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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 146
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Chapter 146

Elspeth laughed awkwardly at that. Sh*t. He is doubting my identity again.

Though Callum did not have any proof, she still felt nervous. “No, I’m just being rational. Is it a problem to

be good at logical reasoning?”

Hearing that, Callum retracted his gaze and said nonchalantly, “Nothing. It’s just that you seem to run

your own entertainment company from what you’ve just said.”

Elspeth almost couldn’t catch her breath and coughed a little. “If I had an entertainment company, why

would I need to work for you? You’re reading too much into it.”

However, Callum did not agree with what she said this time and merely remained silent, seemingly in

deep thought.

“That’s enough; stop thinking about me. Let’s hurry to Yelena’s house now. Many people are now aware

that she is the daughter of the Sullivan Family after the birthday banquet yesterday. I’m afraid people are

swarming around her house now.”

Callum nodded in agreement and quickly sent Elspeth to the Sullivan Residence.

Yelena’s rumor directly caused a 5% decline in the Sullivan Corporation’s shares, resulting in huge

losses. When Hex learned about the matter, he went to the company early in the morning to handle the


After all, this concerned his sister whom he doted on. He couldn’t possibly ignore the situation and leave

her in a lurch.

At the same time, Yelena almost collapsed when she read the news after she woke up early in the


She was upset not only because she was being defamed, but also because Max went to the bar to drink

and did not return for the entire night. Worse, he even behaved intimately with another woman.

Seeing her dejected expression, Finn felt sorry for her. He went closer to her and put his arm around her

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shoulder, allowing her to lean on him.

“Don’t worry, Yelena. This won’t affect your celebrity career. Don’t think too much about it.”

Yelena, however, shook her head, still looking forlorn. “I am not worrying about this.”

“What are you worried about then? Don’t tell me you’re concerned that Max messes around with another

woman. I have told you previously that he is not a decent guy, but you refuse to listen. See, I got it right.”

Finn’s words did not offer any comfort to Yelena at all. Instead, she became more depressed.

At this moment, the helper knocked on the door and pushed open it. Seeing Yelena’s sad expression,

she said, “Miss Sullivan, there is a crowd outside now. Miss Lynwood’s and Mr. Winthrop’s car can’t get


Yelena’s face lit up when she heard that. “Elspeth is here, you mean?”

“Yes, they are outside now. I’m here to ask if we ought to let them in through the back door.”

Yelena nodded. “Do that now. Ask them to be careful and not be discovered.”

If the fans and reporters found out that Yelena was still in contact with Elspeth and the others, they might

get implicated.

Finn, on the other hand, seemed displeased. When he saw Yelena’s eager expression when she waited

for Elspeth, he sneered coldly and remarked, “Stop hoping. Max drank so much last night, and he

couldn’t possibly come here now.”

Hearing that, Yelena lowered her head, and a tinge of disappointment flashed across her eyes.

When Elspeth entered, she saw Yelena sitting on the couch gloomily, wearing a lifeless expression.

“You’re here, Elspeth.”

The moment Yelena saw Elspeth, she dashed to her embrace and began sobbing.

“It’s okay. I know about it. Don’t cry; I will settle it for you.”

Yelena shook her head in response. “My manager just called and told me that if I couldn’t settle this issue

within 3 days, the company would terminate my contract. What should I do now? I don’t even know

where I should start or how I should settle this!”

Every photo that was posted was genuine. Her feelings for Max were genuine too. Apart from the fact

that they weren’t a couple, everything else was real. No explanation could be offered for this.

“Let me ask you, Yelena, did you tell anyone about this?”

“About what?” Yelena was startled.

“Your feelings for Max.”

After some thought, Yelena responded, “I think I did not tell anyone else other than you guys and Finn.”

Hearing that, Elspeth immediately turned to look at Finn.

Finn flew into a rage when he saw Elspeth looking doubtfully at him. “Why are you looking at me? She’s

my sister; I’d never do anything to hurt her!”

Elspeth pouted her lips in response. “I didn’t even say anything. Why are you so agitated?”

“Maybe it was all of you, trying to ruin Yelena’s reputation so that she can never be together with Max.

Given how influential the Winthrop Family is, it makes sense that you all look down on the Sullivan


The moment he said this, Elspeth narrowed her eyes.

Finn… is questionable.

Suddenly, Elspeth’s phone rang, alerting her that she received a message. It was a message from


She glanced at the message and understood what was going on right away.

“Finn, where have you been recently?”

Finn wasn’t bothered by her question. He lit a cigarette, and as the smoke lingered, he put on a thug

persona and answered, “I didn’t go anywhere other than school and here. Why? Are you suspecting me


“Why do you have so many gambling debts then?”

Finn’s expression immediately changed. How did this woman know about my debts?

“And you owe quite a lot. 450 thousand.”

When Elspeth said the precise amount, he panicked.

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“Where did you get this?”

To that, Elspeth casually touched her chin and replied, “That’s not the issue. What matters right now is

that you suddenly have 450 thousand funds transferred to your account today, allowing you to repay all

your debts.”

Though she did not manage to find out where the money came from, the very fact that there had been a

transaction was sufficient to show that something was amiss with Finn.

“What does this have to do with Yelena’s matter now?”

Elspeth gloated over his reaction when she heard that. “Are you still unwilling to acknowledge your

involvement in this?”

Finn knew that Elspeth wasn’t an easy person, and everything she said seemed to be setting traps for

him. Hence, he right away looked at Yelena and asked, “Yelena, do you think that I am involved in this?”

“I… I don’t think so. Finn has always treated me well and has protected me all this while. He would never

do such a thing.”

What a silly girl. Elspeth began to reprimand Yelena in her heart, but the calm smile on her face

remained. “He knows that you think this way. That’s why he took advantage of it to harm you.”

But Yelena still couldn’t believe it. “Is that true?” she looked at Finn and asked.

“Stop listening to her nonsense. It’s impossible…”

Elspeth, however, did not allow him the chance to continue and kept pushing him for an explanation.

“Then, please explain how you got that 450 thousand.”

Finn dodged her gaze, not knowing what to say.

“If I’m not mistaken, the Campbell Family was just a small family up to your father’s generation. They

cannot fork out this much at all. Given that the money came from an unknown private account, Yelena

most likely did not have any knowledge about it as well.”

Yelena nodded, indicating that she indeed did not know anything.

“The most crucial thing is, aside from us, you are the only one who is aware of Yelena’s feelings for Max,

and also the details between them. We have no reason to harm her. That left you the only one who

would do so. You sold her personal details for 450 thousand. Am I right?”

As he listened to her flawless analysis, Finn became flustered and began sweating profusely.