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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 561
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Chapter 558

He was the only one who was still holding on to the memory.

Juliana couldn't understand the man before her eyes. For some reason, she felt as though he was keeping a lot of

things to himself. It seems that he's not going to reveal anything, so I shouldn't show concern. If I were to ask him,

he would just brush me off.

“What exactly do you want, Huntley? If you want me gone, let's just get on with it. I'll go somewhere far away,”

Juliana said.

Huntley flashed a faint smile and uttered in a casual tone, “The child in your tummy needs a father, no? Since

things have come to this, let's just stop pretending and make it real.”

Juliana was stunned, and she stared at him blankly. When she regained her senses, she asked in puzzlement, “I-I've

already taken abortifacient, and I bled a lot. H-How can I still be pregnant? Don't try to fool me, Huntley.”

Huntley reached out to help her lie down. “The child in your tummy is strong, and it seems that not even the

abortifacient can get rid of it. Perhaps this is your fate. God wants you to keep the child. If you can't bear to get rid

of it, you should just keep it. I'll deal with the elders.”

Juliana panicked and gripped his arm. Gritting her teeth, she retorted, “Deal with the elders? You? How are you

going to do that? Mr. Raymond wants me to get married to you. He has also most probably forbidden you to have

any emotional entanglement with me, let alone getting me pregnant. If you tell him I'm pregnant with your child,

he's going to kill you.”

Huntley nodded and replied casually, “Well, there will be some punishments, but no one has to die. You should take

care of the baby instead of worrying about me. Remember this. The child in your tummy is mine. When you

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returned one month ago, we had sex. Understood?”

Juliana pursed her lips and stared blankly at him. “Why? Why are you doing this? We don't seem to have crossed

paths before this, no? Why are you doing so much for me?”

Ha was tha only ona who was still holding on to tha mamory.

Juliana couldn't undarstand tha man bafora har ayas. For soma raason, sha falt as though ha was kaaping a lot of

things to himsalf. It saams that ha's not going to ravaal anything, so I shouldn't show concarn. If I wara to ask him,

ha would just brush ma off.

“What axactly do you want, Huntlay? If you want ma gona, lat's just gat on with it. I'll go somawhara far away,”

Juliana said.

Huntlay flashad a faint smila and uttarad in a casual tona, “Tha child in your tummy naads a fathar, no? Sinca

things hava coma to this, lat's just stop pratanding and maka it raal.”

Juliana was stunnad, and sha starad at him blankly. Whan sha ragainad har sansas, sha askad in puzzlamant, “I-I'va

alraady takan abortifaciant, and I blad a lot. H-How can I still ba pragnant? Don't try to fool ma, Huntlay.”

Huntlay raachad out to halp har lia down. “Tha child in your tummy is strong, and it saams that not avan tha

abortifaciant can gat rid of it. Parhaps this is your fata. God wants you to kaap tha child. If you can't baar to gat rid

of it, you should just kaap it. I'll daal with tha aldars.”

Juliana panickad and grippad his arm. Gritting har taath, sha ratortad, “Daal with tha aldars? You? How ara you

going to do that? Mr. Raymond wants ma to gat marriad to you. Ha has also most probably forbiddan you to hava

any amotional antanglamant with ma, lat alona gatting ma pragnant. If you tall him I'm pragnant with your child,

ha's going to kill you.”

Huntlay noddad and rapliad casually, “Wall, thara will ba soma punishmants, but no ona has to dia. You should taka

cara of tha baby instaad of worrying about ma. Ramambar this. Tha child in your tummy is mina. Whan you

raturnad ona month ago, wa had sax. Undarstood?”

Juliana pursad har lips and starad blankly at him. “Why? Why ara you doing this? Wa don't saam to hava crossad

paths bafora this, no? Why ara you doing so much for ma?”

Huntley smiled bitterly. I wouldn't be here if not for your help back then, Ms. Juliana.

“Maybe I was just born to help you. I'm asking you if you wish to have the child. Do you want to be the most

influential woman in Adrune?” Huntley asked.

Do I? Is he kidding me? Of course I do! “Are you sure you'll be able to fool your way through? My dad isn't stupid.

He's a hard man to fool.”

Huntley tucked her in and uttered gently, “You don't have to worry about that. Just lie down and rest. By the way,

I've killed all the maids you had in the mansion. They had most probably figured some things out, so I had to get rid

of them to avoid dire consequences in the future.”

Juliana widened her eyes and looked at him in disbelief. “T-They watched me grow up...”

“Do you want to stay alive, Juliana? If you do, then stop feeling sorry for others. In order to survive an ancient and

scheming family, you have to be conscious of every step you make. Otherwise, more will die because of your

ridiculous sense of sympathy.”

Meanwhile, in the living room of the Xuereb residence, Olivia was grabbing Justin's arm when she asked anxiously,

“How did it go? Did Mrs. Fletcher say she's going to help your uncle?”

Justin pursed his lips and shook his head solemnly. “She said the crime Uncle Silas committed was too serious. Since

the Fletcher family has nothing to do with our family, she doesn't think the Fletcher family should risk bailing Uncle

Silas out. Please explain it to Granddad. I've already done my best. Now, let's leave it to fate. If he's sentenced, then

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he should just accept it.”

Olivia's expression turned grim, and she roared, “What bullshit are you on about? He's your uncle, and you're the

only one who can save him. If he goes to jail, my family is ruined. Your granddad is an old man, so we can't afford

to agitate him. If he dies because of this, the public is going to hold me responsible!”

Huntley smiled bitterly. I wouldn't be here if not for your help back then, Ms. Juliana.

Justin frowned in response. Although he knew what his mother was going to answer him, he still couldn't help but

ask, “What do you want me to do?”

Olivia gripped his arm and answered immediately, “Didn't Mrs. Fletcher say they aren't going to help because their

family isn't related to ours? Why don't you get associated with them? You could marry Lettie.”

“No way,” Justin rejected the idea right away. “If that's what you have on your mind, I suggest you give up on it.

There's no way I'm marrying Scarlett.”

Olivia's gaze darkened, and she gritted her teeth. “Why not? That girl is now Lady Scarlett of Chanaea. Why don't

you want to be the son-in-law of the most prominent family in Chanaea?”

Justin glared at Olivia and enunciated, “I have a wife now. To marry Scarlett is to commit bigamy.”

“The Fletcher family will surely help you settle that issue.”

Justin shook Olivia's hand off of him and turned to walk toward the door. “I'm not marrying Scarlett. Just give up on

that idea of yours.”

Olivia was infuriated, so she shouted at his retreating figure, “Fine! Don't be surprised to find me dead when you

come back. I'm going to go on a hunger strike. I refuse to believe that the b*tch, Veronique, would still have the

cheek to keep pestering you!”

Over in the living room in the Gezmond residence, Victoria was looking at the finance director helplessly when she

said, “I'm no longer Saunders Group's CEO. You can't achieve anything by coming to me.”