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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52

Livia drowned down some liquor before she slammed the emptied shot glass on the counter table. She

muttered under her breath lividly, “What the hell is that bitch made of?”

Sasha drank half of the contents from her wine glass before saying, “It doesn’t matter. Everyone breaks

over something. We just haven’t found what breaks her yet.” “How can Greg even like her?!” Livia

whisper-yelled, still unable to accept that the Duke kicked her out the other night and showed affection

for Lucianne by how gentle his tone was when he said Lucianne’s name.

Sasha seemed to have already calmed down from her previous encounter with the Duke.(This will

be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)” Men don’t know what they want, Liv. He’s just blinded for now,

like the rest of them.”

Livia continued to hiss, “Do you know that even the wolves were ready to attack my relatives? How dare

they?! We are the superior species! They shouldn’t even have the gall to think of doing something like


Sasha took a sip, “It’s because of that wolf. They think that they are on par with us now because our King

is bonded to one of them.”

“We can’t let her get away with this!” Livia exclaimed. “The wolves who did that should be punished! That

bitch should be brought to her knees and apologize for what she’s been doing to all of us!”

“I’m with you there, Liv. But we need a Plan B now.” Sasha didn’t like Kelissa Kylton, especially when she

knew that the late King and Queen was trying to matchmake their son with the Lord and Lady’s only

daughter. Sasha’s own father was not a Lord, so she felt inferior to Kelissa..that was until word spread

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that Xandar refused to marry the daughter of that esteemed family. The Kyltons were so humiliated and

angry that they moved far away. No one had seen them or heard from them in years, until Livia made the


Livia was aware of Sasha’s hate towards her cousin but she couldn’t care less. She was after the Duke.

There was something about his willful disregard for authority that turned on a

her being. Livia didn’t tell her relatives that Sasha had a hand in deciding to tell Aunt Kylton about the

King being bonded to a wolf. Kelissa expressed mutual hate for Sasha when she saw Sasha trying to

seduce the very person she herself was seducing.

After a few more drinks, Sasha sent Livia home. Livia walked into the dark house. Her parents were

visiting some friends and her brother worked overseas so she was alone for now. She entered, and

threw the keys with the other sets before sighing in exhaustion. She was making her way towards her

room. But when she walked past the dark living room, her senses caught a presence. With her Lycan

eyesight, she looked into the dark and saw a figure sitting crossed-legged on an armchair at a dark

corner. She squinted her eyes, and when her vision finally adjusted fully to the darkness, she saw that it

was Greg.

She smirked coyly, “Well, your Grace. It’s good to know you’re comfortable letting yourself in. Finally in

the mood to experience what I told you about the other night?”

Greg uncrossed his legs and stood from his seat. He took slow steps towards Livia without uttering a

single word. Livia assumed that he was accepting her offer. Her parents weren’t coming home anytime

soon so they could very well do it in the living room if they wanted to. She, too, approached him in slow,

seductive steps as she threw her purse waited for him to make his move.

When he stood before her, his onyx eyes bore into hers and Livia misread them as being lust when, in

fact, Greg was actually angered. Her arousal started filling the room. That was when Greg pushed her

mercilessly against the wall. He pinned her neck with one hand and growled menacingly as he asked,

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) “Why did you send the Kyltons this evening?”

She was shocked but tried to choke out her words, “G-Greg, what are you talking about? I didn


Greg released her neck only to slam her head harder against the wall. A crack began to form where

Livia’s head made the impact. If she weren’t a Lycan, the force would have resulted in a concussion or

an internal hemorrhage. But because of her strength, the impact on her skull just made her feel slightly


Greg uttered his next words slowly, one syllable at a time, “Don’t. Lie. To. Me.”

His grip was tightening around Livia’s neck. She was losing air so Greg grudgingly released her neck.

She fell on the floor with a loud thud at his feet. Livia coughed and took in large volumes of air to

replenish her lungs. Greg squatted and lifted her chin up roughly as he repeated his question, “Why did

you send them?”

Livia was still catching her breath as she furrowed her brows in annoyance, “Why is that so important to

you? They weren’t even there for you. They just went for the King.”

“Hmph.” Greg scoffed at Livia’s amateur attempt to lie. He glowered at her as he said, “They weren’t

really just there for my cousin, were they? You sent them there to catch her off guard and to hurt her, to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

hurt Lucianne.” Livia’s shocked expression confirmed Greg’s suspicions. At that moment, Livia regretted

the many years she bragged to everyone about being the Kyltons


Greg threw her head towards the floor. Without giving her time to recover, he lifted up her body and

pinned her against the wall by her shoulders as he said, “Lucky for you, the Queen was neither hurt nor

broken, or I wouldn’t be leaving without breaking your neck myself tonight. Consider this a warning. If

you even try to hurt her again, rest assured that I’ll kill you painfully slowly. Is that understood, Livia?”

Livia’s eyes were glistening with tears of rage and jealousy. He was protecting the wolf! How could that

be?! What the hell did the wolf have that she didn’t?! Livia spat in despair, “Why do you even care about

her? You are nothing to her!”

Greg threw her body against the cabinet at the side before he firmly declared, (This will be daily

updtaed at www.jar.com)“The Queen doesn’t have to reciprocate my feelings for me to act on them.

You stay away from her or, I promise you, your end will not come without an insane amount of anguish.”

“You’re a fool to choose her, your Grace.” Livia spat in a whisper.

He cocked his head to one side, and watched Livia pushing herself off the floor before he said, “I’d be

more worried about your own intelligence if I were you.” He left her there and walked out the door.

Livia’s angry tears were streaming down her face. ‘The wolf had to die’, she thought. But she had to be

more careful this time. Greg cannot find out that she was behind whatever she was going to plan for the

ugly, little thing. She and Sasha had to be more discreet with their Plan B. She only hoped that they

could hatch a plan and execute it before the wolf turned into a Lycan. It was easier to kill their cousin

species than it was to kill them so they had to act fast!