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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26 CELINE'S POV | had to force a hard swallow as | felt Sebastians warm hand on my flesh, which was scorching. Nevertheless, the reverie was disrupted the very next second when he spoke the most nasty remarks, which caused the smile on my face to freeze for a split second for a moment of stunned silence. “So...

this is how you earn money normally?” Because | didn’t want to appear weak, | fought back. As | gripped the lapel of his suit and murmured in his ear, the corner of my mouth twisted into a sneer once more. “Regardless of how | make my money... it remains the fact that you've enjoyed every last bit of my service, haven't you?” While | was saying this, | rubbed my body against his, and his eyes darkened and becchilly.

The sensation of his eyes cutting through my skin and reaching my nerves was excruciating.

His expression clearly conveyed his abhorrence of the situation.

4 Men, 900 As | stepped away from him, | maintained a very subtle smile on my face.

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“You don’t have to worry, Mr. Anderson once the mone my pocket, I know how to keep a secret..” He grasped my chin, and although it hurt... | didn’t show any sign of discomfort. Instead, my face was expressionless as | stared at him. “One million dollars?” he scoffed. “You really are the cheapest girl I've over known, Celine Lauren...” | rolled my tongue along my inner cheek, caressing my chin that he’d hurt.

But the words he just said towas more painful...

“Five million dollars and you'll take this secret to your grave!” He spat atas he pulled a check out of the pocket of his suit and began to sign it before throwing it in my face.

| had to bend down to pick up the check after it had fallen on the ground, and | couldn’t help but smile triumphantly when | realized that he had actually written five million dollars in it. “How generous of you, my dear brother-in-law...” Chapter 25 The Vita “Get out of my sight!” he shouted and I laughed as | put on the dress | was wearing last night that he took off from me.

“Goodbye and thank you, your majesty.” | blew him a kiss on the way out of the room before flipping my hair and going about my business.

However. | didn’t expect to see a girl walking down the hallway that madequickly examine my surroundings.

| thought | was in a hotel. | was wrong. It conjured images of a magnificent mansion, a life lived in the height of opulence and extravagance, and mountains of cash.

These words started rattling around in my head all of a sudden.

34 This was not a hotel but rather the villa that belonged to the Anderson Family.

Even the air they inhaled had a sweet aroma of honey because it was such an elegant and respectable place.

“Brylee..” | was taken aback by the girl's voice. And | am able to recall her 12 55 Mon, 9 Oct.

Chapter 26 The Villa now. She's Cynthia, Sebastian’s younger sister.

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So... she thought | was Brylee? 4/6 | tried to get away from her and head down the steps, but she followed behind me. “Hey, | was wondering if you could tellmore about your sister Celine’s return to the Lauren family? You didn’t kick her back to the island where she was staying, did you?” | cto a complete halt, but | didn’t turn around to face her when | did so.

“Has she offended you by any chance?” | asked. These wealthy folks were all callous and ruthless individuals.

Cynthia took a step forward and gave a hesitant smile. She continued by saying that “everyone in the city knows what kind of girl she is...” You have no choice but to expel her from the city because she is such a shameless woman. Please, Brylee... don’t allow her to bring shon the Lauren family...” | let out a snort of laughter, which caused her eyes to go wide as she pondered the reason for my response being the way it was.

473% 5/6 What we you boughing other eyes getting wider as she looked atwith en the fiehead.

NNYnceived notion that the only daughter of a wealthy and INTASANASI KWAMEN Would exude dignity, generosity, and self-possession. | was We “Tetout a little chuckle to myself. “Well, Miss Cynthia Anderson... you Neostomed those terms into power, tittle-tattler, and slander. It was groot getting to know you have a wonderful day!” “What the hell ore you talking about?” The expression on Cynthia's face Sorged diomotically when she abruptly blocked my way, but I simply shrugoso my shoulders, pushing her aside and continued to make my way countess “Sveel” She yelled and grabbed my arm to bringto a stoo. “Don’t think that | can’t do anything to you just because you are engage to my brom Omode chestie gesture toward her by crossing my arms over my chest and raising one eyebrow. “So what do you want to do to me, then?” Cumnos eves it up with mockery in an instant and she lifted her hand to deliver a ferocious slap to my face. However, | quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist to prevent her from hitting me.

Why do you folks feel the need to hit others so frequently?” 6/6 “Bryke..” The look in Cynthia's eyes conveyed a great deal of displeasure at the fact that she didn’t takedown. | maintained a chilly gaze on her while smiling to myself. “It seems that legendary Anderson family is nothing more than this. Why don’t you hold a mirror up to yourself instead of wasting your breath fretting about how other people might bring disgrace to the Lauren family? | was out of breath when | stopped talking. | rolled my eyes when | saw tears pool in her eyes. | hurriedly left the enormous and elegant villa, feeling grateful that a cab had just passed in front of me, that | had been able to flag it down by waving my hand.