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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 326
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Chapter 326 My Brave Little Boy

Only then did Rosie follow Miriam out of the dining room.

Amanda watched them leave. Even though she thought Rosie’s act was deliberate, she

nonetheless said to Elias, “Won’t you go take a look?”

However, Elias chose to return to his seat and continue with his breakfast. “It’s just a cut

on the finger. It’s not a big deal,” he replied. A cut finger doesn’t require me to keep my

eyes on it.

“You’d better go take a look,” urged Amanda. In reality, she could tell that what Rosie

really needed was the man’s attention.

Elias wasn’t willing to go at first. However, now that she had urged him twice, he had not

choice but to get up to go and take a look.

Aiden commented with a haughty expression, “Humph! A cut finger doesn’t hurt that

much. I didn’t even cry when I cut my finger last time, nor did I have medicine applied to

it. It healed the next day.”

Amanda couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. She tickled his nose, complimenting him,

“What a brave little boy.”

“That’s of course! I’m gonna protect you when I grow up, Mommy,” replied Aiden with at

smug-looking face before he took a bite of the dumpling in his hand.

Amanda looked at her son’s chubby little face, which seemed to have rounded out

somewhat. after a few days of rest and recuperation in Winters Estate. “Aiden, are you

nervous about going to kindergarten today?” Her son had been in the hospital for so many

days, after which he returned and spent about half a month recuperating in Winters

Estate. She was really worried that he might have a hard time getting used to


“I’m not nervous! I want to play with other kids. It’s been a long time since I played with.

them. Mommy, I kind of miss them.”

Amanda patted his head with a smile. “Good to hear that.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After breakfast, Amanda and Elias planned to send Aiden to kindergarten together.

“Hurray! Time to go to kindergarten!” Aiden had never looked forward so much to going to

kindergarten before. Amanda used to have to cajole him into going to kindergarten, and

he would cry about not wanting to go.

She looked at him in the back seat with a smile. “You’re so well-behaved now. You never


wanted to go to kindergarten before-even when I coaxed you.”

“I want to go to kindergarten! It’s much more fun than in the hospital, which wasn’t fun at

all. I hate being in the hospital, and I don’t want to go there anymore.”

Both Amanda and Elias, who was driving, fell silent at his words. During this time, they

had thought up

all kinds of excuses to coax the boy into staying a few more days in the hospital. Over

time, Aiden began to know what had happened, especially in the later period, when his

condition worsened and he spent every single day in pain and suffering. Luckily, he

received a bone marrow transplant from Rosie at this point. Otherwise, there was no

telling how much longer his pain and suffering would continue.

The boy cheered excitedly along the way, making so much noise that his adult parents

had helplessness written all over their faces. After sending him to kindergarten, they got

back into the car. “Where do you want to go? I’ll take you there,” suggested Elias.

Now that Aiden had been discharged from the hospital, Amanda was suddenly at a loss for

what to do. The renovation of her studio had previously been put on hold due to Aiden’s

hospitalization. After thinking for a while, she said, “Can you take me to Central Tower? I’m

gonna continue with my studio’s renovation.”

Elias wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to work that hard. However, he thought better

of it and drove her there without saying a word.

On their way there, Amanda got a phone call from Jack. Ring! Ring! She glanced at the

caller ID before answering the phone. After hesitating for a moment, she said, “Mr. Allegra,

what can I do for you?” Although she was already aware of their blood relationship, she

really couldn’t bring herself to call the man “Father.”

Jack was clearly disappointed on the other end when he heard her call him Mr. Allegra.

Nevertheless, he asked, “Is it okay if we go see Aiden this evening?” He and Edith had

been very polite with Amanda, always asking for her permission whenever they wanted to

see Aiden.

Amanda smiled. “Yeah, it’s okay, but we’re now staying at Winters Estate. You and Mrs.

Allegra can come right over.”

“Alright, see you this evening,” said Jack before hanging up.

This didn’t sound like a phone conversation between father and daughter at all.

“Who was it?” asked Elias.

“It was Mr. Allegra. He wants to come to see our boy.”

Elias darted a glance at her. He suggested impassively, “Mm-hmm. Why don’t we invite

them. to stay and join us for dinner?”


Amanda neither agreed nor objected to this.

Soon after that, night came, shrouding the whole city of Imperia in darkness.

Jack and Edith were ready to arrive at Winters Estate with their younger daughter

Stephanie. However, when their car reached the gate of the estate, a figure appeared

from nowhere, startling everyone.

A look of panic spread across her face the moment she made out who it was. It was

actually Crispin! He was pounding on the car window, saying something that they couldn’t

hear very well.

Stephanie hurriedly explained, “Dad, Mom, I really have no idea how he found us here! It

wasn’t me who told him about this!” She was totally freaking out; she didn’t want to lose

favor with her parents anymore. My standing in the family has become much lower since

Amanda showed up. And now, if my image in their mind’s eye is ruined because of Crispin,

how am I going to live the rest of my life?

Strangely, however, Jack wasn’t angry this time. He rolled down the car window, saying,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Get in the car. We’ll talk later.”

Both Stephanie and Edith were surprised.

Crispin was also startled for a while; he really never expected Jack to speak to him so

affably all of a sudden.

“What’s the matter? You don’t want to get in?” asked Jack.

Crispin nodded vigorously. “Yes, I want to get in! Thank you, Mr. Allegra.” Then, he opened

the passenger side door and got in.

Seeing Crispin get in the car, Stephanie turned as pale as a sheet. She felt so

embarrassed, she wished the ground could open and swallow her up.

Crispin looked back at her with infatuation. “Steph—”

As soon as he called out her name, however, he was stopped by Jack beside him. “Why

don’t you save what you have to say until we get inside?”

All Stephanie felt was humiliation; not only that, but she had lost face right in front of

Winters Estate. Why wouldn’t Crispin go away? And Elias is going to see this later on… Oh,

God! I’m better off dead instead! Why would I end up with a man like him, who sticks to

me like gum on my shoe? How irritating! At the moment, she no longer had any good

feelings for him at all. She just wanted to find an excuse to get rid of him, but she didn’t

want to get labeled as a b*tch.


On the other hand, Amanda and Elias had been waiting in Winters Estate’s reception

room, while Aiden had changed into loungewear and was playing with toys beside them.

The scene was as harmonious as it could be.

Sitting on the couch, Elias smiled unconsciously while watching the scene. Wouldn’t it be

nice if we weren’t divorced and if all of this was true…

Just then, Boris came over to him. “Mr. Winters, Mr. and Mrs. Allegra has arrived, along

with Miss Allegra. By the way, there’s a man following them from behind whom I don’t


“Uh-huh, okay. You may go now,” said Elias before slowly getting up to get ready to greet

the Allegras.

Amanda stood