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The Billionaire’s Maid Bride

Chapter 44
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the duty room.

“Thanks” Allison took a sip of water, feeling a warmth spread throughout her body.

Her clothes were still damp, and her hair a little wet. The whole day outside had been drizzling, and the

windows were covered in fog.

The room was warm, and Dr. Dylan seemed busy, bustling around after pouring her a cup of water.

Allison didn’t interrupt him, the two of them sat quietly Her previously frantic state of mind gradually

calmed down.

Perhaps it was the warmth in the room, Allison unknowingly dozed off at the table.

The ring of a cell phone awakened her. When she woke up, Dr. Dylan was no longer in the office, and

there was a men’s jacket draped over her.

Allison looked at the still ringing cellphone; it was Dr. Dylan’s, the caller ID showed Jade.

Allison remembered this name, and she was a famous female thoracic surgeon

She quietly folded the jacket, placed it on the chair, and then returned to Grace’s ward.

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Grace was still unconscious; Allison took out the small white flower she had picked from Joshua’s

grave from her pocket and placed it on her bedside.

She would hold on, no matter how hard it was, she would save Grace!

At the UK branch office of Lindberg Corporation.

Lucian had just returned to his office from a video conference when Shawn handed him a phone, “Mr.

Lindberg, It’s James.”

Lucian took the phone, “Hello.”

“Aidan Crane is back…”

Lucian narrowed his eyes. “When did this happen?”

“After you left Northfield.”

Lucian was silent for a few seconds.

On the other end of the phone, James Burke said, “When you get back, let’s meet up. We’re friends; let

bygones be bygones.”

After hanging up, Lucian crossed his legs, looking into the distance.

He rubbed his temples and picked up his cell phone; his finger momentarily hesitated over “Allison, “but

finally dialing Penelope’s number.

The phone suddenly rang. Allison was on duty at the hospital. She quickly silenced her phone and

hurried to the staircase.

The caller ID showed “Lucian” from Penelope’s phone, Allison’s breath hitched.

It had been several days since she had heard from Lucian. She thought the day he left would be their

last interaction, but Christopher wanted her to take. care of Penelope until she recovered, so the phone

was still with her.

She adjusted her breathing and answered the call.

It was quiet on the other end of the phone; Allison didn’t speak either; they could hear each other


“Are you asleep?”

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“I was just about to rest when your call came”

“Sol disturbed you”


“I’ll try to return early next week”

Allison, frail, leaned against the wall, gripping the phone tightly, her bones prominent, “Mm, I’ll wait for


Her voice was somewhat reluctant, and she knew she was not the person he wanted to see.

There was a low chuckle from Lucian on the other end of the phone, “What, did you miss me?”

His deep voice made Allison’s breath hitch, and she was afraid she couldn’t hold back, so she quickly

said, “I’m a bit tired; let’s talk when you get back. Goodnight.”

On the other end of the phone, Lucian originally wanted to say something, but after hearing her words,

he just said quietly: “Okay, goodnight.”

After hanging up the phone, Allison leaned against the wall in a daze, her hand tightly clutching the

phone, Penelope’s words during the day still fresh in

her mind

She now fell that hearing him say a word was a luxury; what else could she hope for?