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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 565
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Chapter 565 Be Gentle, Don’t Scare Her

“Well, let me clarify things further. When do you plan to tell Elias about what’s going on

between you and Symeon?”

Casey’s words left Amanda even more bewildered. She couldn’t comprehend what Casey

meant at all.

“I’m genuinely lost here. What’s the deal between Symeon and me? Isn’t it just about the

incident when we attempted to steal those bidding documents last time? Besides, I didn’t

even succeed. It was, at most, an unsuccessful attempt. Is this matter really that


Casey chuckled, her laughter dripping with sarcasm. “We’ve come this far, and you still

want to maintain the act? I was outside the study at that time, and I witnessed it all. What

more can you say?”

What did she see? She’s behaving all self-righteous, as if she caught me having an affair.

Amanda couldn’t help finding it somewhat amusing. “What exactly did you see? What’s

there between me and Symeon? I can’t stand him, so what’s your suspicion based on?”

Casey remained steadfast. “Do you genuinely want me to spell it out for you? Stop the

pretense. When you were waiting for Symeon in the study that day, I was also at Galaxy

Bay. I saw him exiting the study with you. You looked disheveled, your clothes in disarray,

your hair a mess, and your face flushed. Can you honestly claim that nothing happened


With those words, Amanda was left stunned for several seconds before erupting in

laughter. “So, you believe there’s an affair between Symeon and me, and that’s why you

think I’ve betrayed Elias? Is that why you’ve always held a grudge against me?”

“Isn’t it? You can deny it all you want, but I trust only what I saw,” Casey retorted.

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“Miss Casey, sometimes what you witness with your eyes isn’t necessarily the truth. I

have absolutely no connection with Symeon. When I entered his study that day, it was

purely to search for the bidding documents. I scoured the room but couldn’t locate them.

Instead, I ended up making a mess of myself. I can’t stand a guy like him, a sick pervert.

So, rest assured, I won’t be competing with you for a man. There’s absolutely no link

between tis, not even the slightest bit.”

Amanda spoke sincerely, and there was no hint of deception in her tone.

However, Casey was torn about whether to believe her, and her brows furrowed as doubt

clouded her thoughts. “Why should I believe your words? If there’s nothing between you

and him, then why do you keep going to see him? Can’t you see that he likes you? You

also frequently look after Dulcie for him. Is this how you treat someone you claim to


Casey couldn’t shake the feeling that Amanda was being hypocritical, concealing the truth

and refusing to admit her relationship with Symeon.

Amanda attempted to clarify, “I believe you don’t know the full story. I care for Dulcie not

because of him but for Dulcie herself. She’s in such a pitiable situation, and I….

Suddenly, she gazed at the woman before her and seemed to remember something.

Back at Lawrence Estate, Melissa’s mother had made a startling revelation that Dulcie’s

biological mother was the daughter of a renowned domestic jewelry merchant.

What was her name again?


It appeared to be Casey Carter.

In a moment of realization, Amanda’s eyes widened as she looked at the lady in front of

her. “Are you Casey Carter? Are you the daughter of the jewelry merchant-Casey Carter?”

“Yes, I am. What’s the matter?” Casey had no inkling of the unfolding situation.

Realization dawned on Amanda as she recalled, “I remember now. Melissa’s mother said

that the child is yours, so you are Dulcie’s birth mother?”

With those words, Casey was taken aback. She hadn’t expected Amanda to be privy to this


“How did you find out… Why do you know about this?

Casey felt like the entire world was now aware of her secret, and she was the last to know.

“It’s really you. No wonder Symeon acted so strangely the first time he saw you…”

Amanda’s understanding deepened.

“Why? What’s the reason behind all of this?”

On the other side, Elias scanned his surroundings and noticed that Amanda and Casey

were engaged in conversation. He furrowed his brows and headed in their direction.

“Speak up! What’s happening? What’s going on between you two?” Casey approached

Amanda in an agitated state, clutching her hand as if she were about to strike.

“What are you doing? Stop it!”

Elias suddenly appeared, swiftly removing her hand and positioning himself protectively in

front of Amanda.

Casey involuntarily took a step back, witnessing the anger in the man’s eyes-the kind of

reaction one would expect from someone deeply in love.

However, Amanda held onto Elias and said, “Hold on, she is Dulcie’s birth mother-the

woman Symeon has been searching for!”

“What?” Elias looked incredulous. He had never thought that Casey was Dulcie’s mother.

“Have you forgotten? Melissa’s mother said it herself back at Lawrence Estate…”

Elias quickly recalled the scene from that time, and it suddenly clicked. “No wonder.. No

wonder I always found the name Casey Carter so familiar. She’s Dulcie’s mother.”

“Yes, that’s right. So, she doesn’t know anything and has no ill intentions toward me

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either. It’s all a misunderstanding. She thought there was something between me and


Amanda couldn’t help but feel a bit helpless and even found the situation somewhat


After glancing back at his wife behind him, Elias instructed, “Go back first. I’ll talk to her.”

“Alright, be gentle, don’t scare her. She didn’t mean any harm.”




Once Amanda left, Elias turned to face Casey.

Casey regarded the man before her, her eyes filled with shock and confusion. “So, what

exactly happened? How did you know my name? How did you find out that I am Dulcie’s

birth mother?”

Elias now fully grasped why Casey had become entangled with Symeon. Hidden beneath

all this was at layer of complexity that could never be untangled.

After a moment of contemplation, he explained, “Dulcie was previously with a woman

named Melissa Walters. When Symeon found Dulcic, she was already three years old.

What’s more, Melissa Walters had always believed that Dulcie was her biological daughter.

It was only after the truth came out that they revealed who the child’s birth mother really

was. That’s why Symeon went searching for you everywhere.”

After hearing this, Casey took a long time to regain her composure.

So, that’s how it is…

No wonder when she first saw Dulcie, the child seemed so timid and afraid of Symeon.

The poor child was truly pitiful, like an object being passed around.

Elias pressed on. The suspicions you had are absolutely impossible. There’s no way

Symeon could have had anything with Amanda. Even if he likes her, Amanda could never

reciprocate those feelings. She can’t stand him; he has caused us too much trouble.”

“I…” Casey tried to voice her thoughts but found herself unable to put them into words.