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The Clutches Of Hell Novel

Chapter 23
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Chapter 23 Will You… Believe Me?

dancer too?

Knock knock. Someone knocked on the door.

Victoria wiped off the tears that had been flowing down her cheeks without her notice. Then, she

endured the pain as she stood back up to answer the door. “Yes? Do you need anything?”

The person standing at the door was Janice Mooney, the customer who stood up for her just now.

When Victoria realized that Janice was staring at her legs, she quickly rolled down her pants with her

left hand while using her right hand to hold her torn shirt in place. She looked like a mess at this


“Did they bully you?” Janice had knocked on the door when she heard the sound of weeping coming

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from the workroom. And when she saw the terrible bruises on Victoria’s legs, she was shocked and

angry. “I’m a lawyer. You can tell me if you’re facing any trouble. I’ll help you!”

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.” Victoria was abandoned by her family and friends, yet a

stranger whom she had never met before was showing concern for her. She could not find any words

to describe the mixed feelings that she currently felt.

“Are you afraid that the legal fees will be too expensive?” Janice patted her chest and said, “Don’t

worry! I won’t take your money! If I don’t win this case, I can ask my mentor to help you with it. I’ll pay

the legal fees!”

Tm really fine. Thank you,” Victoria said.

Janice frowned upon hearing that. Confusion and anger were evident on her baby face. “Do you have

something that you can’t tell me? Are you afraid that this club will take revenge on you or-

“Miss, don’t try to be a hero here. Karma will come back and bite you.” Daisy cut Janice off with a smirk

on her face as she linked arms with a man in his fifties and walked over to them gracefully. “I’d advise

you to stay away from Victoria. She’s a criminal after all.”

When the old man first saw Victoria’s face, he had had some impure thoughts of her, but after hearing


Likewise, Janice was stunned as well. This janitor looks so shy and gentle. How could she be a


“You don’t believe me?” Daisy let go of the old man and walked over to Victoria. She then pushed

Victoria and bellowed, “Tell her yourself!”

Since Victoria was young, she had hated people touching her, especially pushing her. However, she

had been forced to fix this quirk during her time in prison. “Two years ago, I served in prisxo.com

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fast updateon for attempted murder.

“What…” When Janice heard that, she felt shocked and awkward, and she did not know how to

describe her feelings at the moment. “I…”

“Thank you for your kindness. I still have a job to do, so I’ll be leaving now.” Victoria was already used

to the reaction that people would give her upon learning that she was a murderer. She turned around to

take the cleaning tools before leaving the workroom and shut the door behind her.

Meanwhile, Daisy linked arms with the old man again. The corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and

hints of satisfaction and jealousy could be seen in her eyes. “A pretty murderer is still a murderer, Mr.

Barlow. Stay away from her if you see her next time. Who knows if she will kill you for your money,” she

said loudly on purpose to make sure that Victoria, who was mopping the floor at the front, could hear
