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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 How to Pursue Women

Amanda snorted angrily and asked, “So, this is your approach to pursuing women? Can

you win a woman’s heart like this? Do you even know how to pursue women?”

When Elias heard this, he seriously considered it before responding, “No.”

She was speechless by his reply. Indeed, how often does he pursue women? There are

always women waiting in line to climb into his bed. How could he ever stoop so low as to

go after women?

Meanwhile, inside the estate, they started watching the movie under the stars from the

wicker chairs in the garden.

This scoundrel has some sense of style by choosing to watch a movie outdoors like this.

Amanda suddenly realized it had been quite some time since she had devoted her full

attention to a movie. Since there was a hint of floral scent in the air tonight, she decided it

would be the perfect time to watch

movie outside in the garden, where she could enjoy the fresh air and the scenery while

unwinding from her busy day. They were watching Titanic,” a movie she liked, and even

though she had seen it many times, it still made her shed tears.

On the other hand, Elias pretended to watch the film while leaning back in his chair and

occasionally gazing at the woman sitting beside him. He just wanted an excuse to spend


time with her.

In the past, she was the one who went out of her way to find opportunities to spend time

with him; however, the roles now appear to have reversed.

As the movie’s most touching scene of parting and farewell played out, Amanda’s eyes

reddened, and tears began to trickle down her face. However, Elias was speechless upon

seeing her tears. Is this scene so touching? Is it worth crying over? Consequently, he

pulled out a tissue and gave it to her. She gave him a quick glance before grabbing a

tissue to wipe her tears. During a particularly heartbreaking segment of the movie, he said

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faintly. “It’s all an act and nothing more. There’s no

need to be sad about it.”

After hearing this, she stared emotionlessly at the man beside her, no longer experiencing

sadness at the most heartbreaking scene. “Do you even know what it’s like to be fully

immersed in the moment? This movie is well-made, and that’s why it can move me to

tears. You, as a typical man, understand nothing.”

A typical man… Elias face immediately darkened upon hearing those words. Do I deserve

to be called a typical man?

Half an hour later, the movie ended, but Amanda’s tears continued to flow. This time, he

was more considerate and didn’t say anything to ruin the atmosphere. Instead, he silently

handed her tissues.


Chapter 98 How to Pursue…

+10 pearls

Then, she took a deep breath, calmed down, and slowly stood up. “The movie is over now,

so I can leave, right?”

After saying that, she was about to turn and leave, but this time, the man didn’t forcefully

stop her but stood up. T’ll send you home.”

“You’ll send me home? You’re still recovering from your injury, so how can you do that?

Are you honestly planning to drive?” She couldn’t help but wonder if he had a grudge

against her. He can’t even walk properly, and now he insists on sending me home.

“I’m not that frail, and it’s too dark now. It’s unsafe for a woman to drive alone,” Elias

replied. He had his reasons, and it was indeed somewhat risky for a woman to drive home

at this hour, especially considering how far away this location was from the city center.

“No need. I’ll drive carefully. You should get some rest,” Amanda insisted. She had

frequently driven home alone at night over the previous four years, and nights abroad

were even more chaotic, so she reasoned that she could handle anything.

said I’ll send you home. The driver will drive,” he said firmly, not allowing her to refuse.

“I also told you it’s not necessary. It has been four years, and I often go home alone at

night. You should know the nighttime situation abroad, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Elias was speechless upon hearing this. So, Amanda had such a difficult life for the last

four years? It seems as though she’s been putting in a lot of late-night hours. Then, why

did she not accept the money I offered her during the divorce? I can’t comprehend this

woman’s behavior, as she seems adamant about maintaining her tough exterior. At this

realization, he said. “During these four years, I was absent from your life. Now that I am

around, I will no longer permit you to return home late at night. His resolute tone

prevented her from refusing his offer.

Afterward, she sighed, realizing that he still hadn’t changed. He is still so domineering and

assertive. “What about my car?”

“The driver will have it delivered to you tomorrow.”

Ultimately, Amanda said nothing and could only comply with Elias’ arrangements.

After a while, the driver drove the pair toward the city center. Nonetheless, the

atmosphere inside the car was unusually subdued, and nobody spoke while the driver

intently concentrated on the


At that moment, Elias remembered her words from earlier and couldn’t help but ask,

“Were the past four years good for you?” He had wanted to ask this question for some

time but had never gotten the chance. Although he was aware that what had happened to

Amanda over the past four years had nothing to do with him, he was nevertheless

responsible for it. He figured that if they hadn’t gotten a divorce back then, she would

have been living happily by his side for the years, and their child would be about three

years old now.




Chapter 98 How to Pursue…

+10 pearls

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She was stunned for a moment when she heard this, then smiled. “How should I put it? It

was bad and tough, but I made it through.”

He felt as though he were being suffocated by her ostensibly casual reply.

Eventually, the car stopped in front of Luminance Villa, and Amanda unbuckled her

seatbelt, opened the door, and exited the vehicle. Then, Elias viewed her slender form

through the car window as he pondered. How could I make up for those four years and

start anew with her?

Nonetheless, he was unaware that he owed her more than just those four years; he also

owed a well-behaved, understanding three-year-old named Aiden Bailey.

Meanwhile, at home, Amanda discovered that Selina and Aiden were already asleep. As

usual, she went to the nursery to kiss the sleeping child before returning to her room for a

quick, hot shower.

She was so worn out that she didn’t bother with her usual bedtime skincare routine,

instead of lying on the bed and sleeping until morning. Then, she glanced at her phone.

Why hasn’t Grace called anyone all night? At this moment, her phone abruptly rang,

showing that it was a call from Grace’s phone. This is it!

Amanda sat bolt upright as she connected the call, pressed the phone to her car, and

heard Grace’s voice on the other end. Unfortunately, she was disappointed because Grace

was merely chatting with her manager, and the conversation revealed nothing of interest.

Despite this, Amanda listened attentively because she hoped to hear something useful.

After ending the call. she fell asleep due to sheer exhaustion.

The following morning, she sat up and stretched lazily after being roused from her sleep

by the sound of Aiden, that little brat, playing downstairs. Hence, she showered, changed

into more comfortable clothes, and went downstairs, where she found her son dancing

joyfully to the


Meanwhile, Selina was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Amanda went to the fridge and

grabbed a water bottle. That smells so good. Did you pour the milk?” She took a sip of

water and couldn’t help but sniff the fragrant aroma of the congee.

Selina smiled and replied, “It’s congee cooked with milk. You and Aiden don’t eat properly

most of the time, so I’m here to feed you both with nutritious food.”