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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 139
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Chapter 139 Macy Osborne

Caspian froze up i

in place when he saw the newcomer.


It was none other than the problematic Macy Osborne herself.

He immediately tensed up and asked, “What are you doing here, Macy?”

“Caspian, I came out for a stroll since it’s too boring at the hotel,” answered Macy


She had already been informed by Sylvia to address Caspian accordingly in public.

Stephanie was surprised to find such an imposing female soldier looking for Caspian.

“Follow me.” Caspian motioned for Macy to follow him out for a private conversation.

Her exquisite figure, along with the striking military camo, attracted a lot of attention as

she followed Caspian out of the hospital.

A lot of men turned around and gawked at her beautiful face and body as she passed by.

However, Caspian looked grim throughout the walk as he brought her all the way out of

the hospital to a more secluded location.

He then turned around and said, “Attention!”

Macy obediently paused her steps and stood at attention.

“Macy Osborne!” shouted Caspian angrily.


“What are you doing here in Southlake City?”

“To ensure Lord Caspian’s safety!”

“I already have plenty of protection with me. You’re not needed here. Return to South

Aridlands at once!” ordered Caspian.

“I’d prefer not to!” answered Macy.

“Are you defying my orders? I said, return to South Aridlands at once! You’re not needed


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He wanted nothing to do with Macy as she was too ruthless with her actions and preferred

to act alone. As a commander, there was nothing he hated more than a disobedient


She calmly explained, “I wouldn’t dare defy your orders, sir! But South Aridlands is

relatively peaceful and boring right now. That’s why I came to Southlake City.”


Caspian felt that he was getting a headache dealing with her. “Boring“?”

She gave out a sly–looking smile. “That’s right! Southlake City is way better! And besides,

I get to look at my handsome commander every day!”

He remained unfazed. “I’m not joking around with you!”

He knew that treating her well would only create more problems.

He also knew he wouldn’t be able to discipline her in due time.

“Relax, Caspian. Why the scary face? I’ve always listened to your orders on the


He was utterly done with arguing with this nutjob of a soldier.

He wanted to send her back to South Aridlands. But he realized that forcing her to do so

might only cause unnecessary problems when she threw a tantrum about it.

He decided to just let her stay around for now. “Fine, but at least get a change of clothes

when you’re out in public. You don’t have to flaunt your uniform around to show that

you’re a


“Oh, well, I was in a bit of a rush and forgot to change my clothes. I’ll keep it in mind next


Caspian pulled out his phone and called Sylvia to escape from conversing with Macy.

Soon after, Sylvia had arrived where the two had been waiting.

“What happened, Caspian?” asked Sylvia.

“Assign Macy to a mission right away. She’s complaining about being bored.”

Macy immediately lit up. “Mission?”

She seemed energized at the mention of a mere mission as if she had been bored out of

her mind back in South Aridlands.

“Tony and his men had stolen Ms. Wildman’s money. I need the both of you to eradicate

the pests and bring back the stolen money,” ordered Caspian.

Macy replied, “Who’s of him.”

this Tony you’re talking about? I’ve never!

She wasn’t familiar with the current situation in the city and had never heard of Tony.

But she was simply satisfied with the fact that there was a job to complete.

“Tony Brooks is a local bully around these parts. As for what he looks like, investigating it

is part of your mission. Don’t mess this up,” answered Caspian.

Sylvia replied, “Yes, sir!”


“I need you to get some answers out from him before you kill him. I need to know who he

is working for and why he beat up Mr. Wildman.”

Both Sylvia and Macy answered in unison. “Yes, sir!”

“That’s all. Move out!”

Caspian waved his hands and dismissed the duo. He just wanted to get it over with so that

Macy would leave him alone.

He then returned to the hospital ward.

Stephanie noticed his return and asked, “Who’s that beauty from earlier, Caspian?”

“A comrade of mine. She came along with Avon. It’s been some time since we last met, so

she personally paid me a visit,” explained Caspian.

“Oh, I see!”

Stephanie nodded her head and took his answers at face value.

She didn’t question him further.

Sylvia and Macy soon arrived at a hotel where Tony and his men were enjoying a feast

with the stolen money.

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The duo had changed into a casual fit to blend in with the civilians along with a dozen of


elite combatants.

Meanwhile, within the hotel…

“Boss! Cheers!”

“We hit it big today!”

“That’s right! Can’t believe that stanky old teacher was just pretending to be poor!”


Tony’s underlings had drunk themselves dizzy.

“I can’t believe you guys are all riled up over just a few hundred thousand dollars. There’s

more to come if you continue to work under me!”

Tony was also excited over their big catch, but he didn’t show it on his face.

He continued to enjoy the feast along with his men and eventually got so drunk he

couldn’t walk straight anymore.

At this point, a few SUVS arrived outside the hotel.


A dozen imposing–looking men rushed into the hotel and swiftly located Tony’s room.

Among them were Sylvia and Macy.

Tony was frightened when his room was suddenly invaded by a bunch of strangers.

Macy initiated the conversation. “Are you Tony Brooks?”

“That’s right! And who is this beauty looking for me?”

He was instantly charmed by her looks and let down his defenses.

“Looking to lock you up, that’s what! Round up all his men!” shouted Macy.

Sylvia was speechless by Macy’s behavior, as she was supposed to be the leader of the


The soldiers had also listened to Macy’s commands out of fear and promptly took down

Tony and his men.

The drunken hooligans were unable to react at all.

“Why are you arresting us? I don’t even know who you guys are!” demanded Tony. “You

might not know any of us, but we know what you’ve done,” answered Macy.