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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 742
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Chapter 742 Mysterious Arrangement

Today, to Xavier's surprise, Cayden actually left work at six, which was quite unexpected. Cayden was a workaholic,

especially when he had just returned to Trident Group. He rarely went home before midnight.

A prestigious, black Rolls-Royce was parked in the parking lot, outshining all the other luxury cars in an instant.

Inside the car, there was a space with features that could rival a villa.

With the car door closed, it felt as if one had stepped into a cinema, immediately enveloped by an air of opulence.

Inside the car sat an exceptionally handsome man, his posture upright and his aura extraordinary. His slender

fingers casually pressed a button, and a rich, delicious wine automatically filled the glass.

The driver in the front seat asked Cayden, “Where are we going now, Sir?”

He was equally surprised to see Cayden leaving the office so early. He thought there might be some special

arrangements, but to his surprise, Cayden simply shook his head and said, “First, let's go home to pick up my wife.

Then, we'll head to the Centennial Amusement Park.”

Meanwhile, at the mansion, Avery was preparing a loving dinner for the children in the kitchen.

She was halfway through when someone embraced her from behind.

The familiar scent of a man wafted into her nostrils, causing her body to stiffen slightly. She then felt the steel-like

grip of his arm tighten around her even more.

Seeing the heart-shaped fried egg in the pan about to burn, Avery couldn't help but exclaim, “I'm cooking, Cayden.

Let go of me, or the egg will burn.”

Cayden nibbled on her delicate earlobe and said, “Then let it be burnt. We'll have the housekeeper cook for the kids

later. I'll take you out for dinner instead.”

He chuckled softly, his smile wickedly playful.

His hand, which was cool to the touch, roamed freely under Avery's clothes. “You seem to care more about those

three little things than me now. I'm getting a bit jealous. How are you going to make it up to me, hmm?”

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Feeling embarrassed, Avery held down his mischievous hand and said, “This kitchen isn't a good place for

compensation. Besides, they're all babies. Why are you getting jealous of them? Are you still a child or something?”

Cayden couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time. His actions becoming more pronounced as he said, “Yes,

that's right. To you, I'm just a child who constantly seeks your love and affection.”

“Cayden Moore!” Avery called out his full name in annoyance and glanced nervously at the kitchen door.

The door was slightly ajar, so she was worried that a housekeeper or her kids would suddenly walk in on them. Oh,

no! How embarrassing it would be if they saw us like this!

Seeing her blush with embarrassment, Cayden decided not to tease her anymore.

He withdrew his teasing hand and gently caressed her flat belly as he said with a faint smile, “Since you love

children so much, how about we have a few more?”

Avery immediately shook her head profusely. “No, three children are enough. Raising kids is very tough.”

Cayden rested his chin on her shoulder, “I'm just teasing you. I wouldn't want that many children. Apart from

constantly competing with me for your attention and distracting you, they serve no other purpose. I also can't bear

to see you go through the pain of childbirth again, so three children are enough.”

Avery gently touched his handsome face, which was smooth and shiny.

She then got on her tiptoes and leaned in for a kiss. “I always knew you'd treat me best.”

“Let's go; I'll take you somewhere fun.”

“Where are we going? I'm not done with dinner yet!”

“You'll find out once we get there. As for dinner, just let the housekeeper do it for you.”

Just like that, the lovingly prepared dinner was left in the kitchen, the three little ones were placed in the

housekeeper's care, and she was swept off her feet and carried into the car by Cayden.

The three little ones watched wide-eyed as their mother was taken away by their father. Not allowed to utter a

single word of protest, they couldn't help but pout in response.

There's no way we are Dad's kids! Otherwise, why would he take Mom out for a fun time but leave the three of us


Avery had no idea what Cayden was playing at, but his chest felt incredibly solid and warm, and his strong,

muscular arms held her tightly within his embrace.

Even though Avery was feeling a little dizzy and didn't know where he was taking her, she felt very reassured

because he was by her side. As long as he was there, she would never be afraid.

Ackleton was a bustling international metropolis that looked particularly enchanting and magical under the veil of


The car sped along the road, and through the window, rows of twinkling lights could be seen.

The dazzling rays of light reflected upon the beautiful man-made lake, casting a spectrum of colorful ripples.

Cayden took Avery to the Centennial Amusement Park. This amusement park was particularly well-equipped with all

high-tech facilities. Coupled with its extremely beautiful environment, it attracted tourists both locally and abroad.

Whether it's day or night, the park was always crowded.

As such, Avery was puzzled when she saw that the amusement park was unusually quiet that night. Not only was it

very quiet, but there was not a single visitor from the entrance to the inside. That made her wonder if the

amusement park was about to close.

Avery, who had been leaning against Cayden in the back seat, couldn't help but murmur, “That's strange... This

place used to be full of tourists, so why is it so quiet today?”

The driver in the driver's seat couldn't help but respond, “Mr. Moore has reserved the entire amusement park just

for you tonight, Mrs. Moore.”

Avery couldn't help but stare at Cayden in astonishment. This man is just too extravagant! I know he's wealthy, but

who spends their money like this? Even so, I have to admit, seeing him do this does fill my heart with a bit of joy!

Regardless, she couldn't help but exclaim, “You didn't have to reserve the entire place just to bring me here! It's

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such a waste of money!”

Although Avery had become a mother, she still harbored the innocent dreams of a young girl in her heart. She

loved the idea of her beloved preparing a romantic surprise for her, but she also felt guilty for spending too much

of his money.

Cayden kissed her on the lips and replied, “No matter how much I do for you, it will never be enough. I want to give

you the best of everything, because you're worth it.”

He then took Avery for a ride on the Ferris wheel.

In the past, Avery had thought about riding the Ferris wheel when visiting other amusement parks. However, due to

her fear of heights, she never actually went through with it.

Being with Cayden, however, she decided to give it a go even though she still hadn't overcome her fear of heights.

The Ferris wheel here was supposedly one of the three tallest ones in the world. Not only did it have a gigantic

wheel adorned with thousands of square feet of LED lights, but the central area was also equipped with laser lights

to create an illusionary 6D effect.

Through the projection of laser lights, a variety of fantastical scenes can be observed. For example, they saw

mirages of underwater cities, snowflakes fluttering down, and fog rolling in. One could even gaze upon a beautiful

starry sky, which was an immersive experience for the passengers.

Passengers seated inside the cabin could enjoy a variety of thrilling illusions.

Cayden held Avery in his arms, affectionately saying, “From here, you can see the entire night view of Ackleton. Do

you like my arrangement?”

Avery was riding on a Ferris wheel for the very first time, so her expression was a mix of excitement and fear.

She mustered up the courage to look down from above. “It's so beautiful! Look at how the lights have adorned the

lake with a golden hue! Viewing the night scene from here is nothing like the feeling from a skyscraper! I love it so


Avery's voice was soft and beautiful, and her slender arms clung tightly around Cayden's waist. It was as if he was

her only source of support.

It sure feels wonderful to have a man spoil me like this!