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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

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Chapter 1296 “No. You can cback first. Someone will take him back home,” Wyatt said.

After the call, Wyatt looked at Felix and said, “Felix, if you really want to be with Jennifer in the future, don’t misunderstand her easily. When she is in trouble, do not stand by and do nothing.” “I won't stand by and do nothing. If Jen is in trouble, | will try my best to help her!” Felix was serious.

Wyatt smiled and said, “That's good!” He just hoped that Felix would remember what he said today no matter what happened in the future.

Riley didn’t expect that Zephyr would cto her drunk.

“Zephyr, it’s late. | have to go to bed!” Riley said coldly, trying to close the door.

But Zephyr's hand pressed against the door, and he didn’t let her close it.

“Don’t... Don’t close the door. I... | cto... | just wanted to see you... | want to... | want to have a word with you. You... Don’t worry. | won't do anything else... | won't hurt you again...” Zephyr stammered, completely drunk.

Riley frowned and wondered how much wine he had drunk.

“But | don’t want to see you or talk to you!” Riley said. “Zephyr, if you are drunk, don’t make trouble here. If you really don’t want to hurt me, then never show up in front ofagain.” Riley’s words shocked Zephyr.

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His body shook and he said, “You... Don’t do that. Can yd hange another way to punish me? | can’t do it.” “You can’t?” Riley suddenly sneered and continued, “How come? | was in the hospital for so many years, but you didn’t even visitonce, did you, Mr. Scott?” Zephyr was rendered speechless, trembling as if he had been stabbed by a sharp sword.

1/4 09:07 Chapter 1296 “Riley... | know | was wrong. | was wrong... | was wrong...” Zephyr shouted in a low voice with great pain and sadness.

But now, no matter how much Zephyr apologized, it was useless for Riley. “I told you not to chase afteranymore. | don’t want to see you again.” “Please, forgive me. | know that | was wrong and | hurt you too much. | will make up for you for all the injuries you've suffered, okay?” Zephyr choked and hugged Riley out of control as if he was holding the most. precious treasure.

“Zephyr, let go of me!” Riley struggled hard.

But Zephyr hugged Riley tightly and shouted, “I can pay you back as long as you askto! Riley, | love you. | really love you.” “Love? Zephyr, how dare you say that you love me? If that’s the way you love someone, then | would really rather you never love me! Do you know how disgusting it is to be hugged by a person you hate?” Riley said loudly.

Hearing this, Zephyr was shocked. His body suddenly stiffened, and Riley took the opportunity to push him away.

Then she slapped him hard in the face.

“How can you payback? Can | never be tortured in the psychiatric hospital? Or could you let my lost finger cback?” Riley said, raising her right hand in front of Zephyr.

Riley had lost her right ring finger.

“Zephyr, do you know the pain of losing your fingers? Do you know the fear of watching your finger be cut off? Do you know how much | hated the person who madelose my finger at that moment? But my fiancé married the woman who madelose my finger just because the ring | was wearing made her jealous!” Riley said word by word with a broken heart.

“After you and Harriet got married, she ctowearing the wedding ring. Do you know how painful | was when she raised her right hand up in front of me? Why do you think you can pay for those pains?” Riley said.

At this time, Zephyr's face turned extremely pale and he was about to 2/4 09:07 Chapter 1296 collapse. Riley's incomplete right hand made him heartbroken.

Zephyr had never experienced those pains and sufferings Riley said.

How painful it was when she lost her finger? But Zephyr married Harriet after Riley lost her finger, which gave Riley another deadly blow.

“That's right. How should | pay you back? Actually, | can’t repay you at all,” Zephyr murmured and suddenly slowly raised his right hand.

Seeing this, Riley was surprised, and then she only saw Zephyr raise his left hand.

While she was puzzled, Zephyr suddenly grabbed his right thumb with his left hand. Then she heard a cracking sound.

Riley was shocked. Zephyr had broken the thumb of his right hand! But what surprised Riley even more was that Zephyr continued to break his fingers from his thumb, index finger to middle finger and ring finger...

He broke his fingers one by one. Riley heard the sound of broken bones again and again.

“Zephyr, what are you doing?” Riley asked in surprise.

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“I... | can’t repay your pain, but at least | can feel your pain. You can chop any of my fingers. Even if you want to cut them all, | will have no objection!” Zephyr’s forehead was covered with sweat, and his face and even his lips becpale.

“Are you crazy?” For a moment, Riley couldn't think of another word to describe his behavior.

“Crazy... Yeah, I'm crazy,” Zephyr murmured with a bitter smile. Maybe he had gone crazy at the moment he knew the truth.

Zephyr was driven crazy by regret and pain.

With another cracking sound, Zephyr broke his right little finger.

The sweat dripped down his forehead.

“Sorry... I'm sorry...” Zephyr gasped and forced out the words. He staggered, and he couldn't even stand firmly.

Riley was silent. She didn’t expect Zephyr's crazy behavior.

3/4 09:07 Chapter 1296 After a long time, Riley said slowly, “Just go. | don’t need you to payback, and | don’t want to see you again.

No matter how you apologize tonow, it doesn’t make any sense to me.” Zephyr seemed to be extremely depressed, and his body was slightly bent. His deep dark eyes becdim as if he had lost all his hopes.

“Right, it's meaningless... It’s meaningless,” Zephyr murmured.