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Tasting All My Mates by Alexis Dee

Chapter 488
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488-A Perfect Time To Reject Some..

'Maybe we can wait a minute," I murmured, watching everyone look my way.

'We don't have time, though. Every minute is important now,” Maynard argued, refusing to waste another minute. I

truly felt like Lazio needed to talk to Valerie. She shouldn't be under so much stress.

I need to speak to Lazio first," I said, watching everyone look at him. He pointed his finger to his chest to confirm

and then gulped loudly. I know he knew what it was about. It was a long awaited conversation that we needed to

take care of.

I wouldn't want him to linger around, thinking he had a chance, and lose a chance at a better life with his fated

mate and his baby.

*We will wait by the car," Theo said, tapping Maynard's shoulder to drag him out of his thoughts. As everybody

started walking away, I realized Lazio's muscles tensed up.

'So, this is it?" he asked, letting out a little painful grunt.

'1 just want to know if I had treated you right in these two years, would you have stayed with me after Theo had

come back?" He asked me, watching my face with hope.

Those few minutes were all I had to think of-an answer that would push him away from me.

'And please don't lie. I don't want to live with another lie." He remembered how they thought I was their curse.

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'Lazio! Valerie cares about you,* I said, dodging his question.

I am not talking about her right now. I want to know if you still care." Lazio insisted on knowing, but not decreasing,

the distance between us.

'Ah!" I exhaled and then nodded to myself, encouraging myself for this conversation.

'Even if I had stayed with you, I would have wanted to be with Theo as well, because that's what the deal was in the

beginning. You need to understand something. I would never be exclusive to you only, Lazio. I would have never

rejected Theo after he came back. He was always the one to whom my heart felt inclined. As for you, you want

exclusivity, the way I feel about Theo. Valerie is the only mate who can give you all the love and attention that you

want and deserve. The way you are suffering and are devastated to be with me is the same way she feels about

you." I started talking, and he instantly lowered his head.

He wanted me to reject Theo over a scenario that never happened. Why would I stroke his ego and tell him I would

have left Theo when I cannot even think about staying with Lazio anymore? But at least he heard it from me.

"You are given a chance to live a perfect life with your mate, and you are blowing it up. And it is not even like you

never liked her. You were in love with her, Lazio, until you found out you were going to lose me. If Theo hadn't

arrived, I doubt you would have realized how you had hurt me. You just couldn't watch me be with someone else.

You felt like you deserved me as a trophy because my mother ruined your life. That part of our lives is over now,

and instead of moving on and accepting your fate, you are once again making a mistake. She is carrying your baby,

and you are losing yourself over someone who isn't even going to pick you anymore." I told him in clear words that

I intended to reject him.

'Do you not want to have a happy life and a beautiful family with her?" I asked him, watching him slowly raise his

head, his eyes welling up.

I wish I had that chance with someone else, but I hear you. I liked her a lot, but I guess I never loved her," he

admitted, "but I wouldn't want to lose my baby." He then confessed.

’Prior to Theo coming back, I was excited about my mating ceremony with Valerie. And now I have said so much to

her, and she has heard so much from me, that I don't even think she will ever believe when I tell her that I like her

or that I love her," he sighed defeatedly, understanding his mistakes.

But if you talk to her now, she will understand. She is over there all alone, starving herself, and you are — you didn't

even go to speak to her. Lazio! These few months of pregnancy are important for any woman. Don't let her spend

these in pain and agony," I requested him and watched him nod his head.

'What about you?” He then suddenly asked, "Are you never going to speak to me again?" The fondness in his eyes

in the form of tears made me feel bad for him.

'Maybe things will go back to normal soon. But you will have to earn my friendship," I said, and he nodded hard.

'Hm! Well, I got demoted!' He joked, but a tear leaving his eye told me that's exactly how he was feeling in the


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'Well, it is time then," he said.

I, Enya Fosters, reject you as my mate," I mumbled, feeling all the memories from years ago rush back to me.

He closed his eyes and grunted, feeling the pain of rejection right through his heart, before he straightened his

posture and looked back at me sadly.

I, the unlucky alpha in the world, accept your rejection," he finished in tears. I didn't feel any pain because I didn’t

have my wolf at the moment, but I felt the bond breaking inside me.

Now go and speak to her. I am sure we can wait another fifteen minutes while you feed her with your own hands," I

forced a smile onto my lips as I still didn't know how I will forgive him entirely. He rushed past me, and soon he

disappeared into her room. I started making my way to the exit when I heard them talk from inside the room.

I am sorry!" Lazio told her. "Just because I loved her doesn't mean I hated you. I just- had more connection with her

than you," he said, talking to her while holding her hands.

’I am happy you are back. I am sure we can connect well and soon, we will be the happiest," she started tearing up.

He pulled her over to his chest and hugged her tightly.

I am sure we will. And I promise to fix things and mend your broken heart. I promise to make this pregnancy the

best experience for you."

I smiled as I heard him make things right with her.