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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25 I Did It

On the second floor of the mansion, Bella took photos from a man excitedly and flipped through them

one by one. There was nothing much about Christian and Victoria in the first 10 photos, but for those

after that…

With her reddened eyes, she raised the photos and asked the man, “When did this happen? Why are

you only telling me this now?”

“I took them this morning.” The man glanced at the door of the room cautiously and was anxious to

leave. “I should leave now if there’s nothing else.”

“Why are you only telling me this now when you took it in the morning?” Her eyes were full of pain and

anger at this moment. If she knew about this earlier, she could still probably stop them.

“Tell you earlier and let you stir up trouble in Delta Club?” He massaged his glabella. “Miss Spritz, I will

be fired if Mr. Spritz knows that I helped you take these photos. So, please don’t ask me to do this kind

of thing anymore.”

He left the room hastily after he said that, and Bella could not even stop him.

While biting her lips, she looked at the photo of Christian kissing Victoria, and her vision was blurred

with her tears.

Throughout these two years, not even once had Christian toughed her hand. And yet, Victoria had just

been released from prison not long ago, and he… I can’t lose to her like this. No way.

It was only at 9.00PM that Victoria finally dragged her exhausted body back to the dorm.

Just as she pushed the door to her room open, a shirt was thrown at her that covered her head. She

realized that it was the shirt she wore earlier.

“I had no idea that you were this shameless, Victoria.” Daisy sneered as she blocked the door.

The dorm rooms were not that far apart from one another, and the corridor was so quiet at the moment

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that people from other rooms could easily hear the stirring outside. So, a group of men and women

came out to watch the fun almost immediately upon hearing the ruckus.

“Please move.” Victoria’s expression remained indifferent as usual, but her trembling body gave away



“You’re embarrassed now?” Daisy opened her hand widely and continued to block Victoria’s way. She

then shouted at the crowd who were watching, “You guys be the judge. Do you think I still dare to stay

with this kind of shameless b*tch?”

The crowd started to boo and hiss. “Of course not!”

“Who dares to? You might be killed in the middle of the night while you’re sleeping.”

“She should just stay in prison forever! Isn’t it dangerous to release her back to society?”

At this moment, Victoria clutched the torn uniform in her hand and stared at the arrogant woman in


of her.

“What the f*ck are you looking at?!” Daisy raised her chin slightly and poked her finger at Victoria’s

shoulder. “Why not try telling everyone here who you’re seducing this time? Is it Dexter? Cyrus? Or

someone else?”

Dexter and Cyrus both had girlfriends who were working at the Delta Club, and they might be among

the crowd now.

It was obvious that Daisy was trying to stir up trouble.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Victoria tightened her back muscles as she tried to ignore those revolting

comments from the crowd. “Please move. I want to go in.”

She was exhausted both physically and mentally, so she really did not have the energy to entertain



“Do you think we’re all idiots?!” Daisy yelled in her piercing voice while pulling on Victoria, not letting



At this moment. Victoria’s face darkened. Her anger was building up inside her at a fast rate, ready to

explode. “Don’t push my button, Daisy!”

However, Daisy grabbed her shirt, not planning on letting her go. “I like to push your button, so what?

There’s nothing you-Hey!”

“You’re really annoying!” Victoria threw that torn uniform onto Daisy’s head and kicked her onto the

ground. Then, she simply grabbed a chair behind the door and raised it before smashing it down onto

Daisy’s head.

Instantly, the uniform on her head was dyed in crimson. The sight was simply horrifying.

The crowd that was clamoring just a moment ago became silent at once, as though their brain had

stopped functioning upon seeing the sight before them.

The only noise that filled the silence was Daisy’s cursing as she glared at Victoria furiously.

However, Victoria seemingly did not hear her. She took the chair up and hit Daisy again. Her

expression was very calm throughout the process, making people seized with terror. Although there

were many people looking at them, no one came forward to stop her.

The puddle of blood on the floor was slowly growing in size, and people were gagging as the smell of

blood grew stronger as well.

At this moment, Daisy finally stopped cursing and used her weak, trembling voice to beg Victoria to

spare her life. Her shricks of agony that tumbled out of her mouth as the blows rained down on her

made the people around her feel chilly to the bone.

“You should have behaved yourself when you already knew that I’m a bad person. This will teach you

not to mess with me anymore Victoria’s legs and stomach were killing her at this moment, but this pain

was nothing compared to the agony she had suffered in prison for two years.

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Then, she threw the chair aside and squatted down to take the bloody uniform off from Daisy’s head.

Meanwhile, Daisy was curling up her body on the floor with blood all over her face, making her look

hideous. Her eyes were wide in horror with a hint of spite toward Victoria that she thought was well-


“Do I make myself clear?” Victoria looked down at her. Despite knowing that Daisy was reluctant, she

did not make any comment about it.

Her life in prison and Christian had taught her about the law of the jungle. Nobody would sympathize

with the weak.

Daisy nodded as her body trembled in fear. Her tears cleared some of the bloodstains away as they

trailed down her face before becoming one with the blood at once.

“What’s with this crowd? Is there an event that I don’t know about?” A mellow feminine voice traversed

through the crowd and reached Victoria’s ears. xo.com fast update

The instant Victoria recognized whose voice it belonged to, she froze up immediately, and her mind

went blank. Oh no, I shouldn’t have acted on impulse just now.

She stood up, and her body was trembling uncontrollably. If Charlotte tells Christian about this…. She

licked her chapped lips and did not dare to think any further.

The crowd parted voluntarily, giving way to Charlotte.

When she walked up to the door and saw the person on the floor covered with blood, she was so

furious that she started laughing. “Someone sure has the guts to have beat her into this state. Who did


With her eyelashes quivering badly, Victoria took a step forward. Her voice was a little hoarse since she

did not drink water for quite a while. “I did it,” she said simply, not giving any further explanation. No

one ever listened to her explanation anyway, so why bother?

“M-Miss Charlotte.” Daisy climbed up from the ground while crying. “If you don’t come here on time,

Victoria would have b-beaten me to death by now. Y-You can’t let this kind of person stay in Delta Club.

She’s too d-dangerous…”

The others went along with her, asking Charlotte to fire Victoria.