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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 96
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Chapter 96 Do I Have to Do That?

Meanwhile, Amanda waited for Grace to finish her sentence.

However, Grace leisurely sipped her coffee before she opened her mouth. “It seems that

you have some misconceptions about me. Maybe you can speak up, and I’d like to defend

myself too.”

Huh? What is she up to? At that thought, Amanda asked, “What are you talking about?

What misconceptions do I have about you? Why can’t I understand what you’re saying?”

Grace held the coffee cup and inquired inquisitively. “I cannot fathom why you would

believe that Elias’ car accident has anything to do with me. Did someone tell you that?”

Oh… So, she’s still bothered by the probing yesterday. Is she feeling guilty? Doesn’t that

prove there’s something wrong? At this realization, Amanda chuckled and asked, “Why are

you so bothered by this? I was merely joking and making a passing comment when I said


“Please don’t joke about such serious matters, Amanda! You have no evidence to say such

things about me. It’s an insult to my character! As a lawyer, you should know that this

constitutes defamation!” She doesn’t appear to have any evidence and is unlikely to know

any inside information, so she probably uttered those words without much thought. As

Grace pondered this, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders.

In the meantime, her unusual behavior confirmed Amanda’s suspicions and doubts, but

she still needed to find a way to plant the bug in Grace’s phone. So, upon noticing Grace’s

phone on the table, she discreetly removed the paper-thin bug from her bag while

pretending to sip her coffee. Then, she said, “Miss Murphy, there’s no need to get so

worked up. I was just speaking casually- The next moment, as she was about to put down

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

her coffee cup, she deliberately knocked it over, and the coffee spilled directly onto

Grace’s phone. “Oh no! I’m sorry! It was an accident! Let me help you clean it!” she

apologized while wiping Grace’s phone with a tissue. After that, she took off the phone

case, discreetly slid the bug inside, and reattached the cover. I’m so sorry. I wasn’t paying

attention… Let me clean it for you.” With a contrite expression on her face, she kept

wiping the phone.

On the other hand, Grace looked annoyed that Amanda had removed her phone case, so

she quickly retrieved the device and said, “No need! I’ll clean it myself!”

Phew… The bug has been placed inside the phone case. Hopefully, everything will be fine.

Amanda looked at Grace, who was giving her phone a final, thorough wiping with a tissue.

Then, Amanda smiled awkwardly and said, “I’m sorry I was too careless with my coffee. If

your phone is damaged, I can pay to have it repaired or buy you a replacement.”

After hearing this, Grace slid her finger across her phone screen and noticed it was

functioning properly. Fortunately, the spilled coffee was quickly cleaned up, and my phone

was not damaged. “It’s fine. The coffee did not get into the phone,” Suddenly, her phone

rang; she grimaced as she looked at the caller, as if the call were highly confidential,

jumped to her feet hastily, and said, “I have something to take care of, so we’ll talk

another time.”


Chapter 96 Do I Have to Do …

+10 pearls

After saying that, she grabbed her bag and left the private room.

She just lefi like that? Amanda felt confused. Yet, she is quite astute and appears to have

picked up on my suspicions about her. Who is the caller? She seems a little on edge,

though. While thinking about this, she took out her phone and dialed Elias’ number, and

the call was connected after a few rings. Still, she was taken aback by how quickly the

man responded to her call; she reasoned that he must be sitting around doing nothing

while he recuperated from his injuries at home.

“What’s up?” His deep, seductive voice emanated from the other end of the line.

After hearing that, she said, “Quick, I’ve planted the bug. Help me set up the permissions

for call monitoring.

“Okay, give me a few minutes.”

She could hear his footsteps on the other end of the phone, presumably toward the study.

Nevertheless, she didn’t rush him and waited patiently. Later, she overheard the man at

his desk. clicking the mouse and typing on the keyboard…

After approximately two or three minutes, Elias picked up his phone from the desk. “All

right, now your tapped phone will receive incoming calls, and you can listen to all the


“Great, thank you,” Amanda replied.

She was about to end the call when he asked. “Are you going to hang up just like that? Do

you still need anything? Have you had dinner? I haven’t eaten yet. Join me for dinner.”

“I… Fine, then wait for me at home. She had initially planned to decline, but after recalling

that he had assisted her in planting the bug, she agreed to have a meal with him.

“Really?” The man on the phone seemed somewhat skeptical of her swift response.

“I’ll drive over right now. After all, I’m hungry too. Didn’t Mr. Jones say you learned to

cook? Why don’t you cook for me tonight? I really want to taste your cooking,” she said as

she grabbed her bag and headed toward the private room’s exit.

“Okay.” As soon as he said that, he hung up the phone.

However, Amanda found it odd that he had hung up so quickly, as she knew him well

enough to know that this was not his typical behavior.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Meanwhile, at Winters Estate, Elias dashed out of the study and shouted, “Mr. Jones! Mr.


Then, he took the elevator to reach the first-floor living room. When Boris heard this, he

rushed over to inquire, “Mr. Winters, did you call for me?”


Chapter 96 Do I Have to Do…

+10 pearls

“Prepare the kitchen. I want to cook” Elias said striding toward the knchen.

Boris was dumbfounded upon hearing this. He has been moody these past jetz den, and

note he suddenly wants to cook? At this thought he couldn’t help but ask. Mr. Winters &

Miss Bailey coming over?”

Elias paused and stared at him. “How did you know? Did she call you?

Boris was speechless by this. He wouldn’t have an imprompra arge to cook if she wasn’t

coming. “TI inform the kitchen to prepare ingredients, but what dishes would you like to


On the other hand, this question prompted Elas to contemplate deeply. Instead of acting

wher dishes I wanted to make he should have asked what dister I could make ther all I

have long forgotten the few recipes I learned on my birthday L Forget it: I’ll talk to the

cook Mr Jones can’t even cook, so there is no point in speaking with him. Following this he

went straight to the kitchen, where he found the head cook and the other cooks standing

in line, awaiting his instructions

The estate’s cooks were known to be some of the best in the country; in fact, some had

even cooked at state banquets. Even though they were undeniably talented cooks, it was

difficult for them to teach Elias how to cook

“Quick, teach me how to make two dishes. They have to be delicious and not tasteless

Elias exclaimed as he surveyed the fresh ingredients and realized he was overwhelmed by

the thought of cooking because he knew he had little talent for it