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The Contract Marriage by Winter Love

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41 I Regret I

At this moment, there were too many things intertwining…

Kendall felt this kind of different atmosphere and immediately walked into the room. She saw Sarah sitting down by

the bed and immediately walked over and whispered, “What’s going on?”

Sarah looked at her and shook her head with a faint smile. She did not say anything.

“Mr. Brown, I didn’t expect you to come as well. I thought you wouldn’t come today.” Christian was the first to break

the silence at the door. He looked at David and smiled faintly.

“Sarah is getting married. I must come!”

“Really? You have worked hard!” Christian looked at him and controlled his wheelchair into Sarah’s room.

Kendall immediately stood up and moved to the side when she saw Christian coming over. David watched his back

as he quietly left the room.

Christian turned around and looked at Kendall with a faint smile. “Can I trouble you to go out for a while?”

Kendall immediately looked at Sarah and saw that she nodded slightly at her. She coughed unnaturally twice and

turned around to leave the room. She then closed the door of the room.

Christian looked at the door and then controlled the wheelchair to go in front of Sarah. Looking at her crying red

eyes, he smiled faintly. “You are crying like this. I wonder if the people outside will think that I am bullying you when

they see you.”

Originally, she thought that he would get angry at her, but she did not expect that he would actually joke with her.

Sarah lowered her head in embarrassment. “Sorry…”

Christian looked at her from head to toe. After a while, he looked at her and said slowly, “You are very beautiful!”

Sarah looked at him in surprise. This was the first time he praised her since he knew her.

Christian reached out and held her small hand in his palm. He looked up at her and asked slowly, “From now on, we

will spend three months together. Are you ready?”

She knew that she could not reject him today. Sarah let him hold her hand. She looked at him and nodded slightly,

“Yes, I am ready…”

“Then let’s go!”

Sarah nodded and stood up. She put her hands on his wheelchair and pushed him out of the room.

Samantha had been sitting on the sofa in the living room. When she thought about how her daughter was going to

leave her today, what happened in the past few days and her husband, her heart was filled with bitterness. But she

was a middle aged woman after all, and she knew what was the most important. Today was the day of her only

daughter’s marriage. No matter how uncomfortable she felt, she couldn’t let a single tear fall.

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However, when she saw the door of her daughter’s room open, and then scene of her daughter pushing Christian

out caused her eyes to redden uncontrollably.

Sarah pushed Christian’s wheelchair and they stopped in front of Samantha.

“Mom! Thank you!”

Christian looked at Samantha and spoke first. Although it was a simple word, what was contained in it… Only the

two of them knew the best.

Samantha chocked and looked at her daughter and son-in-law. She suppressed the soreness in her heart and


“Christian, although out family’s financial situation cannot be compared with your Cooper Family, Sarah has been

pampered by me and her father since she was young. As the saying goes, a daughter is a piece of meat that fell off

her mother’s body. Today, seeing her grow up and establish a new family, I am secretly happy. I only hope that you

will agree to one of my requests… You must not let her suffer, understand?”

Christian nodded his head heavily, “Mom, I promise!”

Samantha nodded in satisfaction and looked at her daughter. “Sarah, Christian’s health is not very good. You will be

husband and wife in the future. You have to take good care of him. No matter what happens in Cooper Family, you

have to communicate with him. Do you understand?”

“Mom, I know!” Tears kept flowing in her eyes. Sarah forced herself to nod.

Samantha smiled in relief. “Alright, I won’t say anything else. Christian, take her away!”

Christian nodded. He held Sarah’s hand and left with her.

Because Christian’s body was not convenient, when they went downstairs, it was Jayson who carried him. When

Sarah was about to take the wheelchair, David held her hand down. David carried the wheelchair downstairs


Sarah looked at his back and felt mixed feelings in her heart.

Samantha kept a low profile about this wedding, so the surrounding neighbors did not know about this news. But

when Sarah went downstairs, she saw her uncle and aunties who were surrounding her. After all, those few high-

end wedding cars were too eye-catching. It was not possible to not to attract everyone’s attention.

“Sarah is getting married. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Yes! This groom looks not bad. Why is he sitting in a wheelchair?”

“Didn’t Sarah’s mother say that her daughter is going to marry into the Cooper Family? This person doesn’t look like

the young man from before!”

“He can’t be a disabled person, right? If Sarah really married him, wouldn’t she be a widow for the rest of her life?”

Discussion broke out among the crowd. Of course, there were some things that they said in private. However,

Sarah could guess what they were talking about when she saw their strange expressions. But there were some

things that she did not need to explain at all.

