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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 489
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489-ls He Gone Again?

'So, you and Valerie?" Maynard asked Lazio, who had just returned to us and sat down in the car. The two of them

were sitting in the backseat while I was in the passenger seat with Theo, who looked happy ever since he heard

Lazio was no longer going to bother me.

'Enya made me realize I shouldn't be running after someone who doesn't belong to me. Besides, I did mess up with

Valerie." Thankfully, Lazio had realized he was at fault and was willing to put in the effort to make things right again.

"That's good. I am happy for you," Maynard said in a murmur. I don't know what he was going through in his mind

after finding out Christina played him big time, but he was avoiding speaking his mind to anyone.

’What about you, Maynard?" The moment Theo mentioned him, I elbowed him. I didn’t want to hear another one of

them wanting to pursue me.

I mean, did Christina try contacting you again?" Theo changed the subject really quickly once he understood I

wouldn’t want him to talk about Maynard and me. There were no us since the beginning. Like Lazio, he got many

chances but ruined everything.

'She has been blowing up my phone nonstop, but I am not responding to her,” Maynard answered. "I am beginning

to feel like she will not rest until she eats me alive," he sighed. I could understand his frustration. Her mother tried

forcing a mate bond of Christina with Corbin but accidentally tied Maynard and Christina in a twisted fate where she

had to meet him and get accepted by him.

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It was a mess.

'She will not sit silent for too long. Even I have been receiving calls from Emelia, trying to reminisce on the past and

how she took care of me when I was a child. In fact, this is how Christina made me side with her for so long. She

knew I was grateful for her mother, and she took full advantage of that,' Lazio mumbled in his mouth.

'Right here,' Theo said, and parked the car on the road.

'You seem so certain that we are going to find Oswin and Mother Witch here," I told Theo, who had rushed out of

the car before me in haste.

'Somebody told me they have seen Corbin come here," Theo explained, gesturing Lazio and Maynard to follow him

into the woods with me.

Really?" I asked Theo, hoping my brother would be fine.

"Let’s find out ourselves," Theo said, holding my hand out of the blue and then stopping only for a second to turn to

the boys.

'Here is what we should do." Theo looked at Maynard and Lazio. "Why don’t you two start from over there, the deep

side, while we search the area around at the entrance?" he pointed in two different directions when talking to

Maynard and Lazio.

'Got it," Lazio said, parting ways from us with Maynard. The two nodded to him and sprinted away from us.

Finally, Theo and I were alone. It had been a few hours since we'd been able to spend some time alone. And I knew

he had a few things that he wanted to speak to me about.

'So, did you reject him?" Theo asked, taking the lead and looking around for any suspicious activity.

I did,' I said, walking behind Theo.

'What about Maynard?" he questioned.

'Him and I ended things years ago. I don't think there need to be any changes in our scenario," I answered,

wondering what he was warming me up for.

'Ahem! Thiago has marked you in the past,' Theo said, recalling the night when they marked me because they

wanted to protect me from Zander.

"Yeah! You weren't there, or else I would be a lycan right now," I joked.

'Wait!" I stopped walking behind him and pulled him back.

'Ask me whatever is bothering you," I said to him, pulling him even closer. I could tell something was making him

anxious, but he was not openly talking about it.

I would want to mark you again whenever you are ready," he whispered, gently caressing my cheek.

"Thiago has already mark—,“ I couldn't finish because he bent over my lips and passed a gentle kiss to them.

I want to taste you myself," he whispered, breaking the kiss but standing closer than ever.

'Would you mind?" He questioned and when I shook my head at him, he smiled.

'You know; I want to make a baby with you. Imagine how beautiful those little creatures will be." He smiled widely,

making me blush at his words.

'Oh! You are blushing," he poked my cheek, making me slap his hands away and frown at him playfully.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

'We will have a mating ceremony, a very beautiful one." He then promised me while holding my hands tightly.

'What about Thiago?" I asked him, wondering when he will realize the two can live in the same body at the same

time if only he lets Thiago take over.

'He will have to wait and watch me with his mate for some time," he shrugged and laughed when I slapped his


"You are evil," I teased, but he knew that's all I was doing. I was not serious.

'Now let’s go quickly find my brother-in-law," he turned around after joking and had only taken a step ahead when

an arrow pierced through the air and shot right through him.

It happened in such a hurry that for a moment, I couldn't even move a muscle.

As his body landed on the ground, I sprinted and dropped to my knees beside him.

THEOOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, looking around and holding my hand near his chest, where the

arrow was sticking out.

There was so much blood that I feared I was going to lose him.

'E—nya!" Theo stuttered, looking me in the eye with tears streaming down his cheeks. 'What happened-," He was

confused, grunting, and bleeding excessively.

'We are going to get you help," I told him, lifting my head up and calling for the two, who had no idea what

happened here, "LAZLOOO! MAYNARD!" I yelled, my eyes welling up.