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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 190
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As soon as Callum finished speaking, everyone fell silent.

As for Emma, her heart was throbbing in pain as she cried. “Even if you don’t like me anymore,

Callum,” she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. “We were once in love. Why are you being so cruel

to me?”

Elspeth could not contain her sarcasm in response to Emma’s dishonest behavior. “You brought up

your previous relationship with him while his current girlfriend was present. Three guesses as to why he

was so vicious.”

What else is there to say besides being disgusted?

“I—” Emma ducked her head down, hiding the intense fury burning in her eyes. While she would love to

slap Elspeth right then and there, everyone was watching. She had to make everyone think Elspeth

was the bully.

However, to her surprise, Arthur decided to step up and calm everyone down. “It’s all in the past, so

let’s leave it be,” he said with a smile. “After all, Callum is dating Elspeth now, and Emma is happy for


Emma nodded with a look of gratitude on her face.

“Dad’s birthday party is happening in a few days,” he continued. “I plan on returning to do my duties as

his son.”

Max’s hands clenched into fists as he retorted, “Return? Arthur, how can you say that without

embarrassment? I have yet to deal with you for how badly you angered dad last time. You have the

nerve to offer yourself up!”

Edmund shot Max a look as he coldly said, “Why do you care about someone like that? His skin was

thicker than a city’s defenses. Who knows what he actually thinks about all this?”

Evidently, none of the Winthrops liked Arthur anymore.

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However, Arthur acted as though he heard nothing as his smile remained gentle and calm. “Then, it’s

settled. If that’s all, I have to go. See you the day after tomorrow.” Afterward, he stood up and left.

The other Winthrop men were only relaxed after he left the room.

To regain her dignity, Emma passed a plate of food to Max. “Don’t blank out. Here, I think you love this

dish the most.”

“Thank you, sis,” he replied without thinking.

Emma’s smile brightened. She then shot Elspeth a smug look as if it were proof that she was the


Soon, Edmund glared at Max. “What did you say?”

It was only then that Max noticed he had made a mistake. “I’m sorry for misspeaking,” he said, glancing

awkwardly at Elspeth.

Elspeth had to admit that Emma was successful in grossing her out.

“Why, what a natural Miss Walker is at offering food to others. If memory serves me right, I am paying

for the meal. If I don’t like someone, I can ask her to leave immediately.” Elspeth narrowed her eyes as

she said that in a mocking tone. It was clear to everyone who “her” was.

If Emma could not hear the message, she would have lived under a rock for over twenty years.

“Callum went to pay now, so I think it shouldn’t be you, Miss Lynwood.”

Suddenly, Elspeth glanced at Callum, seated beside her, before asking him with a raised eyebrow, “Do

you have a problem with paying when I am the host of the meal?”

“Not at all,” he calmly answered after wiping his mouth. Callum’s answer was a blatant show of

protecting Elspeth.

If Emma had stayed at the stable longer, she might die from anger and frustration. So, she rose to her

feet and uttered, “If you don’t like me, I’ll leave.”

“It’s good that you’re self-aware,” Elspeth languidly said. “Still, you’re a little slow at that.”

Emma had been prepared to take a step forward when she heard that. It caught her by surprise, almost

making her trip and fall. She is so rude and disrespectful! Hence, Emma decided to let herself fall in

Callum’s direction. While he no longer liked her, the situation was about morals. Therefore, no matter

what, he would…


Elspeth’s quick reflexes and extended foot saved Emma from hitting the ground on her face.

“I know I’ve made it clear where you stand among us, but you don’t need to stand on ceremony. You

are a celebrity. Your face cannot withstand such abuse.”

No matter how angry and frustrated Emma was at Elspeth’s innocent act, she could do nothing about it.

She was currently sprawled out across Elspeth’s foot in an inappropriate manner. With great effort, she

crawled up from the floor and tidied up her hair while wishing she could bury herself in a hole

somewhere. It was immensely humiliating to trip and fall in front of many people.

“Excuse me.”

Her departure was even more hurried than Arthur’s, giving the impression that she was fleeing in a


Max waited for her to leave before lowering his head in apology. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call her that


Elspeth waved the apology away. “It’s fine. You’re still a kid.”

Max rolled his eyes hard. “I’m not a kid. I’m an adult, okay?”

“Where’s Yelena?” she then asked, staring at him.

It had been a long time since she last talked to Yelena. She wondered how Yelena was doing.

“That cousin of hers isn’t actually her cousin, yet he’s constantly hovering around her door. Unable to

deal with him any longer, she moved out and is currently staying in one of my mansions,” Max replied.

“You’re staying together?” Elspeth was shocked.

He blushed. “I said she’s staying in my mansion, not that we were staying together!”

“She’s still young. Remember to respect her boundaries.”

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Everyone knew what she meant by that.

Edmund patted Max on the head as he said with a mysterious smile, “I don’t even have a girlfriend yet,

and you two are already living together. Amazing.”

Max was not someone who could handle being teased, though. He burned bright red from his neck up

to his ears.

“Alright, we’ll stop. Bring Yelena to the Winthrop Residence tomorrow. I need to talk to her,” Elspeth


He nodded, and to avoid unnecessary awkwardness, he immediately kept quiet.

“Well, it’s getting late, and we’re almost done with the meal. Let’s head back,” Blake abruptly said. He

had been silently sitting in the corner the entire time.

It was only then that she noticed his presence. Embarrassed, Elspeth asked, “How have you been

lately at Luminous?”

“I’m fine. Everything’s good,” he replied.

No one knew what Blake went through that made him suddenly snap into a quiet, contemplative mood.

He looked so vastly different compared to his usual charming and sly temperament. She did question

him any further and soon followed the other four men back to the Winthrop Residence.

As Elspeth stepped into the house, Theodore spotted her at the door. There was a nearly undetectable

look of awkwardness on his face for a brief moment.

“Did you miss me, Mr. Winthrop? I have been gone for so long,” she casually said, smiling as she sat

beside him.

“You’re back, Elspeth,” he commented with a stiff smile.

His smile told her something was off about the situation. “What is it? You don’t look so good.”

He shook his head. “Nothing. It has been so long since we last met that I don’t know what to talk


That was definitely not what was going on. Unwilling to expose Theodore’s lie, Elspeth merely smiled

as she pondered his behavior.