Sarah looked at the neighbors, smiled and nodded, and then sat in the wedding car. The moment the door closed,

the surrounding world also instantly quieted down. She slightly lowered her head, her hands tightly twisted

together, thinking about everything and felt somewhat uneasy.

Just where would her future life go? She suddenly felt somewhat confused.

A big hand reached over and took her small hand into the palm of her hand. Sarah turned her head and looked

over, and her eyes met Christian’s cold eyes.

“You regret it?”


Christian looked at her and raised his hand to caress her face. He then smiled faintly and retracted his hand. He

looked the driver in front and instructed, “Drive!”

The wedding car slowly drove out of the neighborhood and turned onto the main road. Sarah looked at everything

familiar outside the window, her eyes could not help but darken.

She finally got married.

But the person she married wasn’t the person she loved the most…

That’s not right, she no longer had the person she loved the most. The person she loved the most in the past had

long become someone else’s fiancée.

The car stopped in front of the crossroad and Sarah’s gaze unconsciously fell on the sidewalk beside her. A few

young couples held hands and snuggled against each other. They smiled as they walked past the crossroad in front

of them. The smiles on their faces were so happy.

In fact, she never coveted the wealth of Cooper family. The reason why she liked Julian was because the first time

she saw him, she was attracted by his handsome appearance. In the next nine years, she loved Julian on her own

wishful thinking. She was afraid that if she was not careful, he would ride the white horse and fly away.

But what she didn’t expect that after nine years, he would still leave her.

No matter how conflicted Sarah’s heart was, the wedding carriage finally stopped in front of the hotel. She followed

by Christian’s side and walked into the hotel in a daze before entering the lounge to make up. The makeup artist left

very quickly, and Christian was called by his comrades. Only Kendall and Sarah were left in the lounge.

“Sarah, you and that David…” Kendall was somewhat puzzled when she saw the scene in Sarah’s room.

Sarah looked at her and smiled, “He is my brother!”

“So that is the case…” Kendall lightly nodded her head and saw that Sarah’s mood was not very good. She got up

and looked around. “I will go and get you a cup of water. You wait here.” After saying that, she walked out of the


Sarah did not say anything and turned around to walk to the window and quietly look at the world outside the

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window. Her eyes were somewhat blurred. Today was her wedding day. Even if she and Christian only agreed to a

marriage contract, this day also had a special meaning in her life. She knew that she could not be in such a state

today, but she could not control it. She couldn’t smile happily in front of everyone.

There were faint tears flowing in her eyes. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears…

A big hand gently placed on her shoulder. She suddenly turned around and saw Julian’s disgusted face.

She frowned and raised her hand to slap off his hand. Then she took a step back and looked at him unhappily,

“What are you doing here?”

“Sarah, you can’t marry him. You will ruin yourself. If you give up now, it is still not too late.” At this time, Julian still

hoped that she would give up. After all, in the future, if he had to get along with her day and night, he really did not

know how he would face her.

Sarah heard his words and sneered, “Julian, who do you think you are? What right do you have to order to me?”

Julian helplessly shrugged, “Sarah, I do not want to order you. You are now marrying my Big Brother. Didn’t you

want to use him to take revenge on me? You want me to see how happy you are after being together? But do you

think you can be happy?

My Big Brother has a bad temper, and his legs are not good now. Even if you are married, he can’t even give you

sex life! You can’t get anything other than money. Do you understand?”


Sarah could not bear it any longer and gave him a slap in the face.

Julian’s face was burning with pain. He covered his face with his hand and looked at her blankly. He could not react

in time.

“Julian! I regret it! I really regret it! I regret how I fell in love with a man like you in these nine years.

I have been with your Big Brother for the past few days. I admit that you are right. His temper was bad, and his

body was also injured. But he accepted me when I was at my most helpless and desperate moment. No matter how

bad his temper is, he is not as ruthless as you!

Do you think that I am about to become your sister-in-law, so you are starting to panic and fear? Let me tell you,

Julian. Don’t tell me what to do! Because my life has nothing to do with you! Put away your hypocritical words. No

matter what happens between Christian and me, it has nothing to do with you! Also, don’t casually call my name in

the future, because from today onwards, I am your sister-in-law!”

When Julian heard her words, he sneered twice. “Alright! This path was chosen by you. Don’t blame me for not

warning you. You will cry in the future!” With a cold expression, he slammed the door and left.

Sarah angrily turned around and looked out the window. Tears flowed down her face the moment she turned


The door was pushed open again.

“Get lost!”