they couldn’t possibly leave it unmentioned.

By the afternoon, the news had spread like wildfire through P City. The black sheep of the Summers

clan had had a wild night with Boyd’s ex-girlfriend.

Boyd had moved on to a new love, who tragically miscarried at four months. The miscarriage was

suspected to have been caused by the man’s drunken misdeeds.

And then there were all sorts of rumors about exes staying in the same hotel while seeing other people.

The newspapers’ words and pictures, the videos on the internet, left little room for doubt. Bryson had

barely digested the news when he stormed home and landed a resounding slap across Derek’s face.

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Derek genuinely felt wronged, but he had indeed been careless the night before.

Yasmine, seated on the couch watching the TV news, reassured Bryson. “Nick and I have nothing to do

with each other, and that kind of thing is even less likely.”

“Really?” Bryson was skeptical.

Yasmine nodded, “Really. I have no reason to lie, and if Nick had truly done anything to me, he

wouldn’t be unharmed, and Derek likely wouldn’t have seen today’s sun.”

Bryson glanced at Derek and let out a sigh of relief. If that was the case, then nothing had happened.

“And Boyd.”

Yasmine’s gaze remained fixed on the TV screen, “Miscarried…”

Bryson stiffened, inhaling sharply with annoyance. “Yeah, just four months, gone like that.”

Yasmine’s eyes darkened, and after a moment of silence, she let out a cold laugh, “That’s ruthless.”

Bryson was puzzled, “What do you mean?”

Yasmine shook her head, “Nothing.”

Once Bryson left, somewhat reassured, Derek pulled Yasmine into a room for a serious talk. “Tell me

the truth, who were you really with last night? Don’t think about framing me. You didn’t have any hotel

reservations last night, and if you won’t tell me the truth, I’ll just check the surveillance footage

myself.”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All Books Updates…

Yasmine glanced at him, “Speaking of surveillance, you might need to make a trip to the hotel.”

“Answer my question first!”


Derek froze for a second, then finally seemed to relax. Boyd was leagues better than Nick.

“Looks like you’re relieved it was Boyd.”

“Anything’s better than actually being with Nick.”

Yasmine blinked, “Nick’s not bad-looking, and he’s got a decent build.”

Derek rolled his eyes, “Good looks don’t make up for being a fool.”

Yasmine raised an eyebrow, “You think?” She gave Derek a sly look, “How do you reckon Nick would

do as a husband?”

Derek’s face turned ashen, “Do you find this joke amusing?”

Yasmine pursed her lips nonchalantly and tilted her head. “I think it’s quite good.” She changed the

subject smoothly, “Go sort out the surveillance at the hotel. If Boyd finds out it was me with him last

night, he’ll probably start hounding me again.”

Derek’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “You better just be talking nonsense.”

Yasmine hummed indifferently in response.

However, no sooner had Derek left the apartment, Yasmine showered and was out the door.