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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 384
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Chapter 384 Undeserving of You

Isn’t that going a bit too fast? Jethro was speechless. At this rate, they’re going to think I’m dating Skylar.

I want Elspeth, not this evil little witch.

Skylar stared down sheepishly. “Will that be alright? I mean, I’ve never had a boyfriend.” She might have

said that, but she was ecstatic with the idea that she could have Jethro as her first boyfriend. Even if it

was just an act, she believed she could turn it into a real deal if she worked hard enough and captured

his heart.

While she was caught up in her imagination, unbeknownst to her, Jethro was silently cursing at the

woman. Damn this woman. It’s all her fault! He snorted. But I can’t say no to Elspeth, so I have to change

my approach. “I’ll need something more for this.”

He’s already asked me to attend the banquet with him. What more does he want? “What do you want?”

Elspeth asked.

The man smiled. “I want you to stay over at my place for a few days. If you agree to it, I will film this


He had his own plan. If he could make Elspeth stay, he would have the chance to get closer to her.

Skylar was shocked to hear that. What in the world?

Noticing Skylar’s disbelief, Elspeth chuckled awkwardly. “He needs my help with something. It’s not what

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you think.”

Skylar grunted in acknowledgment. She’s trying to hide something. She’s just trying to tell me that they’re

closer than I think. How fake.

Elspeth thought to herself, If I stay with him, he shouldn’t be able to do anything since many of his

relatives will be around. Eventually, she agreed to his request.

With that, Jethro told her she could take as many videos as she wanted. Now that Herman had gone

back home, she had to take over as cameraman. Fortunately, she did learn a bit from Herman, so filming

a video was easy. They straightened up and started preparing for the video. First, they would start from

the company. Elspeth made a video of them looking lovey-dovey in the company. Scenes like Jethro

tying Skylar’s hair up and smiling lovingly at her were musts. And Skylar thought she would suffocate

from the love. Isn’t that going a bit too fast? Jethro was speechless. At this rate, they’re going to think I’m

dating Skylar. I want Elspeth, not this evil little witch.

Then, there were scenes like Skylar happily feeding an apple to Jethro, and he would pat her head and

say thank you. Oh, man. I expect nothing less from a playboy such as him. He is a natural at this.

Though, I feel kind of sorry for Skylar. She puts her heart into it, but Jethro’s not. He might be smiling, but

the smile on his lips didn’t reach his eyes. Eventually, the filming came to an end. Elspeth looked at the

video and nodded in satisfaction.

“I’ll make some edits and send a copy to both of you. After that, you two shall post it to your wall.”

Reminded of something, she added, “Oh, and don’t forget to tag each other.”

It’s finally over. Jethro heaved a sigh of relief and took a sip of water. “Yeah, yeah.”

Skylar blushed instantly when she saw what the man was doing. “That’s my glass.”

He almost spewed. “Sorry. I wasn’t looking.”

She nodded and shook her head. “It’s fine.”

Jethro nodded as a sign of thank you. However, Skylar thought he was seducing her, and she clenched

her fists. He’s the best man I’ve ever met. I must get him.

Elspeth went back to her office to edit the footage. When she was about to send the edited video to

Jethro and Skylar, she got an email. She took a glance, but when she saw who the sender was, her face

froze. Once she was done reading the email, she stood up from her seat and left. She came downstairs

and saw a blue sports car at the roadside. She knew whose car that was. When she got into the car, the

man in the driver’s seat beamed, the scar on his forehead cracking. He looked at her with love in his

eyes. “It’s been a while. Have you been well?”

She shot him an icy look, putting some distance between them. “None of your business, Arthur.”

Arthur was a little annoyed by her action. “Now, don’t be a stranger. You might be interested in what I

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have to say next.”

Elspeth looked at him icily. “You’ve made it clear in the email.” He is so obsessed and clingy. Even after I

returned to the nation, he still managed to find something to blackmail me with.

“But the email worked, or else you wouldn’t have come to see me.” He smirked. “In all honesty, I don’t

intend to harm you. I miss you, and I just wanted to see you.”

With her around, life was no longer boring. When they were still together, the home was always filled with

laughter. He had even lost interest in the company back then, and it was then he realized he had fallen

for this woman. An urge to have her welled in his soul, but just when he could finally have her, Callum

showed up and ruined his plan. Elspeth then left him, and it annoyed Arthur to no end.

“I can’t believe you could say that with a straight face.”

The man couldn’t believe Elspeth would interrupt his confession, but then he thought it was

understandable. “You think I’m disgusting, don’t you?”

She said nothing for fear of angering him.

“Guess why I came back with you?” He smiled. Elspeth couldn’t believe he would suddenly smile, yet the

smile looked unnatural. Any smile looked terrifying on Arthur.

“Don’t say it was for me.” That’d be disgusting. No one would believe that.

He shook his head. “Not just for you. I have more important things to do, but it is related to you.”

Elspeth frowned. She then realized the air around him was starting to tense up, and she backed off.

“What is it?”

Arthur smirked. “I’m taking Winthrop Group away, and Callum will no longer be worthy of you.